First things first: Check out the new vid -Walk It Out I added to the video column on your right at the top. I lurve it so much.....he he.
Hey folks! I just wanted to mention that this is my 101st post on my blog! Woot! Damn, am I wordy or what? I know this about myself, I consider it one of my weaker traits. I just go on and on and on at times, mostly about nothing at all, but that's ok. Someday I will re-read my posts and hang my head in shame for all of the dull subject matter I forced on you people and when that time comes I will more than likley write a very lenghty blog about just how sorry I am.
Am I rambling again?
Moving on to other possibly boring subjects..... Guess what happens this week? The 5th Harry Potter OOTP movie is playing in theaters!!!! Hey, may be nothing to you, but I'm pumped. Also, guess what occurs next week? The last and final Harry Potter book (Deathly Hallows) is being released!!!!!!!!! Yes, I will be one of those dorks who is standing in line at the HP midnight book release party, as I always have, with my little voucher waiting to be handed a book out of a cardboard box as if it's top secret info from the President himself. I don't know why I couldn't just wait to get my book the next day, but I just cannot. The thought of someone else reading the book and I still don't have my hot little hands on a copy is just too much to bear. Plus, it's always fun to show up and make a little fun of those who act out scenes from the book. Yes I witnessed this once....from adults. I will be staying offline while in the reading process as to avoid any spoilers. There are some freaking speed readers out there just waiting to spill the damn beans. Buggers! Don't worry your heads though, I will be sure to post pics of the crazies I encounter at the bookstore, decked out in their full HP glory. And no, I'm not one of those people, incase you were wondering....
I cannot believe the time has come to read the last tale of Harry and his pals. It has been a great ride. Let me say that I read a lot, as some of you may already know, and of all the books I've read, I believe it is Harry Potter that I have enjoyed most of all. I am so excited, but apprehensive. Will Harry live or die? The prophecy states that "...neither shall live while the other survives..." Take that as you wish, JK Rowling is one smart arse if you must know. She has had readers take that phrase apart a million and one times and we still don't quite get it, but we will find out soon enough. I just hope it isn't a horrible ending. In the last book....
I bawled like a big ole babe. We lil wuss that I am. We all want old Voldy to croak like a toad, but if there is one thing JK never does, it's to make her story predictable, you never know with her, clever that one. We can only hope that this book lives up to all of the years of waiting and wanting answers to so many questions and for Harry for once and for all to have the revenge he, and so many others are entitled. Come next Saturday, many will have the answer to all of these questions....sigh. It's been a long strange trip 'arry.
Yes I've been randomly speaking in a funny Scottish bur. You're not imagining this. I canna help me damn self. I just finished my latest book (see previous post)and if you read 950 pages of this jargin you'd be talking this way too, ya ken? The book was so freakin good. I found myself cluthing it at times out of tension for what was to come. Once, I was so angry at one of the characters, I had the urge to hurl it into the fire and say "burn, burn, burn!" , but I didn't have a fire handy so I just growled a bit and flipped the page. I was so on the edge of my seat I nearly fell off...literally. I think I even did a little nail biting...eww. Gripping, intriguing...I loved it! (Jumping up and down!) I canna wait to read the next in the series- Voyager. I hear it's better than the last. If that book is better than the last I'll damn near piss me pants lad, because that was one bonny of a book.
Allright, allright, the fun stops here. Just make sure the next time you are in a book store check out the HP series and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series....They're grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
well hello there 2015!
9 years ago
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