December 31, 2006

Happy New Year !!!!!

It's New Year's Eve y'all. Come midnight it will be 2007, I can't believe it. When I was young I always thought in the year 2000 we'd all be driving around in space crafts like the Jetson's had. I just drive a minivan. Ha ha! I envisioned us in silver space suits with helmets and cheap flights to the moon. Pretty ridiculous right?

Every New Year's we have went out on the town and partied it up. This New Year's Eve we plan on a nice quiet little party at our house with drinks and music and games. I guess that's what you do when you get older. LOL Plus it saves the frustration of getting a cab. The last 2 years we took a taxi out and it took the cab 2 hours after the party to pick us up. Arg! Needless to say the transportation dept in my town isn't well equipped and aren't the nicest ppl you'll ever meet either. I'm putting it nicely.

For those of you who are safe. No drinkin' and drivin' people.
p.s. call ahead a couple of hours for a cab!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 23, 2006

It's Christmas Eve Eve

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I love Christmas and all, but I feel more stressed out this Christmas than I normally do. Perhaps it has to do with the family. I love them and all but I can only take them in small, infrequent doses. Plus, I always feel so broke this time of year. Having 4 kids is expensive, especially at Christmas time. Maybe this is why so many people get drunk on New Year's...they're washing away their Christmas time blues. I also dread the taking down of the lights and tree. Ugh!
I finally finished my book Outlander. When I wrote the post about the book I was only 500 pages in. (See Outlander post). It was so good I can't even say, but there are some things about the book I forgot to mention such as....the violence. This book is extremely violent in some parts and I'm not typically squeamish, but DANG! What Black Jack Randall does to Jamie toward the end of the book is horrifying and it was really hard to read. I had to set the book down a couple of times to regain my composure. Also there was a lot of sex in the book , some of it violent and also hard to read. You have to read it to know what I'm talking about, but it's terrible too. THat kind of thing happened a lot in the 1700's though and that is what you have to keep in mind while reading. Glad I didn't grow up them. Ha!

Well, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all and I hope everyone gets what they want from Santa.

Peace out!

December 19, 2006

Craigh Na Dun (see Outlander post)

Go and and get ye this book Lads and Lassies

As often as I can I try to make time for a good read. And no I'm not talking about Medical Surgical Nursing either. I'm talking about a great story to get swept up in. Well, I have found it. The book is called Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. ( and I normally don't include my favorite books in my blog, but I felt I must tell you about this one. While shopping at my local book store I came across this book and noticed it was a mother of a book....a little over 800 pages long!!! I had heard from several people that this book was really good, but the size was daunting. (Don't let the size deter you, or the plot description on the's much more than a romance, believe me!!!) Despite all that, I thought I'd get it where it would probably sit on my must read pile like all the others. So, being out of school and having some free time I decided to pick it up and take a gander. I haven't left the book since, except to tend to such things like eating and the occasional trip to the toilet. I know my family is about to go crazy, but I just can't put it down. It's been a long time since I have been this submerged in a book. This is the 1st of Mrs. Gabaldon's novels I have read and it won't be the last considering this is the 1st book of a series and judging by the reviews the entire series is fantastic. Let me just say that this book isn't just a story, it's an epic adventure full of romance, humor, passion, action, adventure, mystery, danger, magic and intrigue. How she pulled all of this off in one book is incredible. You will be spellbound from beginning to end and taken on a journey through the Scottish highlands seen through the eyes of Claire the heroine. Not one page is boring and not for a minute can I put the book down. This book is for men and women alike. Yes it has a lot of romance and some hot sex scenes, but it's so much more than that. It's perfectly balanced and written in the most honest way possible.

Ok, so here is the synopsis: Claire Beauchamp Randall was a British combat nurse ( go figure eh?) in the 1940's during World War II. The story picks up at the end of the war where Claire and her husband Frank are reunited after a 6 year long separation. Married in Scotland and separated shortly after, Frank , a history professor, was shipped off to war and Claire was left to nurse the sick and injured. They meet up once again for a second honeymoon back in Inverness, Scotland (the site of their marriage)to rekindle their burning flames and so that Frank can do a little family history research of his late descendants/ancestors. He makes a big discovery and finds that his great, great, great... (realllly great) grandfather was a captain of the British army in and around 1740's and he had a reputation of being somewhat of a dictator. Claire, being uninterested and bored by his research spends her days milling around the rolling green hills of Scotland collecting different plants and flowers for her own botany research (she's interested in the plant's healing powers). (Sounds boring? Well It isn't ...keep reading) She stumbles upon a great fairy hill and nestled at the top is a miniature'esque Stonehenge called Craigh na Dun. Fascinated, she tells Frank and they decided to venture up the hill on the next day. While upon the hill they discover some visitors. Frank recognizing them as Local "witches" coming to do some kind of ritual, hides himself and Claire so they can watch the ceremony without disturbing them. The women do some chanting in some native tongue and they leave. Frank surveys the site and can find no signs of anything different and they decide to go. On their way out Claire discovers a rare flower she'd read about and decides to come back later to get it. Later that evening as Claire is preparing for bed and Frank's return, the weather takes a turn for the worse with the wind picking up and the rain pouring down. Frank is walking up to the B&B where they are lodged and notices a man in full on kilt and everything standing outside staring up at Claire's window watching her. He asks the man if he can assist him in any way , the man walks away without a word and Frank notices despite the wind and rain the man's kilt and hair never moves and Frank swears the man dissapeared like a ghost. He gently questions Claire assuming for a moment that while they were apart she took a lover and she becomes immediately defensive that he would ask such a thing. Moving on....the next day Claire ventures back to the fairy hill in search of the flower. Moving between the stones she suddenly hears a loud noise such as shouting, buzzing, sounds of war as she's heard them before. Feeling odd sensations as though she's fighting an invisible force she finds herself on the same hill, in the same place but it's different. There is shouting and shooting and fighting. Claire witnesses men in red coats and men in kilts of a different time period and assumes she bumped her head or is on the set of a movie which she quickly finds out she is not when she is captured and almost raped by none other than Captain "Black Jack" Randall, realllly great grandfather to her husband Frank. Terrified and confused Claire struggles for her life and just when Jack Randall is about to have his way with her he's hit over the head and Claire is saved and captured once again and led off on horseback by none other than a real Scottish Highlander. This is where the story actually takes off and begins.

Claire finds herself in a real life castle surrounded by dirty, huge Scottish brogues and this is when she meets Jamie. (Sigh!) Sitting by a fire nursing a badly cut shoulder wounded from battle Claire sees Jamie and recognizes instantly that if she doesn't help him clean the wound it will become infected quickly and he could possibly lose his life. Watching some of the other men try and clean Jamie's wound with soiled rags Claire steps in and offers to clean and stitch his wound. Claire instantly notices Jamie's body is covered in scars and that his back looks as though it's been thrashed sometime in the past. Badly scarred and looking horrifyingly painful Claire makes no mention so as not to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. The men immediately recognize Claire as an asset, a healer and quite a bonny (pretty) one too. They are also more genteel than the English soldiers and realize she could be in danger if found by them again. They also realize she may be a threat as well because they recognize her accent as Sassenach (Outlander/English) and think she might be a spy of some kind. They decide to take her along on their long journey back to the Leoch (the home of the Mackenzie clan) so they can keep a close eye on her and to also let Laird Mackenzie (Colum) decide what to do with her. On the run from the English soldiers and other enemies of the Mackenzie clan they begin their long journey back to Leoch traveling in the shadows in constant fear of danger. Jamie MacKenzie Fraser is told to take Claire on his charge for the journey and to keep her safe. Along the ride Claire gets to know a little about Jamie and recognizes that he is as friendly as he is handsome. He thanks her for the mending of his shoulder and vows to keep her safe on their way to Castle Leoch. The friendship is instant, but also distant as there is a lot that Jamie doesn't know about Claire and a lot that he keeps from her as well. Throughout this trip to Leoch Claire does a lot of thinking and comes to the conclusion that some way she will escape and find her way back to Craigh na Dun so that she can somehow get out of there and get back home to Frank, but she will wait until the time is right and hopes that maybe the Laird of Leoch will help her get back. Deciding to keep her "secret" to herself she feels a little better knowing she has a plan. In the meantime finding a friend and protector in Jamie helps her ease her fears and take her mind off of her bizarre and frightening situation for the time being. Once they arrive at Leoch is when the story takes off and flourishes. Claire is welcomed at Leoch as a guest but is watched closely by the Clan upon orders of the Laird. And thus the story begins and no I haven't given anything away, but let me say that the love that develops between Claire and Jamie is real and pure and without those (whatever!) moments. There will never be two characters like Jamie and Claire again. They've made an impression on my heart forever. In fact, every character in this book is so meaty and rich that you feel as if you know them and you keep turning the pages to find out what happens with them next. As the story goes on Claire and Jaime discover that they are a part of one soul and this leaves Claire with all the what if questions and forces her to face herself and her future plans. It's interesting to see them on this journey through time travel and space. I don't mean to go on and on, but you must read it to become as engaged as I am, believe's worth it and will never be lent out to anyone!

December 15, 2006

You either love it or hate it

You know how when you go on My Space to visit a friend's site and before you know it hours have passed and you've looked up everyone you've ever known and more likely than not they're on there? I love looking up the ex's. They're the most fun to look up because it helps you remember why you aren't with them anymore. I once dated a guy who refurbished Volkswagen Vans for a living. He still does it, I'm sure it's a very lucrative career. I remember our break up like it was yesterday. Everything was fine then BAM, no phone calls, no nothing and we were together for a
couple of years. He was out of my life as quick as he entered it. I had heard he joined a commune somewhere and is living off the land. I saw him about a year ago and he was hitting on me...the nerve of some people. It felt great to turn my back and walk away and never turn back. I also saw a lot of people I went to high school with.
Most of them haven't changed a bit. That is why I don't go to reunions. I have several friends from high school that I still speak to regularly. Why do I want to go to a reunion to see people I didn't like back then? Maybe I'll attend my 20th, we'll see.

As I was reading many of the My Space pages I noticed a lot of them had their likes and dislikes and I thought..hey what a great idea so I'm going to post mine. Ok....where to begin...let's start with the positive shall we?

What I like:
Getting hugs from my kids
Falling in love
Reading a fantastic book
Laughing till I cry
Deep conversation
Laying in the sun
People who are chill
Being alone
FLowers...especially daisies, orchids and lilacs
Seeing my kids smile
Passionate people
Peter Gabriel's song In Your Eyes
The Allman Brother's Soulshine (obviously)
Passing nursing school
Open minds
Road trips
Warm towels
Clean sheets
A fridge full of food
Teaching my children
A voice full of soul
Rainy days
Tie Dying t-shirts
A good cry
Hearing my husband's voice
Good manners
A great photograph
Connecting with my spirit
Meeting new people
Traveling to places I haven't been
Intelligent people
Cozy fires
Hot baths
Being silent
My groovy music
Dancing to my groovy music
Caring for others
The colors white, blue, green and brown
A great kiss
Heartfelt moments
Being silly
Laughing at myself
Talking on the phone with friends
Learning new things
Feeling young and alive
Having money in my pocket
Shopping without guilt
Reading gossip mags
Looking into someones eyes and knowing they love you

Things I hate:
Rude people
People who make fun of the disabled or mentally challenged (GRRRR)
When one of my son's are sick
Chewing with your mouth open
Getting bad grades when I studied
The colors orange, hot pink and mustard
Closed minds
Drunken stupid people
Being broke
People who can't drive
Feeling stuck
People who want you to listen to their beliefs but won't listen to yours
People who are uptight
Movies about Satan
Feeling sick and tired
Being alone
Plane crashes
Anything with ketchup on it
The sound of a ringing phone
Bills in the mailbox
Dirty dishes
Cave crickets
The end of a good book
Getting older
Feeling older
Not being good enough
Not getting enough sleep
Feeling hopeless
Not being heard
Not feeling validated
Punishing my kids
Marilyn Manson
Potty training
Being misunderstood
Waiting a week for my favorite show
Checking my email
Sending email
Dirty teeth
Feeling fat
Having buyers remorse
Feeling neglected
Bill O'Reilly
Paris Hilton
An empty fridge
and finally...I hate hate

December 13, 2006

Two Down, Two to Go

Well....nursing 202 is complete....CHECK! I'm officially half a nurse. How about that! As we go through this little thing called nursing school we learn that we live one moment, one test and one skill at a time. Every thing is an accomplishment that means we're on to the next accomplishment that gets us to the end of the semester. I missed 9 out of 80 questions on the final exam making an 88% , which is a B and I made an 87% (B) total for the semester...not bad if I do say so myself. Only two people out of 30 made A's in the class. They must have photographic memories or something. I think's it's almost impossible to make an A in nursing and if you do then right on!!!!!! Congrats Michelle and rock sistas!!!!!! I wish I were one of those people who remembered everything that was said to me. I have a terrible memory. I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, much less hours of lecture. Oh well....this is the brain God gave me...ha!

This past weekend was pretty much a nightmare. Everyone in my family had some kind of ailment and I had my final exam on Monday. I was stressing out big time. My youngest son was admitted into the hospital for dehydration. He had the terrible stomach virus for the second time since November SIGH! Bless his heart, he's better now and we're all still recovering, but getting there. My exam was 11:00 on Monday so I got to school at about 8:30 to try and study in some peace. As I sat in my car chugging my coffee, trying to wake up from being up all night nursing my kids back to health, I began to panic. I was reading all the material and it just wasn't sticking. My breathing became rapid and I couldn't gather my thoughts. My mouth was tingling so I automatically thought I was hypocalcemic and was experiencing tetany. LOL But then my rational mind told me I was hyperventilating. I tried my deep breathing and the more I did that the more panicked I became. Since when did I become so anxious about tests? I began to have test anxiety when I started nursing school, but this was the worst case I've ever had. I started feeling clostrophobic so I got out of the car and decided to go inside and find a quiet place to hide and gather myself. When I walk in the door I see one of my teachers doing some kind of relaxation therapy with a couple of other students and heard others talking about feeling like hurling. This did nothing to calm my own nerves. I ran into one of my first semester teachers Michelle and she must have noticed the panic on my face and began guiding me back to my happy place. She talked to me and helped me calm down and it really eased my mind and I owe her. God bless ya Michelle! I'm just glad it's over.

It's funny, when I would go to clinical and talk to the nurses about nursing school all they would say was...."it was difficult". They wouldn't say anything else. Maybe they blocked it out of their minds never to be thought about again and I can see why. I'm not trying to be a whiner or complainer, but this is the most challenging time of my life. If it weren't for my family and my nursing school buddies I don't think I could have made it this far. I'm glad it's over....until January anyway.

I am going to relax and spend a lot of time with my kids until I go back to school. Relax and re-energize....that's my goal.

Until next time.....

December 10, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The time has come

It's the end of second semester and I couldn't be happier. This semester has been I'm studying for my final (comprehensive) exam and looking back on all we've done and I'm amazed at the amount of material we have learned. IV's, Trach care, NG tube, Central line dressing, blood administration, cardio, respiratory, ortho, lower GI, endocrine, diabetes and on and on and on. This semester was difficult, but I believe I'm coming away with a B. I'm fine with that. Getting an A in nursing school is incredible hard so I'll settle with my B thank you very much. Our final is tomorrow and I'm so tired of studying I thought I'd catch up on my blog. Tomorrow is the last day of school !! WOOT! Well, at least until January 18th...waaaaaaaaaahhh!!! :-( I'm going to get caught up on my housework. Lord knows it needs some deep cleaning. I'm going to spend time with my family and just enjoy the holidays and my free time. Next semester will be the most challenging yet. Not only will I be in NSG 203 (OMG!) I'll also be taking Medical Micro. Here is what my schedule looks like:

Monday: 10:20-12:20 Nsg Lecture
1:00- 4:00 Micro Lecture
Tuesday: no school

Wednesday: 10:20-12:20 NSG lab
1:00 - 4:15 Micro Lec and Lab
Thursday : 6:30-4:30 clinical
Friday: 10:20- 12:20 NSG Lecture

I wanted the Tuesday off in between my crazy Mon/Wed schedule. I hope this is something I can's going to be hard doing both, but hey I took A&P I with 1st semester and I did fine so we'll see. One good skills in NSG 203...yay!
Next semester out clinical is on the neuro and renal floors. Should be interesting...I hope. It seemed like yesterday when I was beginning 1st semester, I was all skeered and anxious...he he he. Now I'm a pro and I see the little freshman come in looking scared and hopeful and I can't help but smile. They have no idea what's coming at them. I still think 1st semester is the hardest so far, only because it's new and you're trying to get organized and use to the grind. 2nd semester was definitely hard, the material was harder for sure, but 1st semester has all the Nurse Ratchet teachers...glad I don't have them anymore. Well guys, I hope all my fellow nursing students did well this semester and for those who are just about ready to begin let me give you some valuable advice.... don't get behind, manage your time, try to take deep will be over soon and one other thing, enjoy it, you'll never have an experience like this again!
Peace for now...

November 13, 2006

Operating Room AKA for Gross!

I had to do my OR (operating room) rotation/observation last Thursday. I'll be honest and tell you it isn't something I was looking forward to. I'm not a big fan of surgery and all that that entails. I could care less and live happily ever after if I didn't get to sit in on a kidney transplant. I'm not a surgery junkie like some of my classmates. So we get there at like .....early in the morning....and we stand in the hall awaiting our nurse to tell us which surgery to go in first. The first one I went in was a breast reduction. The doctor (plastic surgeon) was an asshole, the anesthesiologist was a perv and the nurses were all hating on eachother. Just my 'observation'. It was a really pleasent room to be in...let me tell ya. There are a lot of horrors I witnessed that day, but I'll spare you because I don't think many people would believe it, I can barealy believe it myself. Anyway so the pt needed to be catheterized and the surgeon points at me and says "Shouldn't she be doing it? She's the student." Fine, no problem, this is the only skill I ever failed (then passed the second time) and I haven't even practiced it since last semester, but fine I'll do it. So the surgeon is standing there watching with his arms folded over his chest mind you (he loved trying his hardest to intimidate me that day). As if I wasn't nervous enough right? I get the kit open and do everything I'm supposed to and when I (pardon) spread the labia, I'm having a hard time finding the ...hole. I finally found it and inserted it and everything went fine....besides the fact that I felt I fumbled a lot. There's a first time for everything right? SO the surgeon says in a creepy voice... "Did you find the hole?" UGH! GROSS! ICK! WEIRDO! He was seriously giving me the creepy/pervy/jerky vibe all day.

I sort of stood back during the beginning because I've never seen someone cut open before with my own two little eyes and I wasn't sure how I'd react. I was ok, but every now and then he'd use a little thing to burn the skin and the smell was really bad. It smelled just like burned hair, because hair is, well, skin. I leanred that in anatomy. Ok so he cuts open the breast, removes the nipple (that part made me hurt). It took him 2 hours to remove 15 lbs of fat from the left breast. When he was finished sewing the breast back together he looked at the nurse, put out his hand and said and I quote... "Nipple". Not scalpel, not retractors, but nipple. Bejeezuz. It just sounded so foreign. Oh and yes it is true what you hear about surgeons listening to music while they work. The surgeon had his Ipod in there and kept screaming at the nurse to change the song. ie: "CHANGE IT, TOO LOUD, HATE IT!) What an arse.

Ok, so I'd had enough of "Dr. 90210" and decided to move on to something else. I was in on a hernia repair and a cyst removal on this one poor fella. The cyst was intact and it looked like an was wild how he brougt it out right from under the It was quick, and pretty interesting and the doctor was kinda pleasant. He really wanted me to get a good look and instructed me where to stand and stuff. The anesthesiologist was pretty cool too and kept asking me if I was comfortable. He asked me about school and the instructors, because he'd also went to my school, he asked me if I liked surgery etc... I guess he was trying to distract me from the horror of which I was about to see, but little did he know I'd just seen someone open up a breast, cut a nipple off and sew it back on. Classic first day.

So the nurse comes up to me and asks if myself and the other student who was with me if we'd like to see an AKA. I always thought AKA meant incognito or in other words. So she explains there is a pt who is having an above the knee amputation. Oh no, nuh uh, count me out lady. I can see a breast sliced, an abdomen hang wide open but to see an amputation..hell to the naw! My friend of course says yes because she loves all that gorry crap. Finally and after much persuasion I say OK! ARG!!! So I plant myself behind the nurse on a chair so I can't see a thing. I can see a little in between her and the surg tech and that's all I care to see. It isn't the cutting part, obviously I've watched that all's the removal part. Kinda like the M & M's you see it, now you don't and I didn't want to see anything NOT there anymore. Just weird! So they're dancing around and singing and talking about trivial stuff while I'm thinking that this poor person is having their leg amputated (already had one amputated) and will never walk again. Sad! SO the time comes to cut through the bone. Wow the femur really is as big as they say! The siatic nerve is huge too, it's as big around as a coaxe cable and it's white....that was really cool to see. The doc asks for the saw, I think it's called a bodey or a body or something. So the curiosity got the best of me and I watched a little of him cutting through. It really is like you see in the movies....blood and bone was going everywhere. So it was done...removed. Horror! I didn't want to see them take the leg away so I turned my head and low and be-friggin-hold the nurse had the leg in her hot little hands, turned around and dumped it in a biohazard bag.....RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!! I saw it...the whole thing go in the garbage. Just like that...there goes a leg. I'm forever haunted by that and will never eat a chiken leg again.

All in all it was an experience. Can't say it's something I'd like to do for a living. One reason is because I couldn't handle standing on my feet all day the way those in surgery do. My feet and back were killing me bu the end of the day. Seeing that AKA was something I didn't expect, perhaps if I did expect it I wouldn't have gone in and it is BY FAR the coolest surgery that any of my classmates have seen so that felt kinda good too. Oh and I forgot to mention that I got to intubate someone...very groovy.

I did pass my central line dressing skill...glad that's over. Now we have one more skill...NG insertion. We have 3 more tests....G.I., Endocrine and the Final exam. Seems like a lot in the next 3 weeks huh? I thought so too.

Until next time....

November 8, 2006

3 and a half weeks left!!!

Because of all my ranting and raving about Kevin Federline and President Bush I forgot to mention nursing school. Ok, so we're going over G. I. right now and we have our test over it next Friday, the 18th. This Friday....the 11th I have my central line dressing skill. Wish me luck y'all.

p.s the countdown is on....less than a month before second semester is over. Shew! It's be challenging, but doable and I'm more than ready for it to be over. I am not ready for 3rd semester so I am going to soak up every day I'm out of school. I'm really going to take advantage of my time off and be a bum for a while and I can't wait. I can't wait until Christmas. I love the music, the atmosphere, the shopping, the food. I love it all!!!! (Just don't love spending the money if ya know what I'm sayin'). Hope all of my fello nursing peeps out there have done well this semester and are ready for it to be over as I am. LOL!

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is my sanity back, my sanity back, my sanity back. Can't wait for you to visit. Will leave the cookies and milk by the fire.
Peace out!
Christy (yes, the same one who also wanted an Audi last year. Please don't dissapoint me again. )

Donkies, Elephants and Fed EX, Oh My!

Haven't we all dated someone or perhaps even married someone who was really wrong for us, and our friends and family tried to warn us? Did we listen? NoOOoooOOOOooo! Apparently Britney didn't either...UNTIL NOW!!! Well, hot damn, hallelujah! Britney Spears has finally left Kevin Federline!!! Yippy Skippy! We all saw it coming though didn't we? She had the baby, he's partying in Vegas with his friends, she's at home with the kids, he's out with his homies. C'mon K Fed, you didn't really think you could mooch off of Britney forever did you? He made me so sick. It was so apparent he used her for her money...what a phoney! I am so happy she dumped that loser so she can go back to being the Britney we all know and love. His album came onto the Billboard charts at #151. I know this sounds horrible to find glee in the fact that someone is getting a divorce, it's very sad for the kids, but don't you think they'll be better off? I mean it seemed as though she's raising them alone anyway. Yes, it will be hard for Brit because, well he was her husband, (SIGH)but she'll get over it like we all have before and finally find someone who is worthy of her. Let's hope this isn't a publicity stunt. My theory is she waited until his album was realeased to break the big news so that atleast he'd have some kind of income and she wasn't leaving him out in the cold. Don't give in deserve better girl, we all know it and are glad you finally came to your senses. Wonder what K Fed will have to say about all this during his upcoming appearances to pimp his album. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................

If you go over to you can check out the actual video of K Fed finding out he was soon to be the ex Mr. Spears. Unfortunately he finds out via text message, oops! Guess little Britney didn't let him onto this fact. Also glad she has an air tight pre-nup because this dude seems like a money grubbing BLEEP! Sometimes it's better that way....while they're away and out of the house. Change the locks Brit! Can't wait to see you back to your normal self.

Onto other, and possibly more important, news. The democratic party has kinda taken back congress and I luuurv it! My husband feels quite the opposite, but that it his problem now isn't it? Ha....just kidding. Seriously though, it is really hard being a democrat living with a die hard republican. Come to think of it, I don't know how this little oversight didn't rear it's ugly head until 5 years later. Where is Britney's mom when you need her? Just kidding again. I'm having a hard time coping with this war. The more I hear and see, the more I am frightened. Also, the more I hear and see, the less I know what to believe. The media has undoubtably manipulated us to believe one thing or another. Fox news for instance....Bill O'Reilly...that's all I have to say about that. I want to know what's really going on. I want facts, truth and justice. I mean...isn't that the American way? Isn't that what our country was founded on? I want to know what news channel and what newspaper is reputable and credible, but how are you to know, how does anyone 'really' know?

People....our President has lied to us. If the President of the United States of America can lie...then who can we trust? Well, as the coin says....God. Isn't he the only trustworthy one? I believe so.

Ok so I'm drifting off....I just think the world has gone crazy and having the race turn towards democrats atleast gives me some hope for our future. Now...if we could just get Borack Obama to run for prez all will be right with the world again. Let's hope and pray we can come out of this war with as few injured and dead men and women as possible and move forward. God bless to all the troops and their families.


November 6, 2006

Trick -or- Tweak

So... it's been like forever since I've posted and a lot has happened. We had our cardio I exam and I made a B, then we had our cardio II exam and I made a B again. We had our second math exam and guess what I made? Yet another B. B...B...B... What can I say..I'm just average. Needless to say I think for NSG 202 I'll come out with a B. I don't ever see myself getting an A in any nursing class and that's ok with me. I don't know how your program is set up, but ours is one big ol' class. We don't have separate grades for pharmacology and etc...ours is all on one test and that's that. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I think the last skill we had was trach care and suctioning. I passed both...shew! Our next skill, which is on Friday is central line dressing. It should be a piece of cake. I mean how hard can it be to remove and apply a dressing right?

In case you're wondering... that is me pictured on this post. I thought the picture was cool so I posted it. I usually hate...I mean hate photos of myself, which is why I never have any...this is the rare exception. I need photoshop. You know those celebrities don't look like they do in real life like they do in their pictures don't you? If you don't believe me there are several websites dedicated to before and after photos so google them and check em out. When I'm feeling really down and ugly I always look at their before pictures. It makes me feel better to know they are just like everyone else... Us! Wrinkled, blemished, imperfect. Hooray! For a while I thought they were aliens from some celestial planet where everyone had perfect skin and hair. Whatever.

I hope you had a good Halloween. It was cold here, but it was good. Nothing like getting candy to make you feel good. It's really odd though when you think about it. Knocking on strangers doors and begging for candy. Actually I had a lady, I think that's what she was because honestly it was a little hard to tell if she was a she or a he. Anyway, they asked me for money so she/he could get their diabetic medicine. Now, normally I'm a charitable kinda gal. I don't judge and I'm not a hater, but when someome comes and knocks on you door and is looking all paranoid, and acting really peculiar my first thought isn't that they need money for some insulin...if you know what I mean. This was on Halloween by the way, in the middle of the day when I was alone, which made it all the more odd and creepy. I didn't know if it was trick-or-treat or trick-or-tweak, cause this person was surely on somethin', I don't know what, but it wasn't good. I didn't give her any money, for one I had none, two I wouldn't do it anyway. When I told her I didn't have any and perhaps she should try the local health department she had the nerve to give me a dirty look. How rude! Needless to say, I was a little freaked out and kept my door locked until the kiddies came out later that night.

Jim Morrison was right...people are strange. Everyday I encounter some weird person. I live very near to a public park and let me tell you all the freaks come out at night. Tree huggers...literally, 16 and 60 year old pot smokers, 13 year old kids on their bikes at 10 pm with babies on their laps, one weird man who stares at the kids all day...I got my eye on him, people having affairs and oh believe me you can tell who they are. They act just as paranoid as the crack head who came to my door. (NO JUDGEMENT!) There is just always some strange walkin' around. My husband and I treat it as entertainment. Some of them come around like clockwork. "Come on honey, it's almost 11. Tree huggin' Mary should be on her way." He he he.

Grey's Anatomy was awesome this week. I'm beginning to love Alex more and more. I thought it was so funny how he was standing in the window eating that apple eaves dropping on Callie and McSteamy's conversation. His face just cracked me up! Will Bailey figure Christina out and what will she do? She knows what happened the last time she caught one of her interns doing the unethical on the job (Izzie and love) now she'll be forced to out Christina...or won't she??? Hmmmm.....this will make for some interesting television. I feel sorry for Bailey right now. Thinking that everyone thinks she's an incompitent doctor because of what happened with Izzie. Surely she can't let yet another intern get away with "murder" will she? Bailey knows now after she saw Christina writing on Burke's surgery board. So she's forced to make a decision. Shame on Dr. Burke for letting Bailey believe he didn't want her in his surgery. Shame, shame!! Shame on Burke for allowing Christina to cover for him to save his own ass. Frankly, after what he did to McDreamy (grabbing him by the neck) in real life and how he outed George in real life (calling him a f*g) I just don't like his character anymore. Pbbbblllllllltttt on him!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOO on Isaiah Washington AKA Dr. Burke!!! He's still hot though, can't change that. I think he'll kill someone because his hand isn't right and he'll be booted for using an intern to perform his surgeries and then ABC can write him off the show. Good riddance...sorry to all those Burke fans out there.

Poor little Izzie feeling all left out. I'm dying to know what she's going to do with all of that money. It had to be hard for her to have Merideth as her boss and for Merideth to be so bossy made it even worse. Yes Merideth was given a watch over Izzie..BUT...Merideth is her friend and her roomate and so what if she talked to a patient...who's going to tell? If Mer is a good friend she'll let some things slide and not be so suck upy. Is that a word? No it's not, but it is now. ;-)

George...he just wasn't ready to "catch" Callie even thought he was chasing her was he? Poor George. That's all I can say. He just doesn't know what he wants. Ham and eggs George, Ham and eggs!! Are you the chicken or the pig?

I knew that Alex was going to love the Gynie Squad. I think he'd make an awesome baby doctor...awww.

I think McDreamy made the right move about taking some time. He really needs it. His sister really was McBitchy too. I love how he told her about Addison and he told her to finish her dinner and shut up....basically. LOL. Loved it!!!!!!!!

Well..I'll try not to wait so long to post next time. As if you all are waiting with bated breath right?

Till' next time.......Peace, love and happy nursing.

October 15, 2006

Ghost Hunters

One of my favorite shows is Ghost Hunters which airs on the Sci Fi network on Wednesday nights. I absolutlely LUV it. For those of you who don't watch, it's a "reality" show that follows a group of investigators from New England trying to "debunk" hauntings. What I love about this show is that it isn't all cheesy like that other haunted show where some become posessed and all of that other fake malarchy. These guys are ligit, they're trying to disprove that places are haunted and most of the time they do disprove it and find other reasons for the supposed sights, sounds, smells etc... A lot of the time, they don't find it isn't haunted and those shows and their evidence is proven and legitimate. It's awesome. The 2 main investigators Jason and Grant who formed TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) began their ghost hunting investigations because of separate unexplained experiences they had of their own. They're both best friends who work for Roto Rooter as plummers so they use that expertise to debunk a lot of investigations that are caused by gas leaks and pipe issues that I don't know anything about. Ha. The show is aweome and I think anyone who likes paranormal things like I do will love this show. One of the shows that sent chills up my spine was the lighthouse show in St. Augustime Florida. You can actually hear a woman's voice say "help me" and you can see an apparition lean over the's wild. On Halloween theyre having a 6 hour live broadcast in the real Shining Hotel which is said to be haunted. They've been there before and it is really creepy. So check it out. The show is also funny because of the chemistry between the investigators and you get to know a little about their lives. So watch and enjoy. I'll be posting my thoughts on the show on Thursdays. You can see a lot of video footage from the show on the sci fi networks's website and at the official TAPS site.

October 13, 2006

Peace out Denny Duquette

I watched Grey's Anatomy last night and had to comment on it. First of all what's with the story that Dr. Burke grabbed Dr. McDreamy by the real life on the set? That is seriously dissapointing. I hope this doesn't cause either of them to quit, that would really suck.

I thought last night's show was great. It felt like our old Grey's. My favorite moments...Merideth being drugged up on Morphine embarassing George, poor George. I'm glad he and Callie are calling it quits though...he just doesn't love her. You can't make someone love you Callie!!!! Merideth saying she had all her boyfriends in the room. Ha ha ha. That was cute. I was so sad to hear Denny's voice again. I just loved him so much and when she opened that envelope with that check for 8.7 million dollars I about died! I was starting to get really angry though when his dad implied she was only after his money. GRR! But all was well with that in the end. Who could be a more perfect man than Denny? No one...that's why I'm still mad he's off the show. Moments I didn't like....Derrick telling Merideth he was letting her go. After all of that you're letting her go to be with the better guy? Yes, it's probably what he should do because it's the right thing, but make up your damn mind! Then Merideth let Finn AKA McVet go because she knew in her heart she woulnd't ever feel the way about him that she does about Dr. Sheppard. Sigh! Goodbye was fun while it lasted. Now what? Merideth and Derrick go back to the loving looks across the room, the hospital bed trysts, the flirty back and forth banter? I hope they take this is a good direction because we're ready for some changes. What's with McCocky McSteamy? Is he arrogant or what? I was kinda mad that he treated Alex like that, even though I always thought Alex was the most arrogant of all the interns. McSteamy is definately the cockiest of all. I'm tellin' ya, Alex is going to give up the plastics and go for the va-jay-jays...I know it. I wonder if he and Addison will hook up. Hmm....speaking of our dear Addy...I thought it was cute how Addison took up for Merideth and as soon as she told him (Sheppard)not to hurt Mer he waltzes in and does exactly that. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! McSteamy and Callie hook-up...totally unexpected, but what is expected on this show? I'd like to see how that plays out. Is she going to become all obsessed with him too? I can't wait to see Izzy back on the floor. She needs to be there because that's where she belongs. Now that Derrick gave up Merideth I think the show will get interesting. I can't wait to see how it unfolds. Until next week....

I know what's going on inside my you?

It seems like forever since I've written a post. First of all..I passed my trach care and suctioning skill with no problems. Surprisingly, a lot of people didn't pass that skill. I think one of the main problems was their elbows roamed over their sterile fields while they were laying the drape down. For those of you who know what I'm talking about...don't you hate those sterile drapes? It's never laying in the box with a perfect corner to pick up. You're always left to feel you're playing that fun childhood game Operation. You just know the moment you touch it in the wrong way a buzzer is going to go off... BAAAAHHHH ... and you're doomed. Not to mention while you're taking it out and preparing to lay it down in just the right fashion you have to be concious not to let you arms or elbows cross over that kit. What a nightmare. This is why I would never make a good surgical tech...I'm a hand talker, I'd have everything so contaminated I'd get kicked out of the OR.

I'm on fall break this week... yay, but it's almost! We have our cardio test on Wednesday and I made a plan to study all week long and strive for an A. Did I study all week? I decided last Friday I'd atleast give myself the weekend off, that's fair right? Monday came and I decided I'd begin on Tuesday. Tuesday came and my family started to hound me..."aren't you going to study?" So FINALLY on Wednesday I began and I wish I'd started on Monday. Oh well, can't turn back time.

This next test is going to be a booger. It is the first cardio test of 2. It covers the basic anatomy and blood flow of the heart (wish I'd paid more attention in A&P), then it moves on the how the signals travel (sa node, av node, bundle of HIS, purkinge fibers etc...), then diastole, systole, preload, afterload, meds, blood pressure, EKG interpretations and so on and on and on and on and on. I'm diggin' this EKG interpretation business. It's so very cool. Things are kind of starting to come together as far as how our cells work then onto more of the body functions. I feel things clicking around in my little brain, but not quite yet ready to put it all in an orderly fashion. Someday maybe, someday. I was talking to a classmate/friend and we were talking about the NaK pump (that's sodium and potassium for all you regular folk) and how the meds have an effect on it and how fluids and electrolytes have effects on our cells and we started to actually sound like we knew what we were talking about for a moment. I think I'm going to have a t-shirt that says...I know what's going on inside my you? Ha! Let's just hope I pass this test.

There are only 7 more weeks left in this semester. I think we only have a couple more skills left too. Woo hoo! I can't believe that this time next year I'll be preparing for graduation and once that day is over I won't ever have school work again. I can't imagine my life without studying and school work. It's going to feel so foreign, but oh sooo good. BUT that is far away and after this semester is complete I'll beginning 3rd semester. I hear 3rd semester is the hardest of them all. One thing is... we don't have any skills at all. Right on. On the flip side we have more tests. I've heard it's something like one a week. Bugger! I also have to take medical micro along with next semester. May the good Lord help and keep me during that difficult time.

Speaking of our trach skills I must tell this story no matter how utterly humiliated and embarassed I feel about it because it's going to go down in the quote book hall of fame by being the stupidest thing ever done....EVER! Please understand that this was perhaps the biggest brain fart moment of my life...try not to judge. it was two Wednesdays ago, (the same day we got checked off on trach skills), the night before clinical, and I was writing a paper/speech about diabetes I had to give the next day at clinical. My friend/classmate calls and asks if I got the patient assignments for the next day, I told her I did. I noticed her pt had a stoma from a trach, but no appliance and she was on a soft diet... applesauce, jello etc... So she asks me....if I feed her that applesauce will it come out her stoma? I was like....oh my gosh, I don't know!!! And we started to laugh hysterically, one reason is because we were both exausted and delerious, which made us giddy as all get out, another was because we truly didn't know the answer to this and we got a mental picture of this happening and what would she do if it did? SO I tell'd better look that up on the internet because you definately don't want to ask Nurse Instructor Intimidator, she'll think you're crazy. So we finally caught our breath enough to say goodbye and get off the phone. My husband comes upstairs and asks me what in the world is so funny because I was crying at this point. I told him, he didn't get it and off he went. About that time , still in my delerious, don't even know what I'm even laughing at at this point but just can't stop state, someone knocks on my door. I answer it and there stands a lady all decked out in her blue scrubs with a name badge on from the hospital where I do my clinical rotation. Her name says Christy...RN. Funny thing is, my name is Christy too. My first thought at seeing her is ....who told you? I'm so glad you're here..I need your help. LMAO! I have no idea who she is, but she's looking for her son, who happened to be at the neighbors house. I introduce myself, tell her my name is also Christy and I'm in nursing school. (She also says she's my neighbor and we exchange pleasentries.) I thought it was ironic, judging by the look on her face, it wasn't and I'd done lost my mind, because I was giggling for no reason at all. Now that I think of it, she probably thought I was laughing at her or something. SO she leaves to go to the neighbors in search of her kid and in the meantime my husband comes upstairs and askd who it was, I explain and he says...well why don't you go ask her that question, she's a nurse, she'll know. I say...great idea. Bad mistake....bad, bad mistake. So I trot outside, for some reason I had my cell phone in my hand, and I yell at Christy to come over and that I had a "nursing" question. I know what you're all thinking...what an idiot...and you're right!! We had just had our trach skill that day and when my teacher asked me why I was even doing it, I told her to keep the airway patent. Meaning....clear and free of secretions, bacteria and not to mention FOOD!!! This was a serious DER moment and I don't know what in the hell either of us was thinking. SO there we stood on the sidewalk and I was about to ask her when my cell phone rang. I looked down and low and behold it was my friend who happened to have the patient I was going to ask her a question about. I answer and tell her to hang on a sec. So I ask nurse Christy if someone has a stoma that hasn't yet healed and you feed them, will the food come out of their stoma? I hear my friend on the phone yelling wildly but think nothing of it. Nurse Christy looks at me and says in a strange voice with a strange look in her eye. " shouldn't." So I thank Nurse Christy and she turns to leave and when I turned back she was gone....gone as fast as speed could take a person on foot. How peculiar. I get back on the phone with my friend and she's laughing so hard I can't understand her and then she explains to me that she realized that a stoma from a trach isn't anywhere near where they's in their airway! Of course you don't have food in your airway. I told my friend who I was talking to and the irony of her coming to the house. It all dawned on me and I laughed so hard I about peed my pants!
I laughed because I knew that but wasn't putting two and two together. I laughed because we'd just passed the skill. I laughed because my friend was laughing so hard that I couldn't hear sound come out of her anymore, I laughed because of the nurse coming to my doorstep with the same name as me, I laughed because of what I'd asked the poor woman. I laughed because it's good to laugh at yourself then we laughed some more. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life! Of course I had to call up my other nursing school buddies and tell them and I laughed so hard I could barely get the story out and they laughed just as hard. It was all a very hilarious, stupid moment I'll definately never forget and oh did I forget to mention that my buddies made me recite this story to nurse instructor intimidator the next day, before I gave my speech mind you, and believe it or not...for the first time we actually heard nurse instructor intimidator laugh and smile. I've now renamed her Nurse Instructor Sense of Humor. That was a great clinical day. I told you it was going down in the books. I can't wait to read about all of these funny happenings at around graduation. What a hoot. Oh and by the way...the lady had her applesauce with no obstruction and no problems. Ain't life grand?

Until next time people.....

October 1, 2006

Nursing Student Mess Ups and Other Funny Stuff

How does one get organized at clinical? I always strive for it, but it never seems to work out the way I planned. The night before clinical we are emailed our assignments. I look up all my drugs and do a little research on my pt like a good little nursing student. I get my clinical bag together, make sure my uniform is nice and neat, I even go so far as to write down all the things I need to do for my pt in the morning. I also have a whole page to write down the report from the nurse, but by the end of the day I have little notes chicken scratched all throughout my note pad. I feel like I'm on a scavenger hunt skimming through my note pad searching for whatever I wrote in haste. Sigh! I really need a system, a plan. I feel like I'm running in and out of the room, doing this and that all day while the regular, real nurses sit at the nurses station chatting about their kids and having coffee. They're all really great nurses, and they probably are able to have coffee because they, unlike me, have a system. They do all of the same things I do, but they just have it all together. I guess that comes with experience.

Me and my nursing student cohorts have done some of the stupidest things ever during clinical. Really hilarious sh*t. Really stupid stuff actually, but all you can do is laugh....and write it all down so we can all laugh at it later. Yes, that's right...I'm writing all the little stupid things we've said and done down so we can all look back at graduation and laugh at ourselves and our inexperienced ways. Here are some examples: 1st day of clinical (2nd semester) I was told to empty a pt's catheter bag & record her output. Fine, no problem. I go into the room, look at the bag and realized I've never emptied one before and have no idea how to do it. Of course I'm not going to get my instructor...are you kidding? She would have looked at me like I was an alien...a really stupid alien. I actually know how to insert a catheter, I passed that skill, but couldn't empty the bag...boy did I feel like an idiot. I did figure it out, but it was still one of tose "Der" moments.
Stupid moment # 2 a friend/classmate was told to hang a piggyback bag and she was with the instructor and said..."Oh, I forgot the hanger thing." Instructor said "Why? You don't need it." Student "Why not?" Instructor: "Because it's on a pump." I about died laughing, but kept my reserve until I could write it down. They all know I'm doing this by the way and think it's a great idea. The reason this was so funny was because we never practiced IV piggybacks with a pump at school, we always calulated our own drips and hung it because it was running on gravity. Obviously you don't need to hang it higher than the primary bag when it's on a pump. We all got a good laugh out of that. Nursing student # 3...was about to prepare med ( injection ) in front of instructor. She got out her syringe, had her vial of medicine, took off the needle and threw it in the sharps container....before she drew the med. LOL Instructor was like...where'd that needle go? She was just so focused on throwing that needle in the sharps container...bless her. I have to admit, nurse intimidator has become nurse patience. She has to have some to deal with the likes of us. Ha ha.

Well, that's enough clinical horror stories for now ...I'm sure there will be plenty to come later.
Until next time....

September 26, 2006

Next upcoming skill....

Trach care and suctioning. (I hate sterile fields :-0 ) Skill testing will be next Wednesday, I believe. I'll let you know how it goes. I haven't even practiced yet. There has been so many other things we've been doing. You know what the old saying. "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

One bite at a time people.

Hodge Podge

I decided to catch up on a few things that I haven't had time to do earlier. 1st I had my second clinical day last Thursday. Yes I was still a little scattered, but I did feel a little better than last time. I wasn't as in shock this time when I had to give shots or give an IV push. lol It kind of felt natural...funny huh? Maybe I'm starting to feel all nursey or something. Yes, I know, I'm a looooong way from having that RN behind my name, God willing. I don't graduate until December 07'. That really isn't that far away, but when you're in nursing school it will feel like a century. My patient was awesome. Awesome personality, awesome spirit, just awesome. She had a history of COPD, a MI (heart attack) many years ago, type II diabtes, she also has asthma and was admitted for pneumonia. Oh..and guess what? She's a smoker. I'm a smoker (will be quitting December 2007 mind you) so I feel like a big ol' hypocrite for telling someone to stop smoking, BUT if I had asthma, pneumonia and all the other stuff I think it would motivate me to quit. BLECH!!! Anyway, she and I had a big talk about smoking and I got her to put on a patch before she left to subside her cravings. Yay me. For any smokers who have been in the hospital for a know how bad you want a ciggy when you get out. I know I did. She did say she was done with the cigs and she was on the patch from now on. I hope she really tries. It's difficult.

Smoking is as hard to quit as crack. At least that's what I've heard. In the famous words of Whitney Houston...Crack is Whack. So in my own famous words...Smoking is Smack. Take that Whitney! Smoking is the most addictive thing. Damn you Phillip Morris! Of course I quit when I was pregnant with my babies, but low and behold I'd start again. Sigh! They need to come up with a pill that makes cigarettes taste like poo. You definately wouldn't want to smoke then. Hey....maybe I can invent that...or maybe not. One last word about smoking...smoking doesn't make you a bad person so don't judge. I'm good people.

Ok, enough of that let me talk about my respiratory test. I already told you how excruciatingly hard it was but what I didn't tell you was that I had a mini nervous breakdown the night before it. Normally I feel somewhat prepared for a test. I have studied and feel as if I know most of what I read. This time was different. The night before my test I was going through my note cards and I was blank. I couldn't remember anything. My palms started to sweat, my heart began to race and I felt as if I was doomed and that I was going to fail. Actually I was sure of it...I was failing and that was that. I knew I'd just have to kick arse on the rest of the tests just to bring my grade back up. I cried, I actually bawled like a baby and took my frustration out on my husband because he couldn't do anything to help me. I felt bad for that and apologized but dayum...I've never been so stressed. Like I said in an earlier post I did pass and afterwards I was so glad it was over and I could be done with that material I wanted to have a party. After the test I tried to call hubby and tell him the good news. He didn't answer. I guess he was scared to, afraid I'd failed and he'd have to console me. LOL He did call back and was happy. So bring on the confetti and cake!

In my last post I didn't get to really go into my Grey's Anatomy rant but I will now. last awesome was that? Izzie cutting Denny's L VAD wire. The rest of the interns covering for her, Burke getting shot, Denny dying (booo hooooo), Izzie laying there and saying that one line I'll never forget. "An hour ago he was proposing and now he's going to the morgue. Isn't that ridiculous?" Wow...she was so believable in that scene and it's so heart wrenching how she is laying there holding his dead body. Shiver.

At the end of season 2 we're left wondering who Merideth will choose. McVet or McDreamy. What a choice. I'd hate to be her, what a sad life. Ha. Actually I was her at one point in my life, long ago. Long, long ago. He he. I didn't choose McDreamy. That is all I'll say on the matter. :-)

Speaking of Patrick Dempsey, does he or does he not have the most beautiful expressive eyes you've ever seen? I'm an 80's girl so I've loved him for like...ever. Can't Buy Me Love (Ronald "Ronnie" Miller) & Loverboy...HELLO! The 80's were great. Yea, I had the big bangs that had to be just right, the sideways ponytail, the Poison posters...all that good ooey gooey feeling stuff. I never really realized just how bad fashion was back then. Nothing ever fit. Everything was as big as Texas. Big hair, big baggy t-shirts, big floppy Yuck! But back to Dr. Shepard...does Merideth really need time to choose? I mean on prom night didn't she kind of make a choice? He left his wiife on the dance floor, she left Finn and they had sex...choice made. But that doesn't = a whole lot of drama. Seems they'll be dragging this out forever. The man finally told her he loved her after all of that heartbreak and all of that time. Geez. Choose McDreamy Derrick! But the Vet....sigh, isn't he handsome and sweet and he loves animals. Also..the man has "plans" people. AND he isn't married....that's a plus right? Well, she has a hard decision. I wouldn't want to be her. Maybe she'll just have her cake and eat it too for a while.

Alex...I think he's a wolf in sheep's clothing...or the other way around...whateva, they guy is a tenderoni at heart. Wonder what happened in his past to make him such a womanizer. Hmmm... He really was sweet to Izzie when she needed it the most though so I give him some credit there. I have a feeling he'll end up being a baby doctor....just a hunch. Remember that line..."I don't do vagina, as a Dr anyway." Ha ha....we'll see about that Alex.

George and Callie. I just don't know about them. She's alright, and she does love George, but something makes me feel as if he's just with her to ease his lonlines and the pain about what happened with Merideth. She's a fill in until something else comes along, although I don't think he's doing that intentionally. She is a sweet girl, but is getting a little too serious, too fast. Plus, they look funny together. She reminds me of a linebacker standing next to him. No offense. I don't think they're a good match. George is such a sweetheart, he's my favorite character on the show. I want him to be happy, that's all. Do I sound obsessed? Do I sound as if I really know these people? I must be going a little mad.

The season opener was a bit of a let down, I mean the season finale was so darned drmatic and powerful that this premier kind of fizzled. I think it could have been executed better and it seemed like a few different shows thrown together. I hope it gets better. The characters seemed a bit out of character during certain parts. Oh well.

Alright, I think i've rambled on enough and gotten you caught up on the latest.
Until next time....

September 25, 2006

I love Grey's's been a while since I've posted last and a lot has happened since then. Let's see....well I had my 2nd exam over the respiratory system. It was the hardest test I've ever taken in my entire life! No joke. There were several people who didn't pass, luckily I wasn't one of them. I did pass (I'm still in shock), I got 42 questions right out of 50 so I believe I got an 84%, which is a B. Funny thing about the test is, I really felt that I was guessing at most of the answers because there were only a handful of questions I was sure I got right. I would narrow it down to the 2 I knew could be right and most of the time I felt like I was guessing. Sigh! Let me also say that the teacher was taught this material wasn't the best at explaining things so there was a lot of detective work on the student's part. The questions were worded so strange and the answers were a little ambigous. (Just my opinion). I know that nursing questions are tough and are worded differently than regular test questions, but c'mon...these questions were designed for you to dig as deep as you can in your already tired brain and work it all out. I dread the next time she teaches...I'll definately be recording all her lectures from now on.'s over and I've never been more glad to move onto other material. Bring on the cardio! :-/

There were some terrible storms that came through here last Friday night. The sirens went of 6 times (we were counting) and that never happens. I live across the street from a park and a couple of big trees were uprooted and knocked some power lines down. Of course our power went out and didn't come back on until late Saturday. Lovely. We take so much for granted. Running water, electricity.....TV! You never realize how much you depend on television and the internet to entertain you until you don't have it anymore. How do we live without these things and when did we come to depend on them so much? What did we do before we had the internet? How did we communicate or shop or find out all the good gossip? How did we find out what that itchy, scratchy rash was before we had the luxury to just ask Jeeves? I'm kidding about the rash ;-), but really. I couldn't live in the 'old' days....I wouldn't have survived. I don't even like it in the country and I grew up there with chickens, cows and horses. I think our lives are too complicated nowadays and we don't spend enough quality time with our families. In fact I know I don't because most of my "free time", as if there is such a thing, is spent on school stuff. Maybe this week I'll stay away from the tv and spend more time with my kiddos. I've already seen this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy anyway...ha ha ha.

Yes, that's right..I saw episode 2 of Grey's. I won't say how, but I did. It was really good and here is what happened...
Just kidding...I won't spoil it for you. You'll just have to wait and see for yourself who Merideth picks and I'll give you a's unexpected. Sit on that thought for a while.
So I watched the season opener and I have to say...I wasn't impressed. Just my honest opinion. I mean, it wasn't terrible or bad or anything, just unexpected. Maybe there was too much hype surrounding it. I hope they don't go and try to change the show just because it's sky rocketed in popularity. The reason it's so popular is because of the way it was...funny, dramatic & character driven. I just love that's my new Sex and the City, which I miss :( . So please don't change it...keep the drama coming!!! Until next time............

September 15, 2006


Today was uneventful. I had class from 8:00 am until noon. We went over more respiratory stuff that was really cool but really hard to understand. ABG's (arterial blood gases)......what a pain in my butt. My instructor talks so fast I can't keep up in my notes. I was sitting there wishing I had a digital recorder then as if he read my mind my husband calls me on my way home and informs me he bought me one as a surprise. Awww....sweet.

My husband and I went and did something stupid...we got 2 puppies. As if I don't have enough to do right? Well, my darling dog Wrigley and my best friend's dog Tasha got their groove on and she got pregnant and had 6 puppies. Of course I wanted one so Wrigley could have a playmate. He seemed so lonely and what's one more dog? I fell in love with the little girl you see in the photo and my dh fell in love with one of her brothers (i'll post a photo soon). So we got both....really smart. I have no idea what their names will be. If I let my kids name them they would be called Coco Puff or something so that is out of the question. I'm thinking Molly for the girl because she just looks like one and I have nothing for the boy yet. Oh well...hopefully we can call them something other than puppy by the end of the weekend.

Until next time...

September 14, 2006

A Sticky Situation

Well I did it. Thank the good Lord, praise Jesus, Hallelujah! I passed my 1st skill in NSG 202. IV's! I guess that means I can now insert your IV and give you medication via your vein. Watch out America, that's some scary shizz. Seriously though, I feel pretty confident about my IV abilities. That is until I'm in the real life situation...let's hope I can remember to tear off my tape before I stick you.

Tape...let's talk about it. It is what it is.... some sticky stuff that you never have when you need it. It's just some stuff that holds other stuff together...or is it? Could it be a matter of life or death? Could it be something that not only holds your things together, but holds your future as well? According to my nursing school it is. Remembering to tear off tape could be a matter of pass or fail. Because if you don't remember to tear off that tape before you stick that needle in you're screwed man! So let me take you back to earlier today..........

There I am standing in front of my instructor. I've spiked, squeezed and primed my IV solution bag and am ready to insert the needle. I'm all prepared...or so I thought. I applied the tourniquet and found the vein I'm ready to stick then all of the sudden the panic sets in...I didn't tear the stinkin' tape!!! SHEIT! big deal, just undo the tourniquet and tear off some tape. So I did. Whew...thank goodness it wasn't before I had that needle in my hand. So this story ended well for me, but not for another. This poor girl failed because she inserted that needle and didn't have any tape to secure it. Bless her heart she failed over some stupid ass tape. She didn't fail because she didn't check for a blood return, she didn't fail because she inserted the wrong amount of medication. Noooooooo she failed because of tape. I don't know about your program (if you're in one), but in mine you only get 2 shots to pass a skill. If you don't pass the second time it's...buh- bye, adios, bon soir, aurevoir....C-YA and peace out!!! Talk about a sticky situation. .......Scary.

Moral of the story? Tape can really hold your future in it's tight little hands so.....DON'T FORGET THE DAMN TAPE!!! I'll never look at tape the same way again.

Moving on...
Skill testing days are the worst days of my life. I feel panicky, stressed, sick and just plain scared I'm gonna screw up. The morning always starts out bad because I'm edgy and in no mood to speak to anyone about anything that is irrelevant. Example:

Husband: "Did you remember to take out the trash?"
Me: " Trash? (repeat) Trash????? Do I look like I'm in the mood to take out the trash? Why don't you take out the trash? Trash is the least of my worries. Don't you have anything better to worry about other than whether or not I took out the trash?"
Husband: blank stare
Me: "Don't you know that I have a SKILL TEST TODAY!!???"
Husband: "That explains everything" Husband then slowly backs away, grabs the trash and leaves.

Ok...maybe I'm not that bad, but sometimes I do feel as though I'm thisclose to snapping. And on test days....forgetaboutit! Civilians just don't understand what we nursing students go through. Maybe that is why you get so close to your classmates. They are the only ones who truly understand. I think I see my classmates more than my family. Actually...I know this is true. Nursing school is a whole other world. We don't speak the same language as the "others", we are taught to think 'critically', and we are programmed to retain more information in the shortest amount of time than any other human beings on Earth. HA! My brain is so overloaded most of the time it leaves no room to remember simple things like eating. Last night I was lying in bed and I felt as though I was forgetting something important. Then it hit me....I FORGOT TO EAT! the crazy police I've done lost my mind!!!! Sigh!

If only I could have done this before I had children and gotten married. Those people who are going through this without the added worry are lucky and have somewhat of an advantage. This doesn't mean they don't work as hard or learn as much, but they can do all these things without a crying, needy child demanding every ounce of their time. That doesn't mean that they all take advantage, but they have one over us nonetheless. Aside from all the negatives, the worry and the stress it's still going to pay off in the long run and that is what keeps me moving ahead. So, to all of you who are going through this..... Don't give up, and take one bite at a time. For those of you who are like me...going through this while raising a family....bless you and God speed.

September 11, 2006

In Memoriam to all those who lost their lives on this day 5 years ago.

World Trade Center

Gordon McCannel Aamoth, 32, New York, N.Y.
Maria Rose Abad, 49, Syosset, N.Y.
Edelmiro (Ed) Abad, 54, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Anthony Abate, 37, Melville, N.Y.
Vincent Abate, 40, New York, N.Y.
Laurence Christopher Abel, 37
William F. Abrahamson, 58, Cortland Manor, N.Y.
Richard Anthony Aceto, 42, Wantagh, N.Y.
Erica Van Acker, 62, New York, N.Y.
Heinrich B. Ackermann, 38, New York, N.Y.
Paul Andrew Acquaviva, 29, Glen Rock, N.J.
Donald L. Adams, 28, Chatham, N.J.
Shannon Lewis Adams, 25, New York, N.Y.
Stephen Adams, 51, New York, N.Y.
Patrick Adams, 60, New York, N.Y.
Ignatius Adanga, 62, New York, N.Y.
Christy A. Addamo, 28, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Terence E. Adderley, 22, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Sophia B. Addo, 36, New York, N.Y.
Lee Adler, 48, Springfield, N.J.
Daniel Thomas Afflitto, 32, Manalapan, N.J.
Emmanuel Afuakwah, 37, New York, N.Y.
Alok Agarwal, 36, Jersey City, N.J.
Mukul Agarwala, 37, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Agnello, 35, New York, N.Y.
David Scott Agnes, 46, New York, N.Y.
Joao A. Aguiar Jr., 30, Red Bank, N.J.
Lt. Brian G. Ahearn, 43, Huntington, N.Y.
Jeremiah J. Ahern, 74, Cliffside Park, N.J.
Joanne Ahladiotis, 27, New York, N.Y.
Shabbir Ahmed, 47, New York, N.Y.
Terrance Andre Aiken, 30, New York, N.Y.
Godwin Ajala, 33, New York, N.Y.
Gertrude M. Alagero, 37, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Alameno, 37, Westfield, N.J.
Margaret Ann (Peggy) Jezycki Alario, 41, New York, N.Y.
Gary Albero, 39, Emerson, N.J.
Jon L. Albert, 46, Upper Nyack, N.Y.
Peter Craig Alderman, 25, New York, N.Y.
Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge, 46, New York, N.Y.
Grace Alegre-Cua, 40, Glen Rock, N.J.
David D. Alger, 57, New York, N.Y.
Ernest Alikakos, 43, New York, N.Y.
Edward L. Allegretto, 51, Colonia, N.J.
Eric Allen, 44, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Ryan Allen, 39, New York, N.Y.
Richard Lanard Allen, 30, New York, N.Y.
Richard Dennis Allen, 31, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Edward Allingham, 36, River Edge, N.J.
Janet M. Alonso, 41, Stony Point, N.Y.
Anthony Alvarado, 31, New York, N.Y.
Antonio Javier Alvarez, 23, New York, N.Y.
Telmo Alvear, 25, New York, N.Y.
Cesar A. Alviar, 60, Bloomfield, N.J.
Tariq Amanullah, 40, Metuchen, N.J.
Angelo Amaranto, 60, New York, N.Y.
James Amato, 43, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
Joseph Amatuccio, 41, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Charles Amoroso, 29, New York, N.Y.
Kazuhiro Anai, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Calixto Anaya, 35, Suffern, N.Y.
Jorge Octavio Santos Anaya, 25, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Joseph Peter Anchundia, 26, New York, N.Y.
Kermit Charles Anderson, 57, Green Brook, N.J.
Yvette Anderson, 53, New York, N.Y.
John Andreacchio, 52, New York, N.Y.
Michael Rourke Andrews, 34, Belle Harbor, N.Y.
Jean A. Andrucki, 42, Hoboken, N.J.
Siew-Nya Ang, 37, East Brunswick, N.J.
Joseph Angelini, 38, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Joseph Angelini, 63, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Laura Angilletta, 23, New York, N.Y.
Doreen J. Angrisani, 44, New York, N.Y.
Lorraine D. Antigua, 32, Middletown, N.J.
Peter Paul Apollo, 26, Hoboken, N.J.
Faustino Apostol, 55, New York, N.Y.
Frank Thomas Aquilino, 26, New York, N.Y.
Patrick Michael Aranyos, 26, New York, N.Y.
David Gregory Arce, 36, New York, N.Y.
Michael G. Arczynski, 45, Little Silver, N.J.
Louis Arena, 32, New York, N.Y.
Adam Arias, 37, Staten Island, N.Y.
Michael J. Armstrong, 34, New York, N.Y.
Jack Charles Aron, 52, Bergenfield, N.J.
Joshua Aron, 29, New York, N.Y.
Richard Avery Aronow, 48, Mahwah, N.J.
Japhet J. Aryee, 49, Spring Valley, N.Y.
Carl Asaro, 39, Middletown, N.Y.
Michael A. Asciak, 47, Ridgefield, N.J.
Michael Edward Asher, 53, Monroe, N.Y.
Janice Ashley, 25, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Thomas J. Ashton, 21, New York, N.Y.
Manuel O. Asitimbay, 36, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas, 45, Howells, N.Y.
Gerald Atwood, 38, New York, N.Y.
James Audiffred, 38, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth W. Van Auken, 47, East Brunswick, N.J.
Louis F. Aversano, Jr, 58, Manalapan, N.J.
Ezra Aviles, 41, Commack, N.Y.
Ayodeji Awe, 42, New York, N.Y
Samuel (Sandy) Ayala, 36, New York, N.Y.
Arlene T. Babakitis, 47, Secaucus, N.J.
Eustace (Rudy) Bacchus, 48, Metuchen, N.J.
John James Badagliacca, 35, New York, N.Y.
Jane Ellen Baeszler, 43, New York, N.Y.
Robert J. Baierwalter, 44, Albertson, N.Y.
Andrew J. Bailey, 29, New York, N.Y.
Brett T. Bailey, 28, Bricktown, N.J.
Tatyana Bakalinskaya, 43, New York, N.Y.
Michael S. Baksh, 36, Englewood, N.J.
Sharon Balkcom, 43, White Plains, N.Y.
Michael Andrew Bane, 33, Yardley, Pa.
Kathy Bantis, 44, Chicago, Ill.
Gerard Jean Baptiste, 35, New York, N.Y.
Walter Baran, 42, New York, N.Y.
Gerard A. Barbara, 53, New York, N.Y.
Paul V. Barbaro, 35, Holmdel, N.J.
James W. Barbella, 53, Oceanside, N.Y.
Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks Barbosa, 30, Jersey City, N.J.
Victor Daniel Barbosa, 23, New York, N.Y.
Colleen Ann Barkow, 26, East Windsor, N.J.
David Michael Barkway, 34, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Matthew Barnes, 37, Monroe, N.Y.
Sheila Patricia Barnes, 55, Bay Shore, N.Y.
Evan J. Baron, 38, Bridgewater, N.J.
Renee Barrett-Arjune, 41, Irvington, N.J.
Arthur T. Barry, 35, New York, N.Y.
Diane G. Barry, 60, New York, N.Y.
Maurice Vincent Barry, 49, Rutherford, N.J.
Scott D. Bart, 28, Malverne, N.Y.
Carlton W. Bartels, 44, New York, N.Y.
Guy Barzvi, 29, New York, N.Y.
Inna Basina, 43, New York, N.Y.
Alysia Basmajian, 23, Bayonne, N.J.
Kenneth William Basnicki, 48, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Lt. Steven J. Bates, 42, New York, N.Y.
Paul James Battaglia, 22, New York, N.Y.
W. David Bauer, 45, Rumson, N.J.
Ivhan Luis Carpio Bautista, 24, New York, N.Y.
Marlyn C. Bautista, 46, Iselin, N.J.
Jasper Baxter, 45, Philadelphia, Pa.
Michele (Du Berry) Beale, 37, Essex, Britain
Paul F. Beatini, 40, Park Ridge, N.J.
Jane S. Beatty, 53, Belford, N.J.
Larry I. Beck, 38, Baldwin, N.Y.
Manette Marie Beckles, 43, Rahway, N.J.
Carl John Bedigian, 35, New York, N.Y.
Michael Beekman, 39, New York, N.Y.
Maria Behr, 41, Milford, N.J.
Yelena Belilovsky, 38, Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Nina Patrice Bell, 39, New York, N.Y.
Andrea Della Bella, 59, Jersey City, N.J.
Debbie S. Bellows, 30, East Windsor, N.J.
Stephen Elliot Belson, 51, New York, N.Y.
Paul Michael Benedetti, 32, New York, N.Y.
Denise Lenore Benedetto, 40, New York, N.Y.
Bryan Craig Bennett, 25, New York, N.Y.
Oliver Duncan Bennett, 29, London, England
Eric L. Bennett, 29, New York, N.Y.
Margaret L. Benson, 52, Rockaway, N.J.
Dominick J. Berardi, 25, New York, N.Y.
James Patrick Berger, 44, Lower Makefield, Pa.
Steven Howard Berger, 45, Manalapan, N.J.
John P. Bergin, 39, New York, N.Y.
Alvin Bergsohn, 48, Baldwin Harbor, N.Y.
Daniel D. Bergstein, 38, Teaneck, N.J.
Michael J. Berkeley, 38, New York, N.Y.
Donna Bernaerts-Kearns, 44, Hoboken, N.J.
David W. Bernard, 57, Chelmsford, Mass.
William Bernstein, 44, New York, N.Y.
David M. Berray, 39, New York, N.Y.
David S. Berry, 43, New York, N.Y.
Joseph J. Berry, 55, Saddle River, N.J.
William Reed Bethke, 36, Hamilton, N.J.
Timothy D. Betterly, 42, Little Silver, N.J.
Edward F. Beyea, 42, New York, N.Y.
Paul Michael Beyer, 37, New York, N.Y.
Anil T. Bharvaney, 41, East Windsor, N.J.
Bella Bhukhan, 24, Union, N.J.
Shimmy D. Biegeleisen, 42, New York, N.Y.
Peter Alexander Bielfeld, 44, New York, N.Y.
William Biggart, 54, New York, N.Y.
Brian Bilcher, 36, New York, N.Y.
Carl Vincent Bini, 44, New York, N.Y.
Gary Bird, 51, Tempe, Ariz.
Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, New York, N.Y.
George Bishop, 52, Granite Springs, N.Y.
Jeffrey D. Bittner, 27, New York, N.Y.
Balewa Albert Blackman, 26, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Joseph Blackwell, 42, Patterson, N.Y.
Susan L. Blair, 35, East Brunswick, N.J.
Harry Blanding, 38, Blakeslee, Pa.
Janice L. Blaney, 55, Williston Park, N.Y.
Craig Michael Blass, 27, Greenlawn, N.Y.
Rita Blau, 52, New York, N.Y.
Richard M. Blood, 38, Ridgewood, N.J.
Michael A. Boccardi, 30, Bronxville, N.Y.
John Paul Bocchi, 38, New Vernon, N.J.
Michael L. Bocchino, 45, New York, N.Y.
Susan Mary Bochino, 36, New York, N.Y.
Bruce Douglas (Chappy) Boehm, 49, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Mary Katherine Boffa, 45, New York, N.Y.
Nicholas A. Bogdan, 34, Browns Mills, N.J.
Darren C. Bohan, 34, New York, N.Y.
Lawrence Francis Boisseau, 36, Freehold, N.J.
Vincent M. Boland, 25, Ringwood, N.J.
Alan Bondarenko, 53, Flemington, N.J.
Andre Bonheur, 40, New York, N.Y.
Colin Arthur Bonnett, 39, New York, N.Y.
Frank Bonomo, 42, Port Jefferson, N.Y.
Yvonne L. Bonomo, 30, New York, N.Y.
Sean Booker, 35, Irvington, N.J.
Sherry Ann Bordeaux, 38, Jersey City, N.J.
Krystine C. Bordenabe, 33, Old Bridge, N.J.
Martin Boryczewski, 29, Parsippany, N.J.
Richard E. Bosco, 34, Suffern, N.Y.
John Howard Boulton, 29, New York, N.Y.
Francisco Bourdier, 41, New York, N.Y.
Thomas H. Bowden, 36, Wyckoff, N.J.
Kimberly S. Bowers, 31, Islip, N.Y.
Veronique (Bonnie) Nicole Bowers, 28, New York, N.Y.
Larry Bowman, 46, New York, N.Y.
Shawn Edward Bowman, 28, New York, N.Y.
Kevin L. Bowser, 45, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gary R. Box, 37, North Bellmore, N.Y.
Gennady Boyarsky, 34, New York, N.Y.
Pamela Boyce, 43, New York, N.Y.
Michael Boyle, 37, Westbury, N.Y.
Alfred Braca, 54, Leonardo, N.J.
Sandra Conaty Brace, 60, New York, N.Y.
Kevin H. Bracken, 37, New York, N.Y.
David Brian Brady, 41, Summit, N.J.
Alexander Braginsky, 38, Stamford, Conn.
Nicholas W. Brandemarti, 21, Mantua, N.J.
Michelle Renee Bratton, 23, Yonkers, N.Y.
Patrice Braut, 31, New York, N.Y.
Lydia Estelle Bravo, 50, Dunellen, N.J.
Ronald Michael Breitweiser, 39, Middletown Township, N.J.
Edward A. Brennan, 37, New York, N.Y.
Frank H. Brennan, 50, New York, N.Y.
Michael Emmett Brennan, 27, New York, N.Y.
Peter Brennan, 30, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
Thomas M. Brennan, 32, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Capt. Daniel Brethel, 43, Farmingdale, N.Y.
Gary L. Bright, 36, Union City, N.J.
Jonathan Eric Briley, 43, Mount Vernon, N.Y.
Mark A. Brisman, 34, Armonk, N.Y.
Paul Gary Bristow, 27, New York, N.Y.
Victoria Alvarez Brito, 38, New York, N.Y.
Mark Francis Broderick, 42, Old Bridge, N.J.
Herman C. Broghammer, 58, North Merrick, N.Y.
Keith Broomfield, 49, New York, N.Y.
Janice J. Brown, 35, New York, N.Y.
Lloyd Brown, 28, Bronxville, N.Y.
Capt. Patrick J. Brown, 48, New York, N.Y.
Bettina Browne, 49, Atlantic Beach, N.Y.
Mark Bruce, 40, Summit, N.J.
Richard Bruehert, 38, Westbury, N.Y.
Andrew Brunn, 28
Capt. Vincent Brunton, 43, New York, N.Y.
Ronald Paul Bucca, 47, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Brandon J. Buchanan, 24, New York, N.Y.
Greg Joseph Buck, 37, New York, N.Y.
Dennis Buckley, 38, Chatham, N.J.
Nancy Bueche, 43, Hicksville, N.Y.
Patrick Joseph Buhse, 36, Lincroft, N.J.
John E. Bulaga, 35, Paterson, N.J.
Stephen Bunin, 45, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Daniel Burke, 38, Bedford Hills, N.Y.
Capt. William F. Burke, 46, New York, N.Y.
Matthew J. Burke, 28, New York, N.Y.
Donald James Burns, 61, Nissequogue, N.Y.
Kathleen A. Burns, 49, New York, N.Y.
Keith James Burns, 39, East Rutherford, N.J.
John Patrick Burnside, 36, New York, N.Y.
Irina Buslo, 32, New York, N.Y.
Milton Bustillo, 37, New York, N.Y.
Thomas M. Butler, 37, Kings Park, N.Y.
Patrick Byrne, 39, New York, N.Y.
Timothy G. Byrne, 36, Manhattan, N.Y.
Jesus Cabezas, 66, New York, N.Y.
Lillian Caceres, 48, New York, N.Y.
Brian Joseph Cachia, 26, New York, N.Y.
Steven Cafiero, 31, New York, N.Y.
Richard M. Caggiano, 25, New York, N.Y.
Cecile M. Caguicla, 55, Boonton, N.J.
Michael John Cahill, 37, East Williston, N.Y.
Scott W. Cahill, 30, West Caldwell, N.J.
Thomas J. Cahill, 36, Franklin Lakes, N.J.
George Cain, 35, Massapequa, N.Y.
Salvatore B. Calabro, 38, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Calandrillo, 49, Hawley, Pa.
Philip V. Calcagno, 57, New York, N.Y.
Edward Calderon, 44, Jersey City, N.J.
Kenneth Marcus Caldwell, 30, New York, N.Y.
Dominick E. Calia, 40, Manalapan, N.J.
Felix (Bobby) Calixte, 38, New York, N.Y.
Capt. Frank Callahan, 51, New York, N.Y.
Liam Callahan, 44, Rockaway, N.J.
Luigi Calvi, 34, East Rutherford, N.J.
Roko Camaj, 60, Manhasset, N.Y.
Michael Cammarata, 22, Huguenot, N.Y.
David Otey Campbell, 51, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Geoffrey Thomas Campbell, 31, New York, N.Y.
Sandra Patricia Campbell, 45, New York, N.Y.
Jill Marie Campbell, 31, New York, N.Y.
Robert Arthur Campbell, 25, New York, N.Y.
Juan Ortega Campos, 32, New York, N.Y.
Sean Canavan, 39, New York, N.Y.
John A. Candela, 42, Glen Ridge, N.J.
Vincent Cangelosi, 30, New York, N.Y.
Stephen J. Cangialosi, 40, Middletown, N.J.
Lisa B. Cannava, 30, New York, N.Y.
Brian Cannizzaro, 30, New York, N.Y.
Michael R. Canty, 30, Schenectady, N.Y.
Louis A. Caporicci, 35, New York, N.Y.
Jonathan N. Cappello, 23, Garden City, N.Y.
James Christopher Cappers, 33, Wading River, N.Y.
Richard M. Caproni, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Jose Cardona, 32, New York, N.Y.
Dennis M Carey, 51, Wantagh, N.Y.
Edward Carlino, 46, New York, N.Y.
Michael Scott Carlo, 34, New York, N.Y.
David G. Carlone, 46, Randolph, N.J.
Rosemarie C. Carlson, 40, New York, N.Y.
Mark Stephen Carney, 41, Rahway, N.J.
Joyce Ann Carpeneto, 40, New York, N.Y.
Alicia Acevedo Carranza, Teziutlan, Puebla, Mexico
Jeremy M. Carrington, 34, New York, N.Y.
Michael T. Carroll, 39, New York, N.Y.
Peter Carroll, 42, New York, N.Y.
James J. Carson, 32, Massapequa, N.Y.
James Marcel Cartier, 26, New York, N.Y.
Vivian Casalduc, 45, New York, N.Y.
John F. Casazza, 38, Colts Neck, N.J.
Paul Cascio, 23, Manhasset, N.Y.
Kathleen Hunt Casey, 43, Middletown, N.J.
Margarito Casillas, 54, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Thomas Anthony Casoria, 29, New York, N.Y.
William Otto Caspar, 57, Eatontown, N.J.
Alejandro Castano, 35, Englewood, N.J.
Arcelia Castillo, 49, Elizabeth, N.J.
Leonard M. Castrianno, 30, New York, N.Y.
Jose Ramon Castro, 37, New York, N.Y.
Richard G. Catarelli, 47, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Sean Caton, 34, New York, N.Y.
Robert J. Caufield, 48, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Mary Teresa Caulfield, 58, New York, N.Y.
Judson Cavalier, 26, Huntington, N.Y.
Michael Joseph Cawley, 32, Bellmore, N.Y.
Jason D. Cayne, 32, Morganville, N.J.
Juan Armando Ceballos, 47, New York, N.Y.
Marcia G. Cecil-Carter, 34, New York, N.Y.
Jason Cefalu, 30, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Thomas J. Celic, 43, New York, N.Y.
Ana M. Centeno, 38, Bayonne, N.J.
Joni Cesta, 37, Bellmore, N.Y.
Jeffrey M. Chairnoff, 35, West Windsor, N.J.
Swarna Chalasani, 33, Jersey City, N.J.
William Chalcoff, 41, Roslyn, N.Y.
Eli Chalouh, 23, New York, N.Y.
Charles Lawrence (Chip) Chan, 23, New York, N.Y.
Mandy Chang, 40, New York, N.Y.
Mark L. Charette, 38, Millburn, N.J.
Gregorio Manuel Chavez, 48, New York, N.Y.
Jayceryll M. de Chavez, 24, Carteret, N.J.
Pedro Francisco Checo, 35, New York, N.Y.
Douglas MacMillan Cherry, 38, Maplewood, N.J.
Stephen Patrick Cherry, 41, Stamford, Conn.
Vernon Paul Cherry, 49, New York, N.Y.
Nestor Chevalier, 30, New York, N.Y.
Swede Joseph Chevalier, 26, Locust, N.J.
Alexander H. Chiang, 51, New City, N.Y.
Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro, 61, Glenwood, N.J.
Luis Alfonso Chimbo, 39, New York, N.Y.
Robert Chin, 33, New York, N.Y.
Wing Wai (Eddie) Ching, 29, Union, N.J.
Nicholas P. Chiofalo, 39, Selden, N.Y.
John Chipura, 39, New York, N.Y.
Peter A. Chirchirillo, 47, Langhorne, Pa.
Catherine E. Chirls, 47, Princeton, N.J.
Kyung (Kaccy) Cho, 30, Clifton, N.J.
Abul K. Chowdhury, 30, New York, N.Y.
Mohammed Salahuddin Chowdhury, 38, New York, N.Y.
Kirsten L. Christophe, 39, Maplewood, N.J.
Pamela Chu, 31, New York, N.Y.
Steven Paul Chucknick, 44, Cliffwood Beach, N.J.
Wai-ching Chung, 36, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Ciafardini, 30, New York, N.Y.
Alex F. Ciccone, 38, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Frances Ann Cilente, 26, New York, N.Y.
Elaine Cillo, 40, New York, N.Y.
Edna Cintron, 46, New York, N.Y.
Nestor Andre Cintron, 26, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Robert Dominick Cirri, 39, Nutley, N.J.
Juan Pablo Alvarez Cisneros, 23, Weehawken, N.J.
Gregory Alan Clark, 40, Teaneck, N.J.
Mannie Leroy Clark, 54, New York, N.Y.
Thomas R. Clark, 37, Summit, N.J.
Eugene Clark, 47, New York, N.Y.
Benjamin Keefe Clark, 39, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Robert Clarke, 34, Philadelphia, Pa.
Donna Clarke, 39, New York, N.Y.
Michael Clarke, 27, Prince's Bay, N.Y.
Suria R.E. Clarke, 30, New York, N.Y.
Kevin Francis Cleary, 38, New York, N.Y.
James D. Cleere, 55, Newton, Iowa
Geoffrey W. Cloud, 36, Stamford, Conn.
Susan M. Clyne, 42, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Steven Coakley, 36, Deer Park, N.Y.
Jeffrey Coale, 31, Souderton, Pa.
Patricia A. Cody, 46, Brigantine, N.J.
Daniel Michael Coffey, 54, Newburgh, N.Y.
Jason Matthew Coffey, 25, Newburgh, N.Y.
Florence Cohen, 62, New York, N.Y.
Kevin Sanford Cohen, 28, Edison, N.J.
Anthony Joseph Coladonato, 47, New York, N.Y.
Mark J. Colaio, 34, New York, N.Y.
Stephen J. Colaio, 32, Montauk, N.Y.
Christopher M. Colasanti, 33, Hoboken, N.J.
Michel Paris Colbert, 39, West New York, N.J.
Kevin Nathaniel Colbert, 25, New York, N.Y.
Keith Eugene Coleman, 34, Warren, N.J.
Scott Thomas Coleman, 31, New York, N.Y.
Tarel Coleman, 32
Liam Joseph Colhoun, 34, Flushing,, N.Y.
Robert D. Colin, 49, West Babylon, N.Y.
Robert J. Coll, 35, Glen Ridge, N.J.
Jean Marie Collin, 42, New York, N.Y.
John Michael Collins, 42, New York, N.Y.
Michael L. Collins, 38, Montclair, N.J.
Thomas J. Collins, 36, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Collison, 50, New York, N.Y.
Patricia Malia Colodner, 39, New York, N.Y.
Linda M. Colon, 46, Perrineville, N.J.
Soledi Colon, 39, New York, N.Y.
Ronald Comer, 56, Northport, N.Y.
Jaime Concepcion, 46, New York, N.Y.
Albert Conde, 62, Englishtown, N.J.
Denease Conley, 44, New York, N.Y.
Susan Clancy Conlon, 41, New York, N.Y.
Margaret Mary Conner, 57, New York, N.Y.
John E. Connolly, 46, Allenwood, N.J.
Cynthia L. Connolly, 40, Metuchen, N.J.
James Lee Connor, 38, Summit, N.J.
Jonathan (J.C.) Connors, 55, Old Brookville, N.Y.
Kevin P. Connors, 55, Greenwich, Conn.
Kevin Francis Conroy, 47, New York, N.Y.
Brenda E. Conway, 40, New York, N.Y.
Dennis Michael Cook, 33, Colts Neck, N.J.
Helen D. Cook, 24, New York, N.Y.
John A. Cooper, 40, Bayonne, N.J.
Joseph J. Coppo, 47, New Canaan, Conn.
Gerard J. Coppola, 46, New Providence, N.J.
Joseph Albert Corbett, 28, Islip, N.Y.
Alejandro Cordero, 23, New York, N.Y.
Robert Cordice, 28, New York, N.Y.
Ruben D. Correa, 44, New York, N.Y.
Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez, 25, Fairview, N.J.
James Corrigan, 60, New York, N.Y.
Carlos Cortes, 57, New York, N.Y.
Kevin M. Cosgrove, 46, West Islip, N.Y.
Dolores Marie Costa, 53, Middletown, N.J.
Digna Alexandra Rivera Costanza, 25, New York, N.Y.
Charles Gregory Costello, 46, Old Bridge, N.J.
Michael S. Costello, 27, Hoboken, N.J.
Conrod K.H. Cottoy, 51, New York, N.Y.
Martin Coughlan, 54, New York, N.Y.
Sgt. John Gerard Coughlin, 43, Pomona, N.Y.
Timothy John Coughlin, 42, New York, N.Y.
James E. Cove, 48, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Andre Cox, 29, New York, N.Y.
Frederick John Cox, 27, New York, N.Y.
James Raymond Coyle, 26, New York, N.Y.
Michelle Coyle-Eulau, 38, Garden City, N.Y.
Anne M. Cramer, 47, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Seton Cramer, 34, Manahawkin, N.J.
Denise Crant, 46, Hackensack, N.J.
Robert James Crawford, 62, New York, N.Y.
James L. Crawford, 33, Madison, N.J.
Joanne Mary Cregan, 32, New York, N.Y.
Lucia Crifasi, 51, Glendale, N.Y.
Lt. John Crisci, 48, Holbrook, N.Y.
Daniel Hal Crisman, 25, New York, N.Y.
Dennis A. Cross, 60, Islip Terrace, N.Y.
Helen Crossin-Kittle, 34, Larchmont, N.Y.
Kevin Raymond Crotty, 43, Summit, N.J.
Thomas G. Crotty, 42, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
John Crowe, 57, Rutherford, N.J.
Welles Remy Crowther, 24, Upper Nyack, N.Y.
Robert L. Cruikshank, 64, New York, N.Y.
Francisco Cruz, 47, New York, N.Y.
John Robert Cruz, 32, Jersey City, N.J.
Kenneth John Cubas, 48, Woodstock, N.Y.
Richard Joseph Cudina, 46, Glen Gardner, N.J.
Neil James Cudmore, 38, Port Washington, N.Y.
Thomas Patrick Cullen, 31, New York, N.Y.
Joan McConnell Cullinan, 47, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Joyce Cummings, 65
Brian Thomas Cummins, 38, Manasquan, N.J.
Nilton Albuquerque Fernao Cunha, 41
Michael Joseph Cunningham, 39, Princeton Junction, N.J.
Robert Curatolo, 31, New York, N.Y.
Laurence Curia, 41, Garden City, N.Y.
Paul Dario Curioli, 53, Norwalk, Conn.
Beverly Curry, 41, New York, N.Y.
Sgt. Michael Curtin, 45, Medford, N.Y.
Gavin Cushny, 47, Hoboken, N.J.
Caleb Arron Dack, 39, Montclair, N.J.
Carlos S. DaCosta, 41, Elizabeth, N.J.
John D'Allara, 47, Pearl River, N.Y.
Vincent D'Amadeo, 36, East Patchoque, N.Y.
Thomas A. Damaskinos, 33, Matawan, N.J.
Jack L. D'Ambrosi, 45, Woodcliff Lake, N.J.
Jeannine Marie Damiani-Jones, 28, New York, N.Y.
Patrick W. Danahy, 35, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Nana Kwuku Danso, 47, New York, N.Y.
Mary D'Antonio, 55, New York, N.Y.
Vincent G. Danz, 38, Farmingdale, N.Y.
Dwight Donald Darcy, 55, Bronxville, N.Y.
Elizabeth Ann Darling, 28, Newark, N.J.
Annette Andrea Dataram, 25, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Edward Alexander D'Atri, 38, New York, N.Y.
Michael D. D'Auria, 25, New York, N.Y.
Lawrence Davidson, 51, New York, N.Y.
Michael Allen Davidson, 27, Westfield, N.J.
Scott Matthew Davidson, 33, New York, N.Y.
Titus Davidson, 55, New York, N.Y.
Niurka Davila, 47, New York, N.Y.
Clinton Davis, 38, New York, N.Y.
Wayne Terrial Davis, 29, Fort Meade, Md.
Calvin Dawson, 46, New York, N.Y.
Anthony Richard Dawson, 32, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Edward James Day, 45, New York, N.Y.
Emerita (Emy) De La Pena, 32, New York, N.Y.
Melanie Louise De Vere, 30, London, England
William T. Dean, 35, Floral Park, N.Y.
Robert J. DeAngelis, 48, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Thomas P. Deangelis, 51, Westbury, N.Y.
Tara Debek, 35, Babylon, N.Y.
Anna Debin, 30, East Farmingdale, N.Y.
James V. DeBlase, 45, Manalapan, N.J.
Paul DeCola, 39, Ridgewood, N.Y.
Simon Dedvukaj, 26, Mohegan Lake, N.Y.
Jason Christopher DeFazio, 29, New York, N.Y.
David A. Defeo, 37, New York, N.Y.
Jennifer DeJesus, 23, New York, N.Y.
Monique E. DeJesus, 28, New York, N.Y.
Nereida DeJesus, 30, New York, N.Y.
Donald A. Delapenha, 37, Allendale, N.J.
Vito Joseph Deleo, 41, New York, N.Y.
Danielle Delie, 47, New York, N.Y.
Colleen Ann Deloughery, 41, Bayonne, N.J.
Francis (Frank) Albert DeMartini, 49, New York, N.Y.
Anthony Demas, 61, New York, N.Y.
Martin DeMeo, 47, Farmingville, N.Y.
Francis X. Deming, 47, Franklin Lakes, N.J.
Carol K. Demitz, 49, New York, N.Y.
Kevin Dennis, 43, Peapack, N.J.
Thomas F. Dennis, 43, Setauket, N.Y.
Jean C. DePalma, 42, Newfoundland, N.J.
Jose Nicolas Depena, 42, New York, N.Y.
Robert J. Deraney, 43, New York, N.Y.
Michael DeRienzo, 37, Hoboken, N.J.
David Paul Derubbio, 38, New York, N.Y.
Jemal Legesse DeSantis, 28, Jersey City, N.J.
Christian L. DeSimone, 23, Ringwood, N.J.
Edward DeSimone, 36, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.
Lt. Andrew Desperito, 44, Patchogue, N.Y.
Michael Jude D'Esposito, 32, Morganville, N.J.
Cindy Ann Deuel, 28, New York, N.Y.
Jerry DeVito, 66, New York, N.Y.
Robert P. Devitt, 36, Plainsboro, N.J.
Dennis Lawrence Devlin, 51, Washingtonville, N.Y.
Gerard Dewan, 35, New York, N.Y.
Simon Suleman Ali Kassamali Dhanani, 62, Hartsdale, N.Y.
Michael L. DiAgostino, 41, Garden City, N.Y.
Matthew Diaz, 33, New York, N.Y.
Nancy Diaz, 28, New York, N.Y.
Obdulio Ruiz Diaz, 44, New York, N.Y.
Lourdes Galletti Diaz, 32, New York, N.Y.
Michael Diaz-Piedra, 49
Judith Belguese Diaz-Sierra, 32, Bay Shore, N.Y.
Patricia F. DiChiaro, 63, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Dermot Dickey, 50, Manhasset, N.Y.
Lawrence Patrick Dickinson, 35, Morganville, N.J.
Michael David Diehl, 48, Brick, N.J.
John DiFato, 39, New York, N.Y.
Vincent F. DiFazio, 43, Hampton, N.J.
Carl DiFranco, 27, New York, N.Y.
Donald J. DiFranco, 43, New York, N.Y.
Debra Ann DiMartino, 36, New York, N.Y.
Stephen P. Dimino, 48, Basking Ridge, N.J.
William J. Dimmling, 47, Garden City, N.Y.
Christopher Dincuff, 31, Jersey City, N.J.
Jeffrey M. Dingle, 32, New York, N.Y.
Anthony DiOnisio, 38, Glen Rock, N.J.
George DiPasquale, 33, New York, N.Y.
Joseph DiPilato, 57, New York, N.Y.
Douglas Frank DiStefano, 24, Hoboken, N.J.
Ramzi A. Doany, 35, Bayonne, N.J., Jordanian
John J. Doherty, 58, Hartsdale, N.Y.
Melissa C. Doi, 32, New York, N.Y.
Brendan Dolan, 37, Glen Rock, N.J.
Neil Dollard, 28, Hoboken, N.J.
James Joseph Domanico, 56, New York, N.Y.
Benilda Pascua Domingo, 37, New York, N.Y.
Charles (Carlos) Dominguez, 34, East Meadow, N.Y.
Geronimo (Jerome) Mark Patrick Dominguez, 37, Holtsville, N.Y.
Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly, 43, New York, N.Y.
Jacqueline Donovan, 34, New York, N.Y.
Stephen Dorf, 39, New Milford, N.J.
Thomas Dowd, 37, Monroe, N.Y.
Lt. Kevin Christopher Dowdell, 46, New York, N.Y.
Mary Yolanda Dowling, 46, New York, N.Y.
Raymond M. Downey, 63, Deer Park, N.Y.
Joseph M. Doyle, 25, New York, N.Y.
Frank Joseph Doyle, 39, Englewood, N.J.
Randy Drake, 37, Lee's Summit, Mo.
Stephen Patrick Driscoll, 38, Lake Carmel, N.Y.
Mirna A. Duarte, 31, New York, N.Y.
Luke A. Dudek, 50, Livingston, N.J.
Christopher Michael Duffy, 23, New York, N.Y.
Gerard Duffy, 53, Manorville, N.Y.
Michael Joseph Duffy, 29, Northport, N.Y.
Thomas W. Duffy, 52, Pittsford, N.Y.
Antoinette Duger, 44, Belleville, N.J.
Jackie Sayegh Duggan, 34
Sareve Dukat, 53, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Joseph Dunne, 28, Mineola, N.Y.
Richard A. Dunstan, 54, New Providence, N.J.
Patrick Thomas Dwyer, 37, Nissequogue, N.Y.
Joseph Anthony Eacobacci, 26, New York, N.Y.
John Bruce Eagleson, 53, Middlefield, Conn.
Robert D. Eaton, 37, Manhasset, N.Y.
Dean P. Eberling, 44, Cranford, N.J.
Margaret Ruth Echtermann, 33, Hoboken, N.J.
Paul Robert Eckna, 28, West New York, N.J.
Constantine (Gus) Economos, 41, New York, N.Y.
Dennis Michael Edwards, 35, Huntington, N.Y.
Michael Hardy Edwards, 33, New York, N.Y.
Lisa Egan, 31, Cliffside Park, N.J.
Capt. Martin Egan, 36, New York, N.Y.
Michael Egan, 51, Middletown, N.J.
Christine Egan, 55, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Samantha Egan, 24, Jersey City, N.J.
Carole Eggert, 60, New York, N.Y.
Lisa Caren Weinstein Ehrlich, 36, New York, N.Y.
John Ernst (Jack) Eichler, 69, Cedar Grove, N.J.
Eric Adam Eisenberg, 32, Commack, N.Y.
Daphne F. Elder, 36, Newark, N.J.
Michael J. Elferis, 27, College Point, N.Y.
Mark J. Ellis, 26, South Huntington, N.Y.
Valerie Silver Ellis, 46, New York, N.Y.
Albert Alfy William Elmarry, 30, North Brunswick, N.J.
Edgar H. Emery, 45, Clifton, N.J.
Doris Suk-Yuen Eng, 30, New York, N.Y.
Christopher S. Epps, 29, New York, N.Y.
Ulf Ramm Ericson, 79, Greenwich, Conn.
Erwin L. Erker, 41, Farmingdale, N.Y.
William J. Erwin, 30, Verona, N.J.
Sarah (Ali) Escarcega, 35, New York, N.Y.
Jose Espinal, 31
Fanny M. Espinoza, 29, Teaneck, N.J.
Francis Esposito, 32, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Michael Esposito, 41, New York, N.Y.
William Esposito, 51, Bellmore, N.Y.
Brigette Ann Esposito, 34, New York, N.Y.
Ruben Esquilin, 35, New York, N.Y.
Sadie Ette, 36, New York, N.Y.
Barbara G. Etzold, 43, Jersey City, N.J.
Eric Brian Evans, 31, Weehawken, N.J.
Robert Edward Evans, 36, Franklin Square, N.Y.
Meredith Emily June Ewart, 29, Hoboken, N.J.
Catherine K. Fagan, 58, New York, N.Y.
Patricia M. Fagan, 55, Toms River, N.J.
Keith G. Fairben, 24, Floral Park, N.Y.
William Fallon, 38, Coram, N.Y.
William F. Fallon, 53, Rocky Hill, N.J.
Anthony J. Fallone, 39, New York, N.Y.
Dolores B. Fanelli, 38, Farmingville, N.Y.
John Joseph Fanning, 54, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Kathleen (Kit) Faragher, 33, Denver, Colo.
Capt. Thomas Farino, 37, Bohemia, N.Y.
Nancy Carole Farley, 45, Jersey City, N.J.
Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Farmer, 62, New York, N.Y.
Douglas Farnum, 33, New York, N.Y.
John W. Farrell, 41, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Terrence Patrick Farrell, 45, Huntington, N.Y.
John G. Farrell, 32, New York, N.Y.
Capt. Joseph Farrelly, 47, New York, N.Y.
Thomas P. Farrelly, 54, East Northport, N.Y.
Syed Abdul Fatha, 54, Newark, N.J.
Christopher Faughnan, 37, South Orange, N.J.
Wendy R. Faulkner, 47, Mason, Ohio
Shannon M. Fava, 30, New York, N.Y.
Bernard D. Favuzza, 52, Suffern, N.Y.
Robert Fazio, 41, Freeport, N.Y.
Ronald C. Fazio, 57, Closter, N.J.
William Feehan, 72, New York, N.Y.
Francis J. (Frank) Feely, 41, Middletown, N.Y.
Garth E. Feeney, 28, New York, N.Y.
Sean B. Fegan, 34, New York, N.Y.
Lee S. Fehling, 28, Wantagh, N.Y.
Peter Feidelberg, 34, Hoboken, N.J.
Alan D. Feinberg, 48, New York, N.Y.
Rosa Maria Feliciano, 30, New York, N.Y.
Edward T. Fergus, 40, Wilton, Conn.
George Ferguson, 54, Teaneck, N.J.
Henry Fernandez, 23, New York, N.Y.
Judy H. Fernandez, 27, Parlin, N.J.
Jose Manuel Contreras Fernandez, El Aguacate, Jalisco, Mexico
Elisa Giselle Ferraina, 27, London, England
Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira, 29, Jersey City, N.J.
Robert John Ferris, 63, Garden City, N.Y.
David Francis Ferrugio, 46, Middletown, N.J.
Louis V. Fersini, 38, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Michael David Ferugio, 37, New York, N.Y.
Bradley James Fetchet, 24, New York, N.Y.
Jennifer Louise Fialko, 29, Teaneck, N.J.
Kristen Fiedel, 27, New York, N.Y.
Samuel Fields, 36, New York, N.Y.
Michael Bradley Finnegan, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Timothy J. Finnerty, 33, Glen Rock, N.J.
Michael Curtis Fiore, 46, New York, N.Y.
Stephen J. Fiorelli, 43, Aberdeen, N.J.
Paul M. Fiori, 31, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
John Fiorito, 40, Stamford, Conn.
Lt. John R. Fischer, 46, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Fisher, 42, New York, N.Y.
Thomas J. Fisher, 36, Union, N.J.
Bennett Lawson Fisher, 58, Stamford, Conn.
John Roger Fisher, 46, Bayonne, N.J.
Lucy Fishman, 37, New York, N.Y.
Ryan D. Fitzgerald, 26, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Fitzpatrick, 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Richard P. Fitzsimons, 57, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Salvatore A. Fiumefreddo, 47, Manalapan, N.J.
Christina Donovan Flannery, 26, New York, N.Y.
Eileen Flecha, 33, New York, N.Y.
Andre G. Fletcher, 37, North Babylon, N.Y.
Carl Flickinger, 38, Conyers, N.Y.
John Joseph Florio, 33, Oceanside, N.Y.
Joseph W. Flounders, 46, East Stroudsburg, Pa.
David Fodor, 38, Garrison, N.Y.
Lt. Michael N. Fodor, 53, Warwick, N.Y.
Steven Mark Fogel, 40, Westfield, N.Y.
Thomas Foley, 32, West Nyack, N.Y.
David Fontana, 37, New York, N.Y.
Chih Min (Dennis) Foo, 40, Holmdel, N.J.
Del Rose Forbes-Cheatham, 48, New York, N.Y.
Godwin Forde, 39, New York, N.Y.
Donald A. Foreman, 53, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Hugh Forsythe, 44, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Claudia Alicia Martinez Foster, 26, New York, N.Y.
Noel J. Foster, 40, Bridgewater, N.J.
Ana Fosteris, 58, Coram, N.Y.
Robert J. Foti, 42, Albertson, N.Y.
Jeffrey L. Fox, 40, Cranbury, N.J.
Virginia Fox, 58, New York, N.Y.
Virgin (Lucy) Francis, 62, New York, N.Y.
Pauline Francis, 57, New York, N.Y.
Joan Francis
Gary J. Frank, 35, South Amboy, N.J.
Morton Frank, 31, New York, N.Y.
Peter Christopher Frank, 29, New York, N.Y.
Richard K. Fraser, 32, New York, N.Y.
Kevin Joseph Frawley, 34, Bronxville, N.Y.
Clyde Frazier, 41, New York, N.Y.
Lillian I. Frederick, 46, Teaneck, N.J.
Andrew Fredericks, 40, Suffern, N.Y.
Tamitha Freemen, 35, New York, N.Y.
Brett O. Freiman, 29, Roslyn, N.Y.
Lt. Peter L. Freund, 45, Westtown, N.Y.
Arlene E. Fried, 49, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.
Alan Wayne Friedlander, 52, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Andrew K. Friedman, 44, Woodbury, N.Y.
Gregg J. Froehner, 46, Chester, N.J.
Peter Christian Fry, 36, Wilton, Conn.
Clement Fumando, 59, New York, N.Y.
Steven Elliot Furman, 40, Wesley Hills, N.Y.
Paul James Furmato, 37, Colts Neck, N.J.
Fredric Gabler, 30, New York, N.Y.
Richard S. Gabrielle, 50, West Haven, Conn.
James Andrew Gadiel, 23, New York, N.Y.
Pamela Gaff, 51, Robinsville, N.J.
Ervin Vincent Gailliard, 42, New York, N.Y.
Deanna L. Galante, 32, New York, N.Y.
Grace Galante, 29, New York, N.Y.
Anthony Edward Gallagher, 41, New York, N.Y.
Daniel James Gallagher, 23, Red Bank, N.J.
John Patrick Gallagher, 31, Yonkers, N.Y.
Cono E. Gallo, 30, New York, N.Y.
Vincenzo Gallucci, 36, Monroe Township, N.J.
Thomas Edward Galvin, 32, New York, N.Y.
Giovanna (Genni) Gambale, 27, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Gambino, 48, Babylon, N.Y.
Giann F. Gamboa, 26, New York, N.Y.
Peter J. Ganci, 55, North Massapequa, N.Y.
Claude Michael Gann, 41, Roswell, Ga.
Lt. Charles William Garbarini, 44, Pleasantville, N.Y.
Cesar Garcia, 36, New York, N.Y.
David Garcia, 40, Freeport, N.Y.
Jorge Luis Morron Garcia, 38, New York, N.Y.
Juan Garcia, 50, New York, N.Y.
Marlyn C. Garcia, 21, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Gardner, 36, Darien, Conn.
Douglas B. Gardner, 39, New York, N.Y.
Harvey J. Gardner, 35, Lakewood, N.J.
Thomas A. Gardner, 39, Oceanside, N.Y.
Jeffrey B. Gardner, 36, Hoboken, N.J.
William Arthur Gardner, 45, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Francesco Garfi, 29, New York, N.Y.
Rocco Gargano, 28, Bayside, N.Y.
James M. Gartenberg, 36, New York, N.Y.
Matthew David Garvey, 37
Bruce Gary, 51, Bellmore, N.Y.
Palmina Delli Gatti, 33, New York, N.Y.
Boyd A. Gatton, 38, Jersey City, N.J.
Donald Richard Gavagan, 35, New York, N.Y.
Terence D. Gazzani, 24, New York, N.Y.
Gary Geidel, 44, New York, N.Y.
Paul Hamilton Geier, 36, Farmingdale, N.Y.
Julie M. Geis, 44, Lees Summit, Mo.
Peter Gelinas, 34, New York, N.Y.
Steven Paul Geller, 52, New York, N.Y.
Howard G. Gelling, 28, New York, N.Y.
Peter Victor Genco, 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Steven Gregory Genovese, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Alayne F. Gentul, 44, Mountain Lakes, N.J.
Edward F. Geraghty, 45, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Suzanne Geraty, 30, New York, N.Y.
Ralph Gerhardt, 33, New York, N.Y.
Robert J. Gerlich, 56, Monroe, Conn.
Denis P. Germain, 33, Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
Marina R. Gertsberg, 25, New York, N.Y.
Susan M. Getzendanner, 57, New York, N.Y.
James Gerard Geyer, 41, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Joseph M. Giaccone, 43, Monroe, N.J.
Lt. Vincent Francis Giammona, 40, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Debra L. Gibbon, 43, Hackettstown, N.J.
James A. Giberson, 43, New York, N.Y.
Craig Neil Gibson, 37, New York, N.Y.
Ronnie Gies, 43, Merrick, N.Y.
Laura A. Giglio, 35, Oceanside, N.Y.
Andrew Clive Gilbert, 39, Califon, N.J.
Timothy Paul Gilbert, 35, Lebanon, N.J.
Paul Stuart Gilbey, 39, Chatham, N.J.
Paul John Gill, 34, New York, N.Y.
Mark Y. Gilles, 33, New York, N.Y.
Evan H. Gillette, 40, New York, N.Y.
Ronald Gilligan, 43, Norwalk, Conn.
Sgt. Rodney C. Gillis, 34, New York, N.Y.
Laura Gilly, 32, New York, N.Y.
Lt. John F. Ginley, 37, Warwick, N.Y.
Jeffrey Giordano, 46, New York, N.Y.
John Giordano, 46, Newburgh, N.Y.
Donna Marie Giordano, 44, Parlin, N.J.
Steven A. Giorgetti, 43, Manhasset, N.Y.
Martin Giovinazzo, 34, New York, N.Y.
Kum-Kum Girolamo, 41, New York, N.Y.
Salvatore Gitto, 44, Manalapan, N.J.
Cynthia Giugliano, 46, Nesconset, N.Y.
Mon Gjonbalaj, 65, New York, N.Y.
Dianne Gladstone, 55, New York, N.Y.
Keith Alexander Glascoe, 38, New York, N.Y.
Thomas I. Glasser, 40, Summit, N.J.
Harry Glenn, 38, Piscataway, N.J.
Barry H. Glick, 55, Wayne, N.J.
Steven Lawrence Glick, 42, Greenwich, Conn.
John T. Gnazzo, 32, New York, N.Y.
William (Bill) Robert Godshalk, 35, New York, N.Y.
Michael Gogliormella, 43, New Providence, N.J.
Brian Fredric Goldberg, 26, Union, N.J.
Jeffrey Grant Goldflam, 48, Melville, N.Y.
Michelle Herman Goldstein, 31, New York, N.Y.
Monica Goldstein, 25, New York, N.Y.
Steven Goldstein, 35, Princeton, N.J.
Andrew H. Golkin, 30, New York, N.Y.
Dennis James Gomes, 40, New York, N.Y.
Enrique Antonio Gomez, 42, New York, N.Y.
Jose Bienvenido Gomez, 45, New York, N.Y.
Manuel Gomez, 42, New York, N.Y.
Wilder Gomez, 38, New York, N.Y.
Jenine Gonzalez, 27, New York, N.Y.
Joel Guevara Gonzalez, 23, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Rosa J. Gonzalez, 32, Jersey City, N.J.
Mauricio Gonzalez, 27, New York, N.Y.
Calvin J. Gooding, 38, Riverside, N.Y.
Harry Goody, 50, New York, N.Y.
Kiran Reddy Gopu, 24, Bridgeport, Conn.
Catherine Carmen Gorayeb, 41, New York, N.Y.
Kerene Gordon, 43, New York, N.Y.
Sebastian Gorki, 27, New York, N.Y.
Thomas E. Gorman, 41, Middlesex, N.J.
Kieran Gorman, 35, Yonkers, N.Y.
Michael Edward Gould, 29, Hoboken, N.J.
Yugi Goya, 42, Rye, N.Y.
Jon Richard Grabowski, 33, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Michael Grady, 39, Cranford, N.J.
Edwin John Graf, 48, Rowayton, Conn.
David M. Graifman, 40, New York, N.Y.
Gilbert Granados, 51, Hicksville, N.Y.
Elvira Granitto, 43, New York, N.Y.
Winston Arthur Grant, 59, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Christopher Stewart Gray, 32, Weehawken, N.J.
James Michael Gray, 34, New York, N.Y.
Linda Mair Grayling, 44, New York, N.Y.
John Michael Grazioso, 41, Middletown, N.J.
Timothy Grazioso, 42, Gulf Stream, Fla.
Derrick Arthur Green, 44, New York, N.Y.
Wade Brian Green, 42, Westbury, N.Y.
Elaine Myra Greenberg, 56, New York, N.Y.
Gayle R. Greene, 51, Montville, N.J.
James Arthur Greenleaf, 32, New York, N.Y.
Eileen Marsha Greenstein, 52, Morris Plains, N.J.
Elizabeth (Lisa) Martin Gregg, 52, New York, N.Y.
Donald H. Gregory, 62, Ramsey, N.J.
Florence M. Gregory, 38, New York, N.Y.
Denise Gregory, 39, New York, N.Y.
Pedro (David) Grehan, 35, Hoboken, N.J.
John M. Griffin, 38, Waldwick, N.J.
Tawanna Griffin, 30, New York, N.Y.
Joan D. Griffith, 39, Willingboro, N.J.
Warren Grifka, 54, New York, N.Y.
Ramon Grijalvo, 58
Joseph F. Grillo, 46, New York, N.Y.
David Grimner, 51, Merrick, N.Y.
Kenneth Grouzalis, 56, Lyndhurst, N.J.
Joseph Grzelak, 52, New York, N.Y.
Matthew J. Grzymalski, 34, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Robert Joseph Gschaar, 55, Spring Valley, N.Y.
Liming (Michael) Gu, 34, Piscataway, N.J.
Jose A. Guadalupe, 37, New York, N.Y.
Yan Zhu (Cindy) Guan, 25, New York, N.Y.
Geoffrey E. Guja, 47, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Lt. Joseph Gullickson, 37, New York, N.Y.
Babita Guman, 33, New York, N.Y.
Douglas B. Gurian, 38, Tenafly, N.J.
Philip T. Guza, 54, Sea Bright, N.J.
Barbara Guzzardo, 49, Glendale, N.Y.
Peter Gyulavary, 44, Warwick, N.Y.
Gary Robert Haag, 36, Ossining, N.Y.
Andrea Lyn Haberman, 25, Chicago, Ill.
Barbara M. Habib, 49, New York, N.Y.
Philip Haentzler, 49, New York, N.Y.
Nizam A. Hafiz, 32, New York, N.Y.
Karen Hagerty, 34, New York, N.Y.
Steven Hagis, 31, New York, N.Y.
Mary Lou Hague, 26, New York, N.Y.
David Halderman, 40, New York, N.Y.
Maile Rachel Hale, 26, Cambridge, Mass.
Richard Hall, 49, Purchase, N.Y.
Vaswald George Hall, 50, New York, N.Y.
Robert John Halligan, 59, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Lt. Vincent Gerard Halloran, 43, North Salem, N.Y.
James D. Halvorson, 56, Greenwich, Conn.
Mohammad Salman Hamdani, 23, New York, N.Y.
Felicia Hamilton, 62, New York, N.Y.
Robert Hamilton, 43, Washingtonville, N.Y.
Frederic Kim Han, 45, Marlboro, N.J.
Christopher James Hanley, 34, New York, N.Y.
Sean Hanley, 35, New York, N.Y.
Valerie Joan Hanna, 57, Freeville, N.Y.
Thomas Hannafin, 36, New York, N.Y.
Kevin James Hannaford, 32, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Michael L. Hannan, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Dana Hannon, 29, Suffern, N.Y.
Vassilios G. Haramis, 56, New York, N.Y.
James A. Haran, 41, Malverne, N.Y.
Jeffrey P. Hardy, 46, New York, N.Y.
Timothy John Hargrave, 38, Readington, N.J.
Daniel Harlin, 41, Kent, N.Y.
Frances Haros, 76, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Harvey L. Harrell, 49, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Stephen Gary Harrell, 44, Warwick, N.Y.
Stewart D. Harris, 52, Marlboro, N.J.
Aisha Harris, 22, New York, N.Y.
John Patrick Hart, 38, Danville, Calif.
John Clinton Hartz, 64, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Emeric J. Harvey, 56, Montclair, N.J.
Capt. Thomas Theodore Haskell, 37, Massapequa, N.Y.
Timothy Haskell, 34, Seaford, N.Y.
Joseph John Hasson, 34, New York, N.Y.
Capt. Terence S. Hatton, 41, New York, N.Y.
Leonard William Hatton, 45, Ridgefield Park, N.J.
Michael Helmut Haub, 34, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.
Timothy Aaron Haviland, 41, Oceanside, N.Y.
Donald G. Havlish, 53, Yardley, Pa.
Anthony Hawkins, 30, New York, N.Y.
Nobuhiro Hayatsu, 36, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Philip Hayes, 67, Northport, N.Y.
William Ward Haynes, 35, Rye, N.Y.
Scott Hazelcorn, 29, Hoboken, N.J.
Lt. Michael K. Healey, 42, East Patchogue, N.Y.
Roberta Bernstein Heber, 60, New York, N.Y.
Charles Francis Xavier Heeran, 23, Belle Harbor, N.Y.
John Heffernan, 37, New York, N.Y.
Howard Joseph Heller, 37, Ridgefield, Conn.
JoAnn L. Heltibridle, 46, Springfield, N.J.
Mark F. Hemschoot, 45, Red Bank, N.J.
Ronnie Lee Henderson, 52, Newburgh, N.Y.
Janet Hendricks, 48, New York, N.Y.
Brian Hennessey, 35, Ringoes, N.J.
Michelle Marie Henrique, 27, New York, N.Y.
Joseph P. Henry, 25, New York, N.Y.
William Henry, 49, New York, N.Y.
John Henwood, 35, New York, N.Y.
Robert Allan Hepburn, 39, Union, N.J.
Mary (Molly) Herencia, 47, New York, N.Y.
Lindsay Coates Herkness, 58, New York, N.Y.
Harvey Robert Hermer, 59, New York, N.Y.
Claribel Hernandez, 31, New York, N.Y.
Norberto Hernandez, 42, New York, N.Y.
Raul Hernandez, 51, New York, N.Y.
Gary Herold, 44, Farmingdale, N.Y.
Jeffrey A. Hersch, 53, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Hetzel, 33, Elmont, N.Y.
Capt. Brian Hickey, 47, New York, N.Y.
Ysidro Hidalgo-Tejada, 47, New York, N.Y., Dominican Republic
Lt. Timothy Higgins, 43, Farmingville, N.Y.
Robert D. Higley, 29, New Fairfield, Conn.
Todd Russell Hill, 34, Boston, Mass.
Clara Victorine Hinds, 52, New York, N.Y.
Neal Hinds, 28, New York, N.Y.
Mark D. Hindy, 28, New York, N.Y.
Richard Bruce Van Hine, 48, Greenwood Lake, N.Y.
Katsuyuki Hirai, 32, Hartsdale, N.Y.
Heather Malia Ho, 32, New York, N.Y.
Tara Yvette Hobbs, 31, New York, N.Y.
Thomas A. Hobbs, 41, Baldwin, N.Y.
James L. Hobin, 47, Marlborough, Conn.
Robert Wayne Hobson, 36, New Providence, N.J.
DaJuan Hodges, 29, New York, N.Y.
Ronald George Hoerner, 58, Massapequa Park, N.Y.
Patrick Aloysius Hoey, 53, Middletown, N.J.
Stephen G. Hoffman, 36, Long Beach, N.Y.
Marcia Hoffman, 52, New York, N.Y.
Frederick J. Hoffmann, 53, Freehold, N.J.
Michele L. Hoffmann, 27, Freehold, N.J.
Judith Florence Hofmiller, 53, Brookfield, Conn.
Thomas Warren Hohlweck, 57, Harrison, N.Y.
Jonathan R. Hohmann, 48, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Francis Holland, 32, Glen Rock, N.J.
John Holland, 30
Elizabeth Holmes, 42, New York, N.Y.
Thomas P. Holohan, 36, Chester, N.Y.
Bradley Hoorn, 22, New York, N.Y.
James P. Hopper, 51, Farmingdale, N.Y.
Montgomery McCullough Hord, 46, Pelham, N.Y.
Michael Horn, 27, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Matthew D. Horning, 26, Hoboken, N.J.
Robert L. Horohoe, 31, New York, N.Y.
Aaron Horwitz, 24, New York, N.Y.
Charles J. Houston, 42, New York, N.Y.
Uhuru G. Houston, 32, Englewood, N.J.
George Howard, 45, Hicksville, N.Y.
Steven L. Howell, 36, New York, N.Y.
Michael C. Howell, 60, New York, N.Y.
Jennifer L. Howley, 34, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Milagros "Millie" Hromada, 35, New York, N.Y.
Marian Hrycak, 56, New York, N.Y.
Stephen Huczko, 44, Bethlehem, N.J.
Kris R. Hughes, 30, Nesconset, N.Y.
Melissa Harrington Hughes, 31, San Francisco, Calif.
Thomas F. Hughes, 46, Spring Lake Heights, N.J.
Timothy Robert Hughes, 43, Madison, N.J.
Paul R. Hughes, 38, Stamford, Conn.
Robert T. "Bobby" Hughes, 23, Sayreville, N.J.
Susan Huie, 43, Fair Lawn, N.J.
Mychal Lamar Hulse, 30, New York, N.Y.
William C. Hunt, 32, Norwalk, Conn.
Joseph G. Hunter, 31, South Hempstead, N.Y.
Robert Hussa, 51, Roslyn, N.Y.
Capt. Walter Hynes, 46, Belle Harbor, N.Y.
Thomas E. Hynes, 28, Norwalk, Conn.
Joseph Anthony Ianelli, 28, Hoboken, N.J.
Zuhtu Ibis, 25, Clifton, N.J.
Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29, Great Neck, N.Y.
Michael Patrick Iken, 37, New York, N.Y.
Daniel Ilkanayev, 36, New York, N.Y.
Capt. Frederick Ill, 49, Pearl River, N.Y.
Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz, 51, New York, N.Y.
Anthony P. Infante, 47, Chatham, N.J.
Louis S. Inghilterra, 45, New Castle, N.Y.
Christopher N. Ingrassia, 28, Watchung, N.J.
Paul Innella, 33, East Brunswick, N.J.
Stephanie V. Irby, 38, New York, N.Y.
Douglas Irgang, 32, New York, N.Y.
Todd A. Isaac, 29, New York, N.Y.
Erik Hans Isbrandtsen, 30, New York, N.Y.
Taizo Ishikawa, 50
Aram Iskenderian, 41, Merrick, N.Y.
John Iskyan, 41, Wilton, Conn.
Kazushige Ito, 35, New York, N.Y.
Aleksandr Valeryerich Ivantsov, 23, New York, N.Y.
Virginia Jablonski, 49, Matawan, N.J.
Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, New York, N.Y.
Aaron Jacobs, 27, New York, N.Y.
Jason Kyle Jacobs, 32, Mendham, N.J.
Michael Grady Jacobs, 54, Danbury, Conn.
Ariel Louis Jacobs, 29, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.
Steven A. Jacobson, 53, New York, N.Y.
Ricknauth Jaggernauth, 58, New York, N.Y.
Jake Denis Jagoda, 24, Huntington, N.Y.
Yudh V.S. Jain, 54, New City, N.Y.
Maria Jakubiak, 41, Ridgewood, N.Y.
Gricelda E. James, 44, Willingboro, N.J.
Ernest James, 40, New York, N.Y.
Mark Jardim, 39, New York, N.Y.
Mohammed Jawara, 30, New York, N.Y.
Francois Jean-Pierre, 58, New York, N.Y.
Maxima Jean-Pierre, 40, Bellport, N.Y.
Paul E. Jeffers, 39, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Jenkins, 47, New York, N.Y.
Alan K. Jensen, 49, Wyckoff, N.J.
Prem N. Jerath, 57, Edison, N.J.
Farah Jeudy, 32, Spring Valley, N.Y.
Hweidar Jian, 42, East Brunswick, N.J.
Eliezer Jimenez, 38, New York, N.Y.
Luis Jimenez, 25, New York, N.Y.
Charles Gregory John, 44, New York, N.Y.
Nicholas John, 42, New York, N.Y.
Scott M. Johnson, 26, New York, N.Y.
LaShawana Johnson, 27, New York, N.Y.
William Johnston, 31, North Babylon, N.Y.
Arthur Joseph Jones, 37, Ossining, N.Y.
Allison Horstmann Jones, 31, New York, N.Y.
Brian L. Jones, 44, New York, N.Y.
Christopher D. Jones, 53, Huntington, N.Y.
Donald T. Jones, 39, Livingston, N.J.
Donald W. Jones, 43, Fairless Hills, Pa.
Linda Jones, 50, New York, N.Y.
Mary S. Jones, 72, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Jordan, 35, Remsenburg, N.Y.
Robert Thomas Jordan, 34, Williston, N.Y.
Ingeborg Joseph, 60, Germany
Karl Henri Joseph, 25, New York, N.Y.
Stephen Joseph, 39, Franklin Park, N.J.
Albert Joseph, 79
Jane Eileen Josiah, 47, Bellmore, N.Y.
Lt. Anthony Jovic, 39, Massapequa, N.Y.
Angel Luis Juarbe, 35, New York, N.Y.
Karen Susan Juday, 52, New York, N.Y.
The Rev. Mychal Judge, 68, New York, N.Y.
Paul W. Jurgens, 47, Levittown, N.Y.
Thomas Edward Jurgens, 26, Lawrence, N.Y.
Kacinga Kabeya, 63, McKinney, Texas
Shashi Kiran Lakshmikantha Kadaba, 25, Hackensack, N.J.
Gavkharoy Mukhometovna Kamardinova, 26, New York, N.Y.
Shari Kandell, 27, Wyckoff, N.J.
Howard Lee Kane, 40, Hazlet, N.J.
Jennifer Lynn Kane, 26, Fair Lawn, N.J.
Vincent D. Kane, 37, New York, N.Y.
Joon Koo Kang, 34, Riverdale, N.J.
Sheldon R. Kanter, 53, Edison, N.J.
Deborah H. Kaplan, 45, Paramus, N.J.
Alvin Peter Kappelmann, 57, Green Brook, N.J.
Charles Karczewski, 34, Union, N.J.
William A. Karnes, 37, New York, N.Y.
Douglas G. Karpiloff, 53, Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Charles L. Kasper, 54, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Kates, 37, New York, N.Y.
John Katsimatides, 31, East Marion, N.Y.
Sgt. Robert Kaulfers, 49, Kenilworth, N.J.
Don Jerome Kauth, 51, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Hideya Kawauchi, 36, Fort Lee, N.J.
Edward T. Keane, 66, West Caldwell, N.J.
Richard M. Keane, 54, Wethersfield, Conn.
Lisa Kearney-Griffin, 35, Jamaica, N.Y.
Karol Ann Keasler, 42, New York, N.Y.
Paul Hanlon Keating, 38, New York, N.Y.
Leo Russell Keene, 33, Westfield, N.J.
Joseph J. Keller, 31, Park Ridge, N.J.
Peter Rodney Kellerman, 35, New York, N.Y.
Joseph P. Kellett, 37, Riverdale, N.Y.
Frederick H. Kelley, 57, Huntington, N.Y.
James Joseph Kelly, 39, Oceanside, N.Y.
Joseph A. Kelly, 40, Oyster Bay, N.Y.
Maurice Patrick Kelly, 41, New York, N.Y.
Richard John Kelly, 50, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Michael Kelly, 41, Wyckoff, N.J.
Thomas Richard Kelly, 38, Riverhead, N.Y.
Thomas W. Kelly, 51, New York, N.Y.
Timothy C. Kelly, 37, Port Washington, N.Y.
William Hill Kelly, 30, New York, N.Y.
Robert C. Kennedy, 55, Toms River, N.J.
Thomas J. Kennedy, 36, Islip Terrace, N.Y.
John Keohane, 41, Jersey City, N.J.
Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin, 42, Levittown, N.Y.
Howard L. Kestenbaum, 56, Montclair, N.J.
Douglas D. Ketcham, 27, New York, N.Y.
Ruth E. Ketler, 42, New York, N.Y.
Boris Khalif, 30, New York, N.Y.
Sarah Khan, 32, New York, N.Y.
Taimour Firaz Khan, 29, New York, N.Y.
Rajesh Khandelwal, 33, South Plainfield, N.J.
SeiLai Khoo, 38, Jersey City, N.J.
Michael Kiefer, 25, Hempstead, N.Y.
Satoshi Kikuchihara, 43, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim, 26, Leonia, N.J.
Lawrence Don Kim, 31, Blue Bell, Pa.
Mary Jo Kimelman, 34, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Marshall King, 42, Princeton, N.J.
Lucille T. King, 59, Ridgewood, N.J.
Robert King, 36, Bellerose Terrace, N.Y.
Lisa M. King-Johnson, 34, New York, N.Y.
Takashi Kinoshita, 46, Rye, N.Y.
Chris Michael Kirby, 21, New York, N.Y.
Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum, 53, New York, N.Y.
Glenn Davis Kirwin, 40, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Richard J. Klares, 59, Somers, N.Y.
Peter A. Klein, 35, Weehawken, N.J.
Alan D. Kleinberg, 39, East Brunswick, N.J.
Karen J. Klitzman, 38, New York, N.Y.
Ronald Philip Kloepfer, 39, Franklin Square, N.Y.
Yevgeny Kniazev, 46, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Patrick Knox, 31, Hoboken, N.J.
Andrew Knox, 30, Adelaide, Australia
Rebecca Lee Koborie, 48, Guttenberg, N.J.
Deborah Kobus, 36, New York, N.Y.
Gary Edward Koecheler, 57, Harrison, N.Y.
Frank J. Koestner, 48, New York, N.Y.
Ryan Kohart, 26, New York, N.Y.
Vanessa Lynn Kolpak, 21, New York, N.Y.
Irina Kolpakova, 37, New York, N.Y.
Suzanne Kondratenko, 27, Chicago, Ill.
Abdoulaye Kone, 37, New York, N.Y.
Bon-seok Koo, 42, River Edge, N.J.
Dorota Kopiczko, 26, Nutley, N.J.
Scott Kopytko, 32, New York, N.Y.
Bojan Kostic, 34, New York, N.Y.
Danielle Kousoulis, 29, New York, N.Y.
John J. Kren, 52
William Krukowski, 36, New York, N.Y.
Lyudmila Ksido, 46, New York, N.Y.
Shekhar Kumar, 30, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth Kumpel, 42, Cornwall, N.Y.
Frederick Kuo, 53, Great Neck, N.Y.
Patricia Kuras, 42, New York, N.Y.
Nauka Kushitani, 44, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Joseph Kuveikis, 48, Carmel, N.Y.
Victor Kwarkye, 35, New York, N.Y.
Kui Fai Kwok, 31, New York, N.Y.
Angela R. Kyte, 49, Boonton, N.J.
Amarnauth Lachhman, 42, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Andrew LaCorte, 61, Jersey City, N.J.
Ganesh Ladkat, 27, Somerset, N.J.
James P. Ladley, 41, Colts Neck, N.J.
Daniel M. Van Laere, 46, Glen Rock, N.J.
Joseph A. Lafalce, 54, New York, N.Y.
Jeanette LaFond-Menichino, 49, New York, N.Y.
David LaForge, 50, Port Richmond, N.Y.
Michael Patrick LaForte, 39, Holmdel, N.J.
Alan Lafrance, 43
Juan Lafuente, 61, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Neil K. Lai, 59, East Windsor, N.J.
Vincent A. Laieta, 31, Edison, N.J.
William David Lake, 44, New York, N.Y.
Franco Lalama, 45, Nutley, N.J.
Chow Kwan Lam, 48, Maywood, N.J.
Stephen LaMantia, 38, Darien, Conn.
Amy Hope Lamonsoff, 29, New York, N.Y.
Robert T. Lane, 28, New York, N.Y.
Brendan M. Lang, 30, Red Bank, N.J.
Rosanne P. Lang, 42, Middletown, N.J.
Vanessa Langer, 29, Yonkers, N.Y.
Mary Lou Langley, 53, New York, N.Y.
Peter J. Langone, 41, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.
Thomas Langone, 39, Williston Park, N.Y.
Michele B. Lanza, 36, New York, N.Y.
Ruth Sheila Lapin, 53, East Windsor, N.J.
Carol Ann LaPlante, 59, New York, N.Y.
Ingeborg Astrid Desiree Lariby, 42, New York, N.Y.
Robin Larkey, 48, Chatham, N.J.
Christopher Randall Larrabee, 26, New York, N.Y.
Hamidou S. Larry, 37, New York, N.Y.
Scott Larsen, 35, New York, N.Y.
John Adam Larson, 37, Colonia, N.J.
Gary E. Lasko, 49, Memphis, Tenn.
Nicholas C. Lassman, 28, Cliffside Park, N.J.
Paul Laszczynski, 49, Paramus, N.J.
Jeffrey Latouche, 49, New York, N.Y.
Cristina de Laura
Oscar de Laura
Charles Laurencin, 61, New York, N.Y.
Stephen James Lauria, 39, New York, N.Y.
Maria Lavache, 60, New York, N.Y.
Denis F. Lavelle, 42, Yonkers, N.Y.
Jeannine M. LaVerde, 36, New York, N.Y.
Anna A. Laverty, 52, Middletown, N.J.
Steven Lawn, 28, West Windsor, N.J.
Robert A. Lawrence, 41, Summit, N.J.
Nathaniel Lawson, 61, New York, N.Y.
Eugen Lazar, 27, New York, N.Y.
James Patrick Leahy, 38, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Joseph Gerard Leavey, 45, Pelham, N.Y.
Neil Leavy, 34, New York, N.Y.
Leon Lebor, 51, Jersey City, N.J.
Kenneth Charles Ledee, 38, Monmouth, N.J.
Alan J. Lederman, 43, New York, N.Y.
Elena Ledesma, 36, New York, N.Y.
Alexis Leduc, 45, New York, N.Y.
Myung-woo Lee, 41, Lyndhurst, N.J.
David S. Lee, 37, West Orange, N.J.
Gary H. Lee, 62, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Hyun-joon (Paul) Lee, 32, New York, N.Y.
Jong-min Lee, 24, New York, N.Y.
Juanita Lee, 44, New York, N.Y.
Lorraine Lee, 37, New York, N.Y.
Richard Y.C. Lee, 34, Great Neck, N.Y.
Yang Der Lee, 63, New York, N.Y.
Kathryn Blair Lee, 55, New York, N.Y.
Stuart (Soo-Jin) Lee, 30, New York, N.Y.
Linda C. Lee, 34, New York, N.Y.
Stephen Lefkowitz, 50, Belle Harbor, N.Y.
Adriana Legro, 32, New York, N.Y.
Edward J. Lehman, 41, Glen Cove, N.Y.
Eric Andrew Lehrfeld, 32, New York, N.Y.
David Ralph Leistman, 43, Garden City, N.Y.
David Prudencio LeMagne, 27, North Bergen, N.J.
Joseph A. Lenihan, 41, Greenwich, Conn.
John J. Lennon, 44, Howell, N.J.
John Robinson Lenoir, 38, Locust Valley, N.Y.
Jorge Luis Leon, 43, Union City, N.J.
Matthew Gerard Leonard, 38, New York, N.Y.
Michael Lepore, 39, New York, N.Y.
Charles Antoine Lesperance, 55
Jeffrey Earle LeVeen, 55, Manhasset, N.Y.
John D. Levi, 50, New York, N.Y.
Alisha Caren Levin, 33, New York, N.Y.
Neil D. Levin, 47, New York, N.Y.
Robert Levine, 56, West Babylon, N.Y.
Robert M. Levine, 66, Edgewater, N.J.
Shai Levinhar, 29, New York, N.Y.
Adam J. Lewis, 36, Fairfield, Conn.
Margaret Susan Lewis, 49, Elizabeth, N.J.
Ye Wei Liang, 27, New York, N.Y.
Orasri Liangthanasarn, 26, Bayonne, N.J.
Daniel F. Libretti, 43, New York, N.Y.
Ralph M. Licciardi, 30, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Edward Lichtschein, 35, New York, N.Y.
Steven B. Lillianthal, 38, Millburn, N.J.
Carlos R. Lillo, 37, Babylon, N.Y.
Craig Damian Lilore, 30, Lyndhurst, N.J.
Arnold A. Lim, 28, New York, N.Y.
Darya Lin, 32, Chicago, Ill.
Wei Rong Lin, 31, Jersey City, N.J.
Nickie L. Lindo, 31, New York, N.Y.
Thomas V. Linehan, 39, Montville, N.J.
Robert Thomas Linnane, 33, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Alan Linton, 26, Jersey City, N.J.
Diane Theresa Lipari, 42, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth P. Lira, 28, Paterson, N.J.
Francisco Alberto Liriano, 33, New York, N.Y.
Lorraine Lisi, 44, New York, N.Y.
Paul Lisson, 45, New York, N.Y.
Vincent Litto, 52, New York, N.Y.
Ming-Hao Liu, 41, Livingston, N.J.
Nancy Liz, 39, New York, N.Y.
Harold Lizcano, 31, East Elmhurst, N.Y.
Martin Lizzul, 31, New York, N.Y.
George A. Llanes, 33, New York, N.Y.
Elizabeth Claire Logler, 31, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Catherine Lisa Loguidice, 30, New York, N.Y.
Jerome Robert Lohez, 30, Jersey City, N.J.
Michael W. Lomax, 37, New York, N.Y.
Laura M. Longing, 35, Pearl River, N.Y.
Salvatore P. Lopes, 40, Franklin Square, N.Y.
Daniel Lopez, 39, New York, N.Y.
Luis Lopez, 38, New York, N.Y.
Manuel L. Lopez, 54, Jersey City, N.J.
George Lopez, 40, Stroudsburg, Pa.
Joseph Lostrangio, 48, Langhorne, Pa.
Chet Louie, 45, New York, N.Y.
Stuart Seid Louis, 43, East Brunswick, N.J.
Joseph Lovero, 60, Jersey City, N.J.
Michael W. Lowe, 48, New York, N.Y.
Garry Lozier, 47, Darien, Conn.
John Peter Lozowsky, 45, New York, N.Y.
Charles Peter Lucania, 34, East Atlantic Beach, N.Y.
Edward (Ted) H. Luckett, 40, Fair Haven, N.J.
Mark G. Ludvigsen, 32, New York, N.Y.
Lee Charles Ludwig, 49, New York, N.Y.
Sean Thomas Lugano, 28, New York, N.Y.
Daniel Lugo, 45, New York, N.Y.
Marie Lukas, 32, New York, N.Y.
William Lum, 45, New York, N.Y.
Michael P. Lunden, 37, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Lunder, 34, Wall, N.J.
Anthony Luparello, 62, New York, N.Y.
Gary Lutnick, 36, New York, N.Y.
Linda Luzzicone, 33, New York, N.Y.
Alexander Lygin, 28, New York, N.Y.
Farrell Peter Lynch, 39, Centerport, N.Y.
James Francis Lynch, 47, Woodbridge, N.J.
Louise A. Lynch, 58, Amityville, N.Y.
Michael Lynch, 34, New York, N.Y.
Michael F. Lynch, 33, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Michael Francis Lynch, 30, New York, N.Y.
Richard Dennis Lynch, 30, Bedford Hills, N.Y.
Robert H. Lynch, 44, Cranford, N.J.
Sean Patrick Lynch, 36, Morristown, N.J.
Sean Lynch, 34, New York, N.Y.
Michael J. Lyons, 32, Hawthorne, N.Y.
Patrick Lyons, 34, South Setauket, N.Y.
Monica Lyons, 53, New York, N.Y.
Robert Francis Mace, 43, New York, N.Y.
Jan Maciejewski, 37, New York, N.Y.
Catherine Fairfax MacRae, 23, New York, N.Y.
Richard B. Madden, 35, Westfield, N.J.
Simon Maddison, 40, Florham Park, N.J.
Noell Maerz, 29, Long Beach, N.Y.
Jeannieann Maffeo, 40, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Maffeo, 30, New York, N.Y.
Jay Robert Magazine, 48, New York, N.Y.
Charles Wilson Magee, 51, Wantagh, N.Y.
Brian Magee, 52, Floral Park, N.Y.
Joseph Maggitti, 47, Abingdon, Md.
Ronald E. Magnuson, 57, Park Ridge, N.J.
Daniel L. Maher, 50, Hamilton, N.J.
Thomas Anthony Mahon, 37, East Norwich, N.Y.
William Mahoney, 38, Bohemia, N.Y.
Joseph Maio, 32, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y.
Takashi Makimoto, 49, New York, N.Y.
Abdu Malahi, 37, New York, N.Y.
Debora Maldonado, 47, New York, N.Y.
Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto, 49, New York, N.Y.
Alfred R. Maler, 39, Convent Station, N.J.
Gregory James Malone, 42, Hoboken, N.J.
Edward Francis (Teddy) Maloney, 32, Darien, Conn.
Joseph E. Maloney, 46, Farmingville, N.Y.
Gene E. Maloy, 41, New York, N.Y.
Christian Maltby, 37, Chatham, N.J.
Francisco Miguel (Frank) Mancini, 26, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Mangano, 53, Jackson, N.J.
Sara Elizabeth Manley, 31, New York, N.Y.
Debra M. Mannetta, 31, Islip, N.Y.
Terence J. Manning, 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Marion Victoria (vickie) Manning, 27, Rochdale, N.Y.
James Maounis, 42, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Ross Marchbanks, 47, Nanuet, N.Y.
Peter Edward Mardikian, 29, New York, N.Y.
Edward Joseph Mardovich, 42, Lloyd Harbor, N.Y.
Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta, 44, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth Joseph Marino, 40, Monroe, N.Y.
Lester Vincent Marino, 57, Massapequa, N.Y.
Vita Marino, 49, New York, N.Y.
Kevin D. Marlo, 28, New York, N.Y.
Jose J. Marrero, 32, Old Bridge, N.J.
John Marshall, 35, Congers, N.Y.
James Martello, 41, Rumson, N.J.
Michael A. Marti, 26, Glendale, N.Y.
Lt. Peter Martin, 43, Miller Place, N.Y.
William J. Martin, 35, Rockaway, N.J.
Brian E. Martineau, 37, Edison, N.J.
Betsy Martinez, 33, New York, N.Y.
Edward J. Martinez, 60, New York, N.Y.
Jose Angel Martinez, 49, Hauppauge, N.Y.
Robert Gabriel Martinez, 24, New York, N.Y.
Lizie Martinez-Calderon, 32, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Paul Richard Martini, 37, New York, N.Y.
Joseph A. Mascali, 44, New York, N.Y.
Bernard Mascarenhas, 54, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Stephen F. Masi, 55, New York, N.Y.
Nicholas G. Massa, 65, New York, N.Y.
Patricia A. Massari, 25, Glendale, N.Y.
Michael Massaroli, 38, New York, N.Y.
Philip W. Mastrandrea, 42, Chatham, N.J.
Rudolph Mastrocinque, 43, Kings Park, N.Y.
Joseph Mathai, 49, Arlington, Mass.
Charles William Mathers, 61, Sea Girt, N.J.
William A. Mathesen, 40, Morristown, N.J.
Marcello Matricciano, 31, New York, N.Y.
Margaret Elaine Mattic, 51, New York, N.Y.
Robert D. Mattson, 54, Green Pond, N.J.
Walter Matuza, 39, New York, N.Y.
Charles A. (Chuck) Mauro, 65, New York, N.Y.
Charles J. Mauro, 38, New York, N.Y.
Dorothy Mauro, 55, New York, N.Y.
Nancy T. Mauro, 51, New York, N.Y.
Tyrone May, 44, Rahway, N.J.
Keithroy Maynard, 30, New York, N.Y.
Robert J. Mayo, 46, Morganville, N.J.
Kathy Nancy Mazza-Delosh, 46, Farmingdale, N.Y.
Edward Mazzella, 62, Monroe, N.Y.
Jennifer Mazzotta, 23, New York, N.Y.
Kaaria Mbaya, 39, Edison, N.J.
James J. McAlary, 42, Spring Lake Heights, N.J.
Brian McAleese, 36, Baldwin, N.Y.
Patricia A. McAneney, 50, Pomona, N.Y.
Colin Richard McArthur, 52, Howell, N.J.
John McAvoy, 47, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth M. McBrayer, 49, New York, N.Y.
Brendan McCabe, 40, Sayville, N.Y.
Michael J. McCabe, 42, Rumson, N.J.
Thomas McCann, 46, Manalapan, N.J.
Justin McCarthy, 30, Port Washington, N.Y.
Kevin M. McCarthy, 42, Fairfield, Conn.
Michael Desmond McCarthy, 33, Huntington, N.Y.
Robert Garvin McCarthy, 33, Stony Point, N.Y.
Stanley McCaskill, 47, New York, N.Y.
Katie Marie McCloskey, 25, Mount Vernon, N.Y.
Tara McCloud-Gray, 30, New York, N.Y.
Charles Austin McCrann, 55, New York, N.Y.
Tonyell McDay, 25, Colonia, N.J.
Matthew T. McDermott, 34, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Joseph P. McDonald, 43, Livingston, N.J.
Brian G. McDonnell, 38, Wantagh, N.Y.
Michael McDonnell, 34, Red Bank, N.J.
John F. McDowell, 33, New York, N.Y.
Eamon J. McEneaney, 46, New Canaan, Conn.
John Thomas McErlean, 39, Larchmont, N.Y.
Daniel F. McGinley, 40, Ridgewood, N.J.
Mark Ryan McGinly, 26, New York, N.Y.
Lt. William E. McGinn, 43, New York, N.Y.
Thomas H. McGinnis, 41, Oakland, N.J.
Michael Gregory McGinty, 42, Foxboro, Mass.
Ann McGovern, 68, East Meadow, N.Y.
Scott Martin McGovern, 35, Wyckoff, N.J.
William J. McGovern, 49, Smithtown, N.Y.
Stacey S. McGowan, 38, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Francis Noel McGuinn, 48, Rye, N.Y.
Patrick J. McGuire, 40, Madison, N.J.
Thomas M. McHale, 33, Huntington, N.Y.
Keith McHeffey, 31, Monmouth Beach, N.J.
Denis J. McHugh, 36, New York, N.Y.
Dennis P. McHugh, 34, Sparkill, N.Y.
Michael Edward McHugh, 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Ann M. McHugh, 35, New York, N.Y.
Robert G. McIlvaine, 26, New York, N.Y.
Donald James McIntyre, 38, New City, N.Y.
Stephanie McKenna, 45, New York, N.Y.
Barry J. McKeon, 47, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Evelyn C. McKinnedy, 60, New York, N.Y.
Darryl Leron McKinney, 26, New York, N.Y.
Robert C. McLaughlin, 29, Westchester, N.Y.
George Patrick McLaughlin, 36, Hoboken, N.J.
Gavin McMahon, 35, Bayonne, N.J.
Robert Dismas McMahon, 35, New York, N.Y.
Edmund M. McNally, 41, Fair Haven, N.J.
Daniel McNeal, 29, Towson, Md.
Walter Arthur McNeil, 53, Stroudsburg, Pa.
Sean Peter McNulty, 30, New York, N.Y.
Christine Sheila McNulty, 42, Peterborough, England
Robert William McPadden, 30, Pearl River, N.Y.
Terence A. McShane, 37, West Islip, N.Y.
Timothy Patrick McSweeney, 37, New York, N.Y.
Martin E. McWilliams, 35, Kings Park, N.Y.
Rocco A. Medaglia, 49, Melville, N.Y.
Abigail Cales Medina, 46, New York, N.Y.
Ana Iris Medina, 39, New York, N.Y.
Deborah Medwig, 46, Dedham, Mass.
William J. Meehan, 49, Darien, Conn.
Damian Meehan, 32, Glen Rock, N.J.
Alok Kumar Mehta, 23, Hempstead, N.Y.
Raymond Meisenheimer, 46, West Babylon, N.Y.
Manuel Emilio Mejia, 54, New York, N.Y.
Eskedar Melaku, 31, New York, N.Y.
Antonio Melendez, 30, New York, N.Y.
Mary Melendez, 44, Stroudsburg, Pa.
Yelena Melnichenko, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Stuart Todd Meltzer, 32, Syosset, N.Y.
Diarelia Jovannah Mena, 30, New York, N.Y.
Charles Mendez, 38, Floral Park, N.Y.
Lizette Mendoza, 33, North Bergen, N.J.
Shevonne Mentis, 25, New York, N.Y.
Steve Mercado, 38, New York, N.Y.
Wesley Mercer, 70, New York, N.Y.
Ralph Joseph Mercurio, 47, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Alan H. Merdinger, 47, Allentown, Pa.
George C. Merino, 39, New York, N.Y.
Yamel Merino, 24, Yonkers, N.Y.
George Merkouris, 35, Levittown, N.Y.
Deborah Merrick, 45
Raymond J. Metz, 37, Trumbull, Conn.
Jill A. Metzler, 32, Franklin Square, N.Y.
David Robert Meyer, 57, Glen Rock, N.J.
Nurul Huq Miah, 35, New York, N.Y.
William Edward Micciulli, 30, Matawan, N.J.
Martin Paul Michelstein, 57, Morristown, N.J.
Luis Clodoaldo Revilla Mier, 54
Peter T. Milano, 43, Middletown, N.J.
Gregory Milanowycz, 25, Cranford, N.J.
Lukasz T. Milewski, 21, New York, N.Y.
Craig James Miller, 29, Va.
Corey Peter Miller, 34, New York, N.Y.
Douglas C. Miller, 34, Port Jervis, N.Y.
Henry Miller, 52, Massapequa, N.Y.
Michael Matthew Miller, 39, Englewood, N.J.
Phillip D. Miller, 53, New York, N.Y.
Robert C. Miller, 55, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J.
Robert Alan Miller, 46, Matawan, N.J.
Joel Miller, 55, Baldwin, N.Y.
Benjamin Millman, 40, New York, N.Y.
Charles M. Mills, 61, Brentwood, N.Y.
Ronald Keith Milstein, 54, New York, N.Y.
Robert Minara, 54, Carmel, N.Y.
William G. Minardi, 46, Bedford, N.Y.
Louis Joseph Minervino, 54, Middletown, N.J.
Thomas Mingione, 34, West Islip, N.Y.
Wilbert Miraille, 29, New York, N.Y.
Domenick Mircovich, 40, Closter, N.J.
Rajesh A. Mirpuri, 30, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Joseph Mistrulli, 47, Wantagh, N.Y.
Susan Miszkowicz, 37, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell, 46, New York, N.Y.
Richard Miuccio, 55, New York, N.Y.
Frank V. Moccia, 57, Hauppauge, N.Y.
Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi, 45, New York, N.Y.
Boyie Mohammed, 50, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Dennis Mojica, 50, New York, N.Y.
Manuel Mojica, 37, Bellmore, N.Y.
Manuel Dejesus Molina, 31, New York, N.Y.
Kleber Rolando Molina, 44, New York, N.Y.
Fernando Jimenez Molinar, 21, Oaxaca, Mexico
Carl Molinaro, 32, New York, N.Y.
Justin J. Molisani, 42, Middletown Township, N.J.
Brian Patrick Monaghan, 21, New York, N.Y.
Franklin Monahan, 45, Roxbury, N.Y.
John Gerard Monahan, 47, Wanamassa, N.J.
Kristen Montanaro, 34, New York, N.Y.
Craig D. Montano, 38, Glen Ridge, N.J.
Michael Montesi, 39, Highland Mills, N.Y.
Cheryl Ann Monyak, 43, Greenwich, Conn.
Capt. Thomas Moody, 45, Stony Brook, N.Y.
Sharon Moore, 37, New York, N.Y.
Krishna Moorthy, 59, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.
Abner Morales, 37, New York, N.Y.
Carlos Morales, 29, New York, N.Y.
Paula Morales, 42, New York, N.Y.
Luis Morales, 46, New York, N.Y.
John Moran, 43, Rockaway, N.Y.
John Christopher Moran, 38, Haslemere, Surrey, England
Kathleen Moran, 42, New York, N.Y.
Lindsay S. Morehouse, 24, New York, N.Y.
George Morell, 47, Mount. Kisco, N.Y.
Steven P. Morello, 52, Bayonne, N.J.
Vincent S. Morello, 34, New York, N.Y.
Arturo Alva Moreno, 47, Mexico City, Mexico
Yvette Nicole Moreno, 25, New York, N.Y.
Dorothy Morgan, 47, Hempstead, N.Y.
Richard Morgan, 66, Glen Rock, N.J.
Nancy Morgenstern, 32, New York, N.Y.
Sanae Mori, 27, Tokyo, Japan
Blanca Morocho, 26, New York, N.Y.
Leonel Morocho, 36, New York, N.Y.
Dennis G. Moroney, 39, Eastchester, N.Y.
Lynne Irene Morris, 22, Monroe, N.Y.
Seth A. Morris, 35, Kinnelon, N.J.
Stephen Philip Morris, 31, Ormond Beach, Fla.
Christopher M. Morrison, 34, Charlestown, Mass.
Ferdinand V. Morrone, 63, Lakewood, N.J.
William David Moskal, 50, Brecksville, Ohio
Manuel Da Mota, 43, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Marco Motroni, 57, Fort Lee, N.J.
Iouri A. Mouchinski, 55, New York, N.Y.
Jude J. Moussa, 35, New York, N.Y.
Peter C. Moutos, 44, Chatham, N.J.
Damion Mowatt, 21, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Mozzillo, 27, New York, N.Y.
Stephen V. Mulderry, 33, New York, N.Y.
Richard Muldowney, 40, Babylon, N.Y.
Michael D. Mullan, 34, New York, N.Y.
Dennis Michael Mulligan, 32, New York, N.Y.
Peter James Mulligan, 28, New York, N.Y.
Michael Joseph Mullin, 27, Hoboken, N.J.
James Donald Munhall, 45, Ridgewood, N.J.
Nancy Muniz, 45, New York, N.Y.
Carlos Mario Munoz, 43
Francisco Munoz, 29, New York, N.Y.
Theresa (Terry) Munson, 54, New York, N.Y.
Robert M. Murach, 45, Montclair, N.J.
Cesar Augusto Murillo, 32, New York, N.Y.
Marc A. Murolo, 28, Maywood, N.J.
Robert Eddie Murphy, 56, New York, N.Y.
Brian Joseph Murphy, 41, New York, N.Y.
Christopher W. Murphy, 35, Easton, Md.
Edward C. Murphy, 42, Clifton, N.J.
James F. Murphy, 30, Garden City, N.Y.
James Thomas Murphy, 35, Middletown, N.J.
Kevin James Murphy, 40, Northport, N.Y.
Patrick Sean Murphy, 36, Millburn, N.J.
Lt. Raymond E. Murphy, 46, New York, N.Y.
Charles Murphy, 38, New York, N.Y.
John Joseph Murray, 32, Hoboken, N.J.
John Joseph Murray, 52, Colts Neck, N.J.
Susan D. Murray, 54, Summit, N.J.
Valerie Victoria Murray, 65, New York, N.Y.
Richard Todd Myhre, 37, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Robert B. Nagel, 55, New York, N.Y.
Takuya Nakamura, 30, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Alexander J.R. Napier, 38, Morris Township, N.J.
Frank Joseph Naples, 29, Cliffside Park, N.J.
John Napolitano, 33, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
Catherine A. Nardella, 40, Bloomfield, N.J.
Mario Nardone, 32, New York, N.Y.
Manika Narula, 22, Kings Park, N.Y.
Narender Nath, 33, Colonia, N.J.
Karen S. Navarro, 30, New York, N.Y.
Joseph M. Navas, 44, Paramus, N.J.
Francis J. Nazario, 28, Jersey City, N.J.
Glenroy Neblett, 42, New York, N.Y.
Marcus R. Neblett, 31, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.
Jerome O. Nedd, 39, New York, N.Y.
Laurence Nedell, 51, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Luke G. Nee, 44, Stony Point, N.Y.
Pete Negron, 34, Bergenfield, N.J.
Ann Nicole Nelson, 30, New York, N.Y.
David William Nelson, 50, New York, N.Y.
James Nelson, 40, Clark, N.J.
Michele Ann Nelson, 27, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Peter Allen Nelson, 42, Huntington Station, N.Y.
Oscar Nesbitt, 58, New York, N.Y.
Gerard Terence Nevins, 46, Campbell Hall, N.Y.
Christopher Newton-Carter, 51, Middletown, N.J.
Kapinga Ngalula, 58, McKinney, Texas
Nancy Yuen Ngo, 36, Harrington Park, N.J.
Jody Tepedino Nichilo, 39, New York, N.Y.
Martin Niederer, 23, Hoboken, N.J.
Alfonse J. Niedermeyer, 40, Manasquan, N.J.
Frank John Niestadt, 55, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
Gloria Nieves, 48, New York, N.Y.
Juan Nieves, 56, New York, N.Y.
Troy Edward Nilsen, 33, New York, N.Y.
Paul R. Nimbley, 42, Middletown, N.J.
John Ballantine Niven, 44, Oyster Bay, N.Y.
Katherine (Katie) McGarry Noack, 30, Hoboken, N.J.
Curtis Terrence Noel, 22, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Daniel R. Nolan, 44, Hopatcong, N.J.
Robert Walter Noonan, 36, Norwalk, Conn.
Daniela R. Notaro, 25, New York, N.Y.
Brian Novotny, 33, Hoboken, N.J.
Soichi Numata, 45, Irvington, N.Y.
Brian Felix Nunez, 29, New York, N.Y.
Jose R. Nunez, 42, New York, N.Y.
Jeffrey Nussbaum, 37, Oceanside, N.Y.
James A. Oakley, 52, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.
Dennis O'Berg, 28, Babylon, N.Y.
James P. O'Brien, 33, New York, N.Y.
Scott J. O'Brien, 40, New York, N.Y.
Timothy Michael O'Brien, 40, Brookville, N.Y.
Michael O'Brien, 42, Cedar Knolls, N.J.
Captain Daniel O'Callaghan, 42, Smithtown, N.Y.
Richard J. O'Connor, 49, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Dennis J. O'Connor, 34, New York, N.Y.
Diana J. O'Connor, 38, Eastchester, N.Y.
Keith K. O'Connor, 28, Hoboken, N.J.
Amy O'Doherty, 23, New York, N.Y.
Marni Pont O'Doherty, 31, Armonk, N.Y.
Douglas Oelschlager, 36, New York, N.Y.
Takashi Ogawa, 37, Tokyo, Japan
Albert Ogletree, 49, New York, N.Y.
Philip Paul Ognibene, 39, New York, N.Y.
James Andrew O'Grady, 32, Harrington Park, N.J.
Joseph J. Ogren, 30, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Thomas O'Hagan, 43, New York, N.Y.
Samuel Oitice, 45, Peekskill, N.Y.
Patrick O'Keefe, 44, Oakdale, N.Y.
Capt. William O'Keefe, 49, New York, N.Y.
Gerald Michael Olcott, 55, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Gerald O'Leary, 34, Stony Point, N.Y.
Christine Anne Olender, 39, New York, N.Y.
Elsy Carolina Osorio Oliva, 27, New York, N.Y.
Linda Mary Oliva, 44, New York, N.Y.
Edward K. Oliver, 31, Jackson, N.J.
Leah E. Oliver, 24, New York, N.Y.
Eric T. Olsen, 41, New York, N.Y.
Jeffrey James Olsen, 31, New York, N.Y.
Maureen L. Olson, 50, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Steven John Olson, 38, New York, N.Y.
Matthew Timothy O'Mahony, 39, New York, N.Y.
Toshihiro Onda, 39, New York, N.Y.
Seamus L. Oneal, 52, New York, N.Y.
John P. O'Neill, 49, New York, N.Y.
Sean Gordon Corbett O'Neill, 34, Rye, N.Y.
Peter J. O'Neill, 21, Amityville, N.Y.
Michael C. Opperman, 45, Selden, N.Y.
Christopher Orgielewicz, 35, Larchmont, N.Y.
Margaret Orloske, 50, Windsor, Conn.
Virginia A. Ormiston, 42, New York, N.Y.
Kevin O'Rourke, 44, Hewlett, N.Y.
Juan Romero Orozco, Acatlan de Osorio, Puebla, Mexico
Ronald Orsini, 59, Hillsdale, N.J.
Peter K. Ortale, 37, New York, N.Y.
Emilio (Peter) Ortiz, 38, New York, N.Y.
David Ortiz, 37, Nanuet, N.Y.
Paul Ortiz, 21, New York, N.Y.
Sonia Ortiz, 58, New York, N.Y.
Alexander Ortiz, 36, Ridgewood, N.Y.
Pablo Ortiz, 49, New York, N.Y.
Masaru Ose, 36, Fort Lee, N.J.
Robert W. O'Shea, 47, Wall, N.J.
Patrick J. O'Shea, 45, Farmingdale, N.Y.
James Robert Ostrowski, 37, Garden City, N.Y.
Timothy O'Sullivan, 68, Albrightsville, Pa.
Jason Douglas Oswald, 28, New York, N.Y.
Michael Otten, 42, East Islip, N.Y.
Isidro Ottenwalder, 35, New York, N.Y.
Michael Chung Ou, 53, New York, N.Y.
Todd Joseph Ouida, 25, River Edge, N.J.
Jesus Ovalles, 60, New York, N.Y.
Peter J. Owens, 42, Williston Park, N.Y.
Adianes Oyola, 23, New York, N.Y.
Angel M. Pabon, 54, New York, N.Y.
Israel Pabon, 31, New York, N.Y.
Roland Pacheco, 25, New York, N.Y.
Michael Benjamin Packer, 45, New York, N.Y.
Deepa K. Pakkala, 31, Stewartsville, N.J.
Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo, 33, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Anthony Palazzo, 44, Armonk, N.Y.
Richard (Rico) Palazzolo, 39, New York, N.Y.
Orio Joseph Palmer, 45, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Frank A. Palombo, 46, New York, N.Y.
Alan N. Palumbo, 42, New York, N.Y.
Christopher M. Panatier, 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Dominique Pandolfo, 27, Hoboken, N.J.
Paul Pansini, 34, New York, N.Y.
John M. Paolillo, 51, Glen Head, N.Y.
Edward J. Papa, 47, Oyster Bay, N.Y.
Salvatore Papasso, 34, New York, N.Y.
James N. Pappageorge, 29, Yonkers, N.Y.
Vinod K. Parakat, 34, Sayreville, N.J.
Vijayashanker Paramsothy, 23, New York, N.Y.
Nitin Ramesh Parandkar, 28, Waltham, Mass.
Hardai (Casey) Parbhu, 42, New York, N.Y.
James Wendell Parham, 32, New York, N.Y.
Debra (Debbie) Paris, 48, New York, N.Y.
George Paris, 33, New York, N.Y.
Gye-Hyong Park, 28, New York, N.Y.
Philip L. Parker, 53, Skillman, N.J.
Michael A. Parkes, 27, New York, N.Y.
Robert Emmett Parks, 47, Middletown, N.J.
Hasmukhrai Chuckulal Parmar, 48, Warren, N.J.
Robert Parro, 35, Levittown, N.Y.
Diane Marie Moore Parsons, 58, Malta, N.Y.
Leobardo Lopez Pascual, 41, New York, N.Y.
Michael J. Pascuma, 50, Massapequa Park, N.Y.
Jerrold H. Paskins, 56, Anaheim Hills, Calif.
Horace Robert Passananti, 55, New York, N.Y.
Suzanne H. Passaro, 38, East Brunswick, N.J.
Victor Antonio Martinez Pastrana, 38, Tlachichuca, Puebla, Mexico
Manish K. Patel, 29, Edison, N.J.
Avnish Ramanbhai Patel, 28, New York, N.Y.
Dipti Patel, 38, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Steven B. Paterson, 40, Ridgewood, N.J.
James Matthew Patrick, 30, Norwalk, Conn.
Manuel Patrocino, 34
Bernard E. Patterson, 46, Upper Brookville, N.Y.
Cira Marie Patti, 40, New York, N.Y.
Robert Edward Pattison, 40, New York, N.Y.
James R. Paul, 58, New York, N.Y.
Sharon Cristina Millan Paz, 31, New York, N.Y.
Patrice Paz, 52, New York, N.Y.
Victor Paz-Gutierrez, 43, New York, N.Y.
Stacey L. Peak, 36, New York, N.Y.
Richard Allen Pearlman, 18, New York, N.Y.
Durrell Pearsall, 34, Hempstead, N.Y.
Thomas E. Pedicini, 30, Hicksville, N.Y.
Todd D. Pelino, 34, Fair Haven, N.J.
Michel Adrian Pelletier, 36, Greenwich, Conn.
Anthony Peluso, 46, New York, N.Y.
Angel Ramon Pena, 45, River Vale, N.J.
Richard Al Penny, 53, New York, N.Y.
Salvatore F. Pepe, 45, New York, N.Y.
Carl Allen Peralta, 37, New York, N.Y.
Robert David Peraza, 30, New York, N.Y.
Jon A. Perconti, 32, Brick, N.J.
Alejo Perez, 66, Union City, N.J.
Angel Perez, 43, Jersey City, N.J.
Angela Susan Perez, 35, New York, N.Y.
Ivan Perez, 37, New York, N.Y.
Nancy E. Perez, 36, Secaucus, N.J.
Anthony Perez, 33, Locust Valley, N.Y.
Joseph John Perroncino, 33, Smithtown, N.Y.
Edward J. Perrotta, 43, Mount Sinai, N.Y.
Lt. Glenn C. Perry, 41, Monroe, N.Y.
Emelda Perry, 52, Elmont, N.Y.
John William Perry, 38, New York, N.Y.
Franklin Allan Pershep, 59, New York, N.Y.
Daniel Pesce, 34, New York, N.Y.
Michael J. Pescherine, 32, New York, N.Y.
Davin Peterson, 25, New York, N.Y.
William Russel Peterson, 46, New York, N.Y.
Mark Petrocelli, 28, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Philip S. Petti, 43, New York, N.Y.
Glen Kerrin Pettit, 30, Oakdale, N.Y.
Dominick Pezzulo, 36, New York, N.Y.
Kaleen E. Pezzuti, 28, Fair Haven, N.J.
Lt. Kevin Pfeifer, 42, New York, N.Y.
Tu-Anh Pham, 42, Princeton, N.J.
Lt. Kenneth John Phelan, 41, New York, N.Y.
Michael V. San Phillip, 55, Ridgewood, N.J.
Eugenia Piantieri, 55, New York, N.Y.
Ludwig John Picarro, 44, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Matthew Picerno, 44, Holmdel, N.J.
Joseph O. Pick, 40, Hoboken, N.J.
Christopher Pickford, 32, New York, N.Y.
Dennis J. Pierce, 54, New York, N.Y.
Joseph A. Della Pietra, 24, New York, N.Y.
Bernard T. Pietronico, 39, Matawan, N.J.
Nicholas P. Pietrunti, 38, Belford, N.J.
Theodoros Pigis, 60, New York, N.Y.
Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto, 44, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Piskadlo, 48, North Arlington, N.J.
Christopher Todd Pitman, 30, New York, N.Y.
Josh Michael Piver, 23, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Plumitallo, 45, Manalapan, N.J.
John M. Pocher, 36, Middletown, N.J.
William Howard Pohlmann, 56, Ardsley, N.Y.
Laurence M. Polatsch, 32, New York, N.Y.
Thomas H. Polhemus, 39, Morris Plains, N.J.
Steve Pollicino, 48, Plainview, N.Y.
Susan M. Pollio, 45, Long Beach Township, N.J.
Joshua Poptean, 37, New York, N.Y.
Giovanna Porras, 24, New York, N.Y.
Anthony Portillo, 48, New York, N.Y.
James Edward Potorti, 52, Princeton, N.J.
Daphne Pouletsos, 47, Westwood, N.J.
Richard Poulos, 55, Levittown, N.Y.
Stephen E. Poulos, 45, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Brandon Jerome Powell, 26, New York, N.Y.
Shawn Edward Powell, 32, New York, N.Y.
Tony Pratt, 43, New York, N.Y.
Gregory M. Preziose, 34, Holmdel, N.J.
Wanda Ivelisse Prince, 30, New York, N.Y.
Vincent Princiotta, 39, Orangeburg, N.Y.
Kevin Prior, 28, Bellmore, N.Y.
Everett Martin (Marty) Proctor, 44, New York, N.Y.
Carrie B. Progen, 25, New York, N.Y.
David Lee Pruim, 53, Upper Montclair, N.J.
Richard Prunty, 57, Sayville, N.Y.
John F. Puckett, 47, Glen Cove, N.Y.
Robert D. Pugliese, 47, East Fishkill, N.Y.
Edward F. Pullis, 34, Hazlet, N.J.
Patricia Ann Puma, 33, New York, N.Y.
Hemanth Kumar Puttur, 26, White Plains, N.Y.
Edward R. Pykon, 33, Princeton, N.J.
Christopher Quackenbush, 44, Manhasset, N.Y.
Lars Peter Qualben, 49, New York, N.Y.
Lincoln Quappe, 38, Sayville, N.Y.
Beth Ann Quigley, 25, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Michael Quilty, 42, New York, N.Y.
Ricardo Quinn, 40, New York, N.Y.
James Francis Quinn, 23, New York, N.Y.
Carol Rabalais, 38, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Peter A. Racaniello, 30, New York, N.Y.
Leonard Ragaglia, 36, New York, N.Y.
Eugene J. Raggio, 55, New York, N.Y.
Laura Marie Ragonese-Snik, 41, Bangor, Pa.
Michael Ragusa, 29, New York, N.Y.
Peter F. Raimondi, 46, New York, N.Y.
Harry A. Raines, 37, New York, N.Y.
Ehtesham U. Raja, 28, Clifton, N.J.
Valsa Raju, 39, Yonkers, N.Y.
Edward Rall, 44, Holbrook, N.Y.
Lukas (Luke) Rambousek, 27, New York, N.Y.
Julio Fernandez Ramirez, 51, New York, N.Y.
Maria Isabel Ramirez, 25, New York, N.Y.
Harry Ramos, 41, Newark, N.J.
Vishnoo Ramsaroop, 44, New York, N.Y.
Lorenzo Ramzey, 48, East Northport, N.Y.
A. Todd Rancke, 42, Summit, N.J.
Adam David Rand, 30, Bellmore, N.Y.
Jonathan C. Randall, 42, New York, N.Y.
Srinivasa Shreyas Ranganath, 26, Hackensack, N.J.
Anne Rose T. Ransom, 45, Edgewater, N.J.
Faina Rapoport, 45, New York, N.Y.
Robert Arthur Rasmussen, 42, Hinsdale, Ill.
Amenia Rasool, 33, New York, N.Y.
Roger Mark Rasweiler, 53, Flemington, N.J.
David Alan James Rathkey, 47, Mountain Lakes, N.J.
William Ralph Raub, 38, Saddle River, N.J.
Gerard Rauzi, 42, New York, N.Y.
Alexey Razuvaev, 40, New York, N.Y.
Gregory Reda, 33, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Sarah Prothero Redheffer, 35, London, England
Michele Reed, 26, Ringoes, N.J.
Judith A. Reese, 56, Kearny, N.J.
Donald J. Regan, 47, Wallkill, N.Y.
Lt. Robert M. Regan, 48, Floral Park, N.Y.
Thomas M. Regan, 43, Cranford, N.J.
Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, 28, New York, N.Y.
Howard Reich, 59, New York, N.Y.
Gregg Reidy, 26, Holmdel, N.J.
Kevin O. Reilly, 28, New York, N.Y.
James Brian Reilly, 25, New York, N.Y.
Timothy E. Reilly, 40, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Reina, 32, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Barnes Reinig, 48, Bernardsville, N.J.
Frank B. Reisman, 41, Princeton, N.J.
Joshua Scott Reiss, 23, New York, N.Y.
Karen Renda, 52, New York, N.Y.
John Armand Reo, 28, Larchmont, N.Y.
Richard Rescorla, 62, Morristown, N.J.
John Thomas Resta, 40, New York, N.Y.
Sylvia San Pio Resta, 26, New York, N.Y.
Eduvigis (Eddie) Reyes, 37, New York, N.Y.
Bruce A. Reynolds, 41, Columbia, N.J.
John Frederick Rhodes, 57, Howell, N.J.
Francis S. Riccardelli, 40, Westwood, N.J.
Rudolph N. Riccio, 50, New York, N.Y.
AnnMarie (Davi) Riccoboni, 58, New York, N.Y.
Eileen Mary Rice, 57, New York, N.Y.
David Rice, 31, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth F. Rice, 34, Hicksville, N.Y.
Lt. Vernon Allan Richard, 53, Nanuet, N.Y.
Claude D. Richards, 46, New York, N.Y.
Gregory Richards, 30, New York, N.Y.
Michael Richards, 38, New York, N.Y.
Venesha O. Richards, 26, North Brunswick, N.J.
James C. Riches, 29, New York, N.Y.
Alan Jay Richman, 44, New York, N.Y.
John M. Rigo, 48, New York, N.Y.
Theresa (Ginger) Risco, 48, New York, N.Y.
Rose Mary Riso, 55, New York, N.Y.
Moises N. Rivas, 29, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Rivelli, 43, New York, N.Y.
Isaias Rivera, 51, Perth Amboy, N.J.
Linda Rivera, 26, New York, N.Y.
Juan William Rivera, 27, New York, N.Y.
Carmen A. Rivera, 33, Westtown, N.Y.
David E. Rivers, 40, New York, N.Y.
Joseph R. Riverso, 34, White Plains, N.Y.
Paul Rizza, 34, Park Ridge, N.J.
John Frank Rizzo, 50, New York, N.Y.
Stephen Louis Roach, 36, Verona, N.J.
Joseph Roberto, 37, Midland Park, N.J.
Leo A. Roberts, 44, Wayne, N.J.
Michael Roberts, 30, New York, N.Y.
Michael Edward Roberts, 31, New York, N.Y.
Donald Walter Robertson, 35, Rumson, N.J.
Catherina Robinson, 45, New York, N.Y.
Jeffrey Robinson, 38, Monmouth Junction, N.J.
Michell Lee Robotham, 32, Kearny, N.J.
Donald Robson, 52, Manhasset, N.Y.
Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha, 34, East Hanover, N.J.
Raymond J. Rocha, 29, Malden, Mass.
Laura Rockefeller, 41, New York, N.Y.
John M. Rodak, 39, Mantua, N.J.
Antonio Jose Carrusca Rodrigues, 35, Port Washington, N.Y.
Anthony Rodriguez, 36, New York, N.Y.
Carmen Milagros Rodriguez, 46, Freehold, N.J.
Marsha A. Rodriguez, 41, West Paterson, N.J.
Richard Rodriguez, 31, Cliffwood, N.J.
Gregory E. Rodriguez, 31, White Plains, N.Y.
David B. Rodriguez-Vargas, 44, New York, N.Y.
Matthew Rogan, 37, West Islip, N.Y.
Karlie Barbara Rogers, 25, London, England
Scott Rohner, 22, Hoboken, N.J.
Keith Roma, 27, New York, N.Y.
Joseph M. Romagnolo, 37, Coram, N.Y.
Elvin Santiago Romero, 34, Matawan, N.J.
Efrain Franco Romero, 57, Hazleton, Pa.
James A. Romito, 51, Westwood, N.J.
Sean Rooney, 50, Stamford, Conn.
Eric Thomas Ropiteau, 24, New York, N.Y.
Aida Rosario, 42, Jersey City, N.J.
Angela Rosario, 27, New York, N.Y.
Fitzroy St. Rose, 40, New York, N.Y.
Mark H. Rosen, 45, West Islip, N.Y.
Linda Rosenbaum, 41, Little Falls, N.J.
Brooke David Rosenbaum, 31, Franklin Square, N.Y.
Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum, 33, Warren, N.J.
Lloyd D. Rosenberg, 31, Morganville, N.J.
Mark Louis Rosenberg, 26, Teaneck, N.J.
Andrew I. Rosenblum, 45, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Joshua M. Rosenblum, 28, Hoboken, N.J.
Joshua A. Rosenthal, 44, New York, N.Y.
Richard David Rosenthal, 50, Fair Lawn, N.J.
Daniel Rossetti, 32, Bloomfield, N.J.
Norman Rossinow, 39, Cedar Grove, N.J.
Nicholas P. Rossomando, 35, New York, N.Y.
Michael Craig Rothberg, 39, Greenwich, Conn.
Donna Marie Rothenberg, 53, New York, N.Y.
Nick Rowe, 29, Hoboken, N.J.
Timothy A. Roy, 36, Massapequa Park, N.Y.
Paul G. Ruback, 50, Newburgh, N.Y.
Ronald J. Ruben, 36, Hoboken, N.J.
Joanne Rubino, 45, New York, N.Y.
David Michael Ruddle, 31, New York, N.Y.
Bart Joseph Ruggiere, 32, New York, N.Y.
Susan Ann Ruggiero, 30, Plainview, N.Y.
Adam K. Ruhalter, 40, Plainview, N.Y.
Gilbert Ruiz, 57, New York, N.Y.
Stephen P. Russell, 40, Rockaway Beach, N.Y.
Steven Harris Russin, 32, Mendham, N.J.
Lt. Michael Thomas Russo, 44, Nesconset, N.Y.
Wayne Alan Russo, 37, Union, N.J.
John J. Ryan, 45, West Windsor, N.J.
Edward Ryan, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Jonathan Stephan Ryan, 32, Bayville, N.Y.
Matthew Lancelot Ryan, 54, Seaford, N.Y.
Kristin A. Irvine Ryan, 30, New York, N.Y.
Tatiana Ryjova, 36, South Salem, N.Y.
Christina Sunga Ryook, 25, New York, N.Y.
Thierry Saada, 27, New York, N.Y.
Jason E. Sabbag, 26, New York, N.Y.
Thomas E. Sabella, 44, New York, N.Y.
Scott Saber, 36, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Sacerdote, 48, Freehold, N.J.
Mohammad Ali Sadeque, 62, New York, N.Y.
Francis J. Sadocha, 41, Huntington, N.Y.
Jude Elias Safi, 24, New York, N.Y.
Brock Joel Safronoff, 26, New York, N.Y.
Edward Saiya, 49, New York, N.Y.
John Patrick Salamone, 37, North Caldwell, N.J.
Hernando R. Salas, 71, New York, N.Y.
Juan Salas, 35, New York, N.Y.
Esmerlin Salcedo, 36, New York, N.Y.
John Salvatore Salerno, 31, Westfield, N.J.
Richard L. Salinardi, 32, Hoboken, N.J.
Wayne John Saloman, 43, Seaford, N.Y.
Nolbert Salomon, 33, New York, N.Y.
Catherine Patricia Salter, 37, New York, N.Y.
Frank Salvaterra, 41, Manhasset, N.Y.
Paul R. Salvio, 27, New York, N.Y.
Samuel R. Salvo, 59, Yonkers, N.Y.
Carlos Samaniego, 29, New York, N.Y.
Rena Sam-Dinnoo, 28, New York, N.Y.
James Kenneth Samuel, 29, Hoboken, N.J.
Hugo Sanay-Perafiel, 41, New York, N.Y.
Alva Jeffries Sanchez, 41, Hempstead, N.Y.
Jacquelyn P. Sanchez, 23, New York, N.Y.
Erick Sanchez, 43, New York, N.Y.
Eric Sand, 36, Westchester, N.Y.
Stacey Leigh Sanders, 25, New York, N.Y.
Herman Sandler, 57, New York, N.Y.
James Sands, 39, Bricktown, N.J.
Ayleen J. Santiago, 40, New York, N.Y.
Kirsten Santiago, 26, New York, N.Y.
Maria Theresa Santillan, 27, Morris Plains, N.J.
Susan G. Santo, 24, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Santora, 23, New York, N.Y.
John Santore, 49, New York, N.Y.
Mario L. Santoro, 28, New York, N.Y.
Rafael Humberto Santos, 42, New York, N.Y.
Rufino Conrado F. (Roy) Santos, 37, New York, N.Y.
Kalyan K. Sarkar, 53, Westwood, N.J.
Chapelle Sarker, 37, New York, N.Y.
Paul F. Sarle, 38, Babylon, N.Y.
Deepika Kumar Sattaluri, 33, Edison, N.J.
Gregory Thomas Saucedo, 31, New York, N.Y.
Susan Sauer, 48, Chicago, Ill.
Anthony Savas, 72, New York, N.Y.
Vladimir Savinkin, 21, New York, N.Y.
John Sbarbaro, 45, New York, N.Y.
Robert L. Scandole, 36, Pelham Manor, N.Y.
Michelle Scarpitta, 26, New York, N.Y.
Dennis Scauso, 46, Dix Hills, N.Y.
John A. Schardt, 34, New York, N.Y.
John G. Scharf, 29, Manorville, N.Y.
Fred Claude Scheffold, 57, Piermont, N.Y.
Angela Susan Scheinberg, 46, New York, N.Y.
Scott M. Schertzer, 28, Edison, N.J.
Sean Schielke, 27, New York, N.Y.
Steven Francis Schlag, 41, Franklin Lakes, N.J.
Jon S. Schlissel, 51, Jersey City, N.J.
Karen Helene Schmidt, 42, Bellmore, N.Y.
Ian Schneider, 45, Short Hills, N.J.
Thomas G. Schoales, 27, Stony Point, N.Y.
Marisa Di Nardo Schorpp, 38, White Plains, N.Y.
Frank G. Schott, 39, Massapequa Park, N.Y.
Gerard P. Schrang, 45, Holbrook, N.Y.
Jeffrey Schreier, 48, New York, N.Y.
John T. Schroeder, 31, Hoboken, N.J.
Susan Lee Kennedy Schuler, 55, Allentown, N.J.
Edward W. Schunk, 54, Baldwin, N.Y.
Mark E. Schurmeier, 44, McLean, Va.
Clarin Shellie Schwartz, 51, New York, N.Y.
John Schwartz, 49, Goshen, Conn.
Mark Schwartz, 50, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Adriane Victoria Scibetta, 31, New York, N.Y.
Raphael Scorca, 61, Beachwood, N.J.
Randolph Scott, 48, Stamford, Conn.
Christopher J. Scudder, 34, Monsey, N.Y.
Arthur Warren Scullin, 57, New York, N.Y.
Michael Seaman, 41, Manhasset, N.Y.
Margaret Seeliger, 34, New York, N.Y.
Carlos Segarra, 54, New York, N.Y.
Anthony Segarra, 52, New York, N.Y.
Jason Sekzer, 31, New York, N.Y.
Matthew Carmen Sellitto, 23, Morristown, N.J.
Howard Selwyn, 47, Hewlett, N.Y.
Larry John Senko, 34, Yardley, Pa.
Arturo Angelo Sereno, 29, New York, N.Y.
Frankie Serrano, 23, Elizabeth, N.J.
Alena Sesinova, 57, New York, N.Y.
Adele Sessa, 36, New York, N.Y.
Sita Nermalla Sewnarine, 37, New York, N.Y.
Karen Lynn Seymour-Dietrich, 40, Millington, N.J.
Davis (Deeg) Sezna, 22, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Joseph Sgroi, 45, New York, N.Y.
Jayesh Shah, 38, Edgewater, N.J.
Khalid M. Shahid, 25, Union, N.J.
Mohammed Shajahan, 41, Spring Valley, N.Y.
Gary Shamay, 23, New York, N.Y.
Earl Richard Shanahan, 50, New York, N.Y.
Shiv Shankar, New York, N.Y.
Neil G. Shastri, 25, New York, N.Y.
Kathryn Anne Shatzoff, 37, New York, N.Y.
Barbara A. Shaw, 57, Morris Township, N.J.
Jeffrey J. Shaw, 42, Levittown, N.Y.
Robert J. Shay, 27, New York, N.Y.
Daniel James Shea, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y.
Joseph Patrick Shea, 47, Pelham, N.Y.
Linda Sheehan, 40, New York, N.Y.
Hagay Shefi, 34, Tenafly, N.J.
John Anthony Sherry, 34, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Atsushi Shiratori, 36, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Shubert, 43, New York, N.Y.
Mark Shulman, 47, Old Bridge, N.J.
See-Wong Shum, 44, Westfield, N.J.
Allan Shwartzstein, 37, Chappaqua, N.Y.
Johanna Sigmund, 25, Wyndmoor, Pa.
Dianne T. Signer, 32, New York, N.Y.
Gregory Sikorsky, 34, Spring Valley, N.Y.
Stephen Gerard Siller, 34, West Brighton, N.Y.
David Silver, 35, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Craig A. Silverstein, 41, Wyckoff, N.J.
Nasima H. Simjee, 38, New York, N.Y.
Bruce Edward Simmons, 41, Ridgewood, N.J.
Arthur Simon, 57, Thiells, N.Y.
Kenneth Alan Simon, 34, Secaucus, N.J.
Michael John Simon, 40, Harrington Park, N.J.
Paul Joseph Simon, 54, New York, N.Y.
Marianne Simone, 62, New York, N.Y.
Barry Simowitz, 64, New York, N.Y.
Jeff Simpson, 38, Lake Ridge, Va.
Roshan R. (Sean) Singh, 21, New York, N.Y.
Khamladai K. (Khami) Singh, 25, New York, N.Y.
Thomas E. Sinton, 44, Croton-on-hudson, N.Y.
Peter A. Siracuse, 29, New York, N.Y.
Muriel F. Siskopoulos, 60, New York, N.Y.
Joseph M. Sisolak, 35, New York, N.Y.
John P. Skala, 31, Clifton, N.J.
Francis J. Skidmore, 58, Mendham, N.J.
Toyena Corliss Skinner, 27, Kingston, N.J.
Paul A. Skrzypek, 37, New York, N.Y.
Christopher Paul Slattery, 31, New York, N.Y.
Vincent R. Slavin, 41, Belle Harbor, N.Y.
Robert Sliwak, 42, Wantagh, N.Y.
Paul K. Sloan, 26, New York, N.Y.
Stanley S. Smagala, 36, Holbrook, N.Y.
Wendy L. Small, 26, New York, N.Y.
Catherine T. Smith, 44, West Haverstraw, N.Y.
Daniel Laurence Smith, 47, Northport, N.Y.
George Eric Smith, 38, West Chester, Pa.
James G. Smith, 43, Garden City, N.Y.
Joyce Smith, 55, New York, N.Y.
Karl Trumbull Smith, 44, Little Silver, N.J.
Kevin Smith, 47, Mastic, N.Y.
Leon Smith, 48, New York, N.Y.
Moira Smith, 38, New York, N.Y.
Rosemary A. Smith, 61, New York, N.Y.
Sandra Fajardo Smith, 37, New York, N.Y.
Jeffrey Randall Smith, 36, New York, N.Y.
Bonnie S. Smithwick, 54, Quogue, N.Y.
Rochelle Monique Snell, 24, Mount Vernon, N.Y.
Leonard J. Snyder, 35, Cranford, N.J.
Astrid Elizabeth Sohan, 32, Freehold, N.J.
Sushil Solanki, 35, New York, N.Y.
Ruben Solares, 51, New York, N.Y.
Naomi Leah Solomon, 52, New York, N.Y.
Daniel W. Song, 34, New York, N.Y.
Michael C. Sorresse, 34, Morris Plains, N.J.
Fabian Soto, 31, Harrison, N.J.
Timothy P. Soulas, 35, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Gregory T. Spagnoletti, 32, New York, N.Y.
Donald F. Spampinato, 39, Manhasset, N.Y.
Thomas Sparacio, 35, New York, N.Y.
John Anthony Spataro, 32, Mineola, N.Y.
Robert W. Spear, 30, Valley Cottage, N.Y.
Maynard S. Spence, 42, Douglasville, Ga.
George E. Spencer, 50, West Norwalk, Conn.
Robert Andrew Spencer, 35, Red Bank, N.J.
Mary Rubina Sperando, 39, New York, N.Y.
Frank J. Spinelli, 44, Short Hills, N.J.
William E. Spitz, 49, Oceanside, N.Y.
Joseph P. Spor, 35, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Klaus Johannes Sprockamp, 42, Muhltal, Germany
Saranya Srinuan, 23, New York, N.Y.
Michael F. Stabile, 50, New York, N.Y.
Lawrence T. Stack, 58, Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
Capt. Timothy Stackpole, 42, New York, N.Y.
Richard James Stadelberger, 55, Middletown, N.J.
Eric A. Stahlman, 43, Holmdel Township, N.J.
Gregory M. Stajk, 46, Long Beach, N.Y.
Corina Stan, 31, Middle Village, N.Y.
Alexandru Liviu Stan, 34, New York, N.Y.
Mary D. Stanley, 53, New York, N.Y.
Joyce Stanton
Patricia Stanton
Anthony M. Starita, 35, Westfield, N.J.
Jeffrey Stark, 30, New York, N.Y.
Derek James Statkevicus, 30, Norwalk, Conn.
Craig William Staub, 30, Basking Ridge, N.J.
William V. Steckman, 56, West Hempstead, N.Y.
Eric Thomas Steen, 32, New York, N.Y.
William R. Steiner, 56, New Hope, Pa.
Alexander Robbins Steinman, 32, Hoboken, N.J.
Andrew Stergiopoulos, 23, New York, N.Y.
Andrew Stern, 41, Bellmore, N.Y.
Martha Jane Stevens, 55, New York, N.Y.
Richard H. Stewart, 35, New York, N.Y.
Michael James Stewart, 42, New York, N.Y.
Sanford M. Stoller, 54, New York, N.Y.
Lonny J. Stone, 43, Bellmore, N.Y.
Jimmy Nevill Storey, 58, Katy, Texas
Timothy Stout, 42, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.
Thomas S. Strada, 41, Chatham, N.J.
James J. Straine, 36, Oceanport, N.J.
Edward W. Straub, 48, Morris Township, N.J.
George Strauch, 53, Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.
Edward T. Strauss, 44, Edison, N.J.
Steven R. Strauss, 51, Fresh Meadows, N.Y.
Steven F. Strobert, 33, Ridgewood, N.J.
Walwyn W. Stuart, 28, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Benjamin Suarez, 36, New York, N.Y.
David S. Suarez, 24, Princeton, N.J.
Ramon Suarez, 45, New York, N.Y.
Yoichi Sugiyama, 34, Fort Lee, N.J.
William Christopher Sugra, 30, New York, N.Y.
Daniel Suhr, 37, Nesconset, N.Y.
David Marc Sullins, 30, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan, 38, Massapequa, N.Y.
Patrick Sullivan, 32, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Sullivan, 38, Kearney, N.J.
Hilario Soriano (Larry) Sumaya, 42, New York, N.Y.
James Joseph Suozzo, 47, Hauppauge, N.Y.
Colleen Supinski, 27, New York, N.Y.
Robert Sutcliffe, 39, Huntington, N.Y.
Selina Sutter, 63, New York, N.Y.
Claudia Suzette Sutton, 34, New York, N.Y.
John F. Swaine, 36, Larchmont, N.Y.
Kristine M. Swearson, 34, New York, N.Y.
Brian Edward Sweeney, 29, Merrick, N.Y.
Kenneth J. Swensen, 40, Chatham, N.J.
Thomas F. Swift, 30, Jersey City, N.J.
Derek O. Sword, 29, New York, N.Y.
Kevin T. Szocik, 27, Garden City, N.Y.
Gina Sztejnberg, 52, Ridgewood, N.J.
Norbert P. Szurkowski, 31, New York, N.Y.
Harry Taback, 56, New York, N.Y.
Joann Tabeek, 41, New York, N.Y.
Norma C. Taddei, 64, New York, N.Y.
Michael Taddonio, 39, Huntington, N.Y.
Keiji Takahashi, 42, Tenafly, N.J.
Keiichiro Takahashi, 53, Port Washington, N.Y.
Phyllis Gail Talbot, 53, New York, N.Y.
Robert R. Talhami, 40, Shrewsbury, N.J.
Sean Patrick Tallon, 26, Yonkers, N.Y.
Paul Talty, 40, Wantagh, N.Y.
Maurita Tam, 22, New York, N.Y.
Rachel Tamares, 30, New York, N.Y.
Hector Tamayo, 51, New York, N.Y.
Michael Andrew Tamuccio, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y.
Kenichiro Tanaka, 52, Rye Brook, N.Y.
Rhondelle Cherie Tankard, 31, Devonshire, Bermuda
Michael Anthony Tanner, 44, Secaucus, N.J.
Dennis Gerard Taormina, 36, Montville, N.J.
Kenneth Joseph Tarantino, 39, Bayonne, N.J.
Allan Tarasiewicz, 45, New York, N.Y.
Ronald Tartaro, 39, Bridgewater, N.J.
Darryl Taylor, 52, New York, N.Y.
Donnie Brooks Taylor, 40, New York, N.Y.
Lorisa Ceylon Taylor, 31, New York, N.Y.
Michael M. Taylor, 42, New York, N.Y.
Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41, Hyde Park, N.Y.
Yeshavant Moreshwar Tembe, 59, Piscataway, N.J.
Anthony Tempesta, 38, Elizabeth, N.J.
Dorothy Temple, 52, New York, N.Y.
Stanley L. Temple, 77, New York, N.Y.
David Tengelin, 25, New York, N.Y.
Brian J. Terrenzi, 29, Hicksville, N.Y.
Lisa Marie Terry, 42, Rochester, Mich.
Goumatie T. Thackurdeen, 35, New York, N.Y.
Harshad Sham Thatte, 30, Norcross, Ga.
Thomas F. Theurkauf, 44, Stamford, Conn.
Lesley Anne Thomas, 40, Hoboken, N.J.
Brian T. Thompson, 49, Dix Hills, N.Y.
Clive Thompson, 43, Summit, N.J.
Glenn Thompson, 44, New York, N.Y.
Perry Anthony Thompson, 36, Mount Laurel, N.J.
Vanavah Alexi Thompson, 26, New York, N.Y.
Capt. William Harry Thompson, 51, New York, N.Y.
Nigel Bruce Thompson, 33, New York, N.Y.
Eric Raymond Thorpe, 35, New York, N.Y.
Nichola A. Thorpe, 22, New York, N.Y.
Sal Tieri, 40, Shrewsbury, N.J.
John Patrick Tierney, 27, New York, N.Y.
Mary Ellen Tiesi, 38, Jersey City, N.J.
William R. Tieste, 54, Basking Ridge, N.J.
Kenneth F. Tietjen, 31, Matawan, N.J.
Stephen Edward Tighe, 41, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Scott C. Timmes, 28, Ridgewood, N.Y.
Michael E. Tinley, 56, Dallas, Texas
Jennifer M. Tino, 29, Livingston, N.J.
Robert Frank Tipaldi, 25, New York, N.Y.
John J. Tipping, 33, Port Jefferson, N.Y.
David Tirado, 26, New York, N.Y.
Hector Luis Tirado, 30, New York, N.Y.
Michelle Titolo, 34, Copiague, N.Y.
John J. Tobin, 47, Kenilworth, N.J.
Richard J. Todisco, 61, Wyckoff, N.J.
Vladimir Tomasevic, 36, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Stephen K. Tompsett, 39, Garden City, N.Y.
Thomas Tong, 31, New York, N.Y.
Azucena de la Torre, 50, New York, N.Y.
Doris Torres, 32, New York, N.Y.
Luis Eduardo Torres, 31, New York, N.Y.
Amy E. Toyen, 24, Newton, Mass.
Christopher M. Traina, 25, Bricktown, N.J.
Daniel Patrick Trant, 40, Northport, N.Y.
Abdoul Karim Traore, 41, New York, N.Y.
Glenn J. Travers, 53, Tenafly, N.J.
Walter (Wally) P. Travers, 44, Upper Saddle River, N.J.
Felicia Traylor-Bass, 38, New York, N.Y.
Lisa L. Trerotola, 38, Hazlet, N.J.
Karamo Trerra, 40, New York, N.Y.
Michael Trinidad, 33, New York, N.Y.
Francis Joseph Trombino, 68, Clifton, N.J.
Gregory J. Trost, 26, New York, N.Y.
William Tselepis, 33, New Providence, N.J.
Zhanetta Tsoy, 32, Jersey City, N.J.
Michael Patrick Tucker, 40, Rumson, N.J.
Lance Richard Tumulty, 32, Bridgewater, N.J.
Ching Ping Tung, 44, New York, N.Y.
Simon James Turner, 39, London, England
Donald Joseph Tuzio, 51, Goshen, N.Y.
Robert T. Twomey, 48, New York, N.Y.
Jennifer Tzemis, 26, New York, N.Y.
John G. Ueltzhoeffer, 36, Roselle Park, N.J.
Tyler V. Ugolyn, 23, New York, N.Y.
Michael A. Uliano, 42, Aberdeen, N.J.
Jonathan J. Uman, 33, Westport, Conn.
Anil Shivhari Umarkar, 34, Hackensack, N.J.
Allen V. Upton, 44, New York, N.Y.
Diane Maria Urban, 50, Malverne, N.Y.
John Damien Vaccacio, 30, New York, N.Y.
Bradley H. Vadas, 37, Westport, Conn.
William Valcarcel, 54, New York, N.Y.
Mayra Valdes-Rodriguez, 39, New York, N.Y.
Felix Antonio Vale, 29, New York, N.Y.
Ivan Vale, 27, New York, N.Y.
Santos Valentin, 39, New York, N.Y.
Benito Valentin, 33, New York, N.Y.
Manuel Del Valle, 32, New York, N.Y.
Carlton Francis Valvo, 38, New York, N.Y.
Edward Raymond Vanacore, 29, Jersey City, N.J.
Jon C. Vandevander, 44, Ridgewood, N.J.
Frederick T. Varacchi, 35, Greenwich, Conn.
Gopalakrishnan Varadhan, 32, New York, N.Y.
David Vargas, 46, New York, N.Y.
Scott C. Vasel, 32, Park Ridge, N.J.
Santos Vasquez, 55, New York, N.Y.
Azael Ismael Vasquez, 21, New York, N.Y.
Arcangel Vazquez, 47, New York, N.Y.
Peter Anthony Vega, 36, New York, N.Y.
Sankara S. Velamuri, 63, Avenel, N.J.
Jorge Velazquez, 47, Passaic, N.J.
Lawrence Veling, 44, New York, N.Y.
Anthony M. Ventura, 41, Middletown, N.J.
David Vera, 41, New York, N.Y.
Loretta A, Vero, 51, Nanuet, N.Y.
Christopher Vialonga, 30, Demarest, N.J.
Matthew Gilbert Vianna, 23, Manhasset, N.Y.
Robert A. Vicario, 40, Weehawken, N.J.
Celeste Torres Victoria, 41, New York, N.Y.
Joanna Vidal, 26, Yonkers, N.Y.
John T. Vigiano, 36, West Islip, N.Y.
Joseph Vincent Vigiano, 34, Medford, N.Y.
Frank J. Vignola, 44, Merrick, N.Y.
Joseph B. Vilardo, 44, Stanhope, N.J.
Sergio Villanueva, 33, New York, N.Y.
Chantal Vincelli, 38, New York, N.Y.
Melissa Vincent, 28, Hoboken, N.J.
Francine A. Virgilio, 48, New York, N.Y.
Lawrence Virgilio, 38
Joseph G. Visciano, 22, New York, N.Y.
Joshua S. Vitale, 28, Great Neck, N.Y.
Maria Percoco Vola, 37, New York, N.Y.
Lynette D. Vosges, 48, New York, N.Y.
Garo H. Voskerijian, 43, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Alfred Vukosa, 37, New York, N.Y.
Gregory Wachtler, 25, Ramsey, N.J.
Gabriela Waisman, 33, New York, N.Y.
Wendy Alice Rosario Wakeford, 40, Freehold, N.J.
Courtney Wainsworth Walcott, 37, New York, N.Y.
Victor Wald, 49, New York, N.Y.
Benjamin Walker, 41, Suffern, N.Y.
Glen J. Wall, 38, Rumson, N.J.
Mitchel Scott Wallace, 34, Mineola, N.Y.
Lt. Robert F. Wallace, 43, New York, N.Y.
Roy Michael Wallace, 42, Wyckoff, N.J.
Peter G. Wallace, 66, Lincoln Park, N.J.
Jean Marie Wallendorf, 23, New York, N.Y.
Matthew Blake Wallens, 31, New York, N.Y.
John Wallice, 43, Huntington, N.Y.
Barbara P. Walsh, 59, New York, N.Y.
James Walsh, 37, Scotch Plains, N.J.
Jeffrey Patrick Walz, 37, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Ching H. Wang, 59, New York, N.Y.
Weibin Wang, 41, Orangeburg, N.Y.
Lt. Michael Warchola, 51, Middle Village, N.Y.
Stephen Gordon Ward, 33, Gorham, Maine
James A. Waring, 49, New York, N.Y.
Brian G. Warner, 32, Morganville, N.J.
Derrick Washington, 33, Calverton, N.Y.
Charles Waters, 44, New York, N.Y.
James Thomas (Muddy) Waters, 39, New York, N.Y.
Capt. Patrick J. Waters, 44, New York, N.Y.
Kenneth Watson, 39, Smithtown, N.Y.
Michael H. Waye, 38, Morganville, N.J.
Walter E. Weaver, 30, Centereach, N.Y.
Todd C. Weaver, 30, New York, N.Y.
Nathaniel Webb, 56, Jersey City, N.J.
Dinah Webster, 50, Port Washington, N.Y.
Joanne Flora Weil, 39, New York, N.Y.
Michael Weinberg, 34, New York, N.Y.
Steven Weinberg, 41, New City, N.Y.
Scott Jeffrey Weingard, 29, New York, N.Y.
Steven Weinstein, 50, New York, N.Y.
Simon Weiser, 65, New York, N.Y.
David T. Weiss, 50, New York, N.Y.
David M. Weiss, 41, Maybrook, N.Y.
Vincent Michael Wells, 22, Redbridge, England
Timothy Matthew Welty, 34, Yonkers, N.Y.
Christian Hans Rudolf Wemmers, 43, San Francisco, Calif.
Ssu-Hui (Vanessa) Wen, 23, New York, N.Y.
Oleh D. Wengerchuk, 56, Centerport, N.Y.
Peter M. West, 54, Pottersville, N.J.
Whitfield West, 41, New York, N.Y.
Meredith Lynn Whalen, 23, Hoboken, N.J.
Eugene Whelan, 31, Rockaway Beach, N.Y.
John S. White, 48, New York, N.Y.
Edward James White, 30, New York, N.Y.
James Patrick White, 34, Hoboken, N.J.
Kenneth W. White, 50, New York, N.Y.
Leonard Anthony White, 57, New York, N.Y.
Malissa White, 37, New York, N.Y.
Wayne White, 38, New York, N.Y.
Adam S. White, 26, New York, N.Y.
Leanne Marie Whiteside, 31, New York, N.Y.
Mark Whitford, 31, Salisbury Mills, N.Y.
Michael T. Wholey, 34, Westwood, N.J.
Mary Lenz Wieman, 43, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Jeffrey David Wiener, 33, New York, N.Y.
William J. Wik, 44, Crestwood, N.Y.
Alison Marie Wildman, 30, New York, N.Y.
Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, 46, Bayport, N.Y.
John C. Willett, 29, Jersey City, N.J.
Brian Patrick Williams, 29, New York, N.Y.
Crossley Williams, 28, Uniondale, N.Y.
David Williams, 34, New York, N.Y.
Deborah Lynn Williams, 35, Hoboken, N.J.
Kevin Michael Williams, 24, New York, N.Y.
Louis Calvin Williams, 53, Mandeville, La.
Louie Anthony Williams, 44, New York, N.Y.
Lt. John Williamson, 46, Warwick, N.Y.
Donna Wilson, 48, Williston Park, N.Y.
William E. Wilson, 58, New York, N.Y.
Cynthia Wilson, 52, New York, N.Y.
David H. Winton, 29, New York, N.Y.
Glenn J. Winuk, 40, New York, N.Y.
Thomas Francis Wise, 43, New York, N.Y.
Alan L. Wisniewski, 47, Howell, N.J.
Frank T. Wisniewski, 54, Basking Ridge, N.J.
David Wiswall, 54, North Massapequa, N.Y.
Sigrid Charlotte Wiswe, 41, New York, N.Y.
Michael R. Wittenstein, 34, Hoboken, N.J.
Christopher W. Wodenshek, 35, Ridgewood, N.J.
Martin P. Wohlforth, 47, Greenwich, Conn.
Katherine S. Wolf, 40, New York, N.Y.
Jenny Seu Kueng Low Wong, 25, New York, N.Y.
Jennifer Y. Wong, 26, New York, N.Y.
Siu Cheung Wong, 34, Jersey City, N.J.
Yin Ping (Steven) Wong, 34, New York, N.Y.
Yuk Ping Wong, 47, New York, N.Y.
Brent James Woodall, 31, Oradell, N.J.
James J. Woods, 26, New York, N.Y.
Patrick Woods, 36, New York, N.Y.
Richard Herron Woodwell, 44, Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J.
Capt. David Terence Wooley, 54, Nanuet, N.Y.
John Bentley Works, 36, Darien, Conn.
Martin Michael Wortley, 29, Park Ridge, N.J.
Rodney James Wotton, 36, Middletown, N.J.
William Wren, 61, Lynbrook, N.Y.
John Wright, 33, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Neil R. Wright, 30, Asbury, N.J.
Sandra Wright, 57, Langhorne, Pa.
Jupiter Yambem, 41, Beacon, N.Y.
Suresh Yanamadala, 33, Plainsboro, N.J.
Matthew David Yarnell, 26, Jersey City, N.J.
Myrna Yaskulka, 59, New York, N.Y.
Shakila Yasmin, 26, New York, N.Y.
Olabisi L. Yee, 38, New York, N.Y.
Edward P. York, 45, Wilton, Conn.
Kevin Patrick York, 41, Princeton, N.J.
Raymond York, 45, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Suzanne Youmans, 60, New York, N.Y.
Jacqueline (Jakki) Young, 37, New York, N.Y.
Barrington L. Young, 35, New York, N.Y.
Elkin Yuen, 32, New York, N.Y.
Joseph Zaccoli, 39, Valley Stream, N.Y.
Adel Agayby Zakhary, 50, North Arlington, N.J.
Arkady Zaltsman, 45, New York, N.Y.
Edwin J. Zambrana, 24, New York, N.Y.
Robert Alan Zampieri, 30, Saddle River, N.J.
Mark Zangrilli, 36, Pompton Plains, N.J.
Ira Zaslow, 55, North Woodmere, N.Y.
Kenneth Albert Zelman, 37, Succasunna, N.J.
Abraham J. Zelmanowitz, 55, New York, N.Y.
Martin Morales Zempoaltecatl, 22, New York, N.Y.
Zhe (Zack) Zeng, 28, New York, N.Y.
Marc Scott Zeplin, 33, Harrison, N.Y.
Jie Yao Justin Zhao, 27, New York, N.Y.
Ivelin Ziminski, 40, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Michael Joseph Zinzi, 37, Newfoundland, N.J.
Charles A. Zion, 54, Greenwich, Conn.
Julie Lynne Zipper, 44, Paramus, N.J.
Salvatore J. Zisa, 45, Hawthorne, N.J.
Prokopios Paul Zois, 46, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Joseph J. Zuccala, 54, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Andrew Steven Zucker, 27, New York, N.Y.
Igor Zukelman, 29, New York, N.Y.


American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center with 92 people on board.


Barbara Arestegui, 38, Marstons Mills, Massachusetts
Jeffrey Collman, 41, Novato, Calif.
Sara Low, 28, Batesville, Arkansas
Karen A. Martin, 40, Danvers, Mass.
First Officer Thomas McGuinness, 42, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Kathleen Nicosia, 54, Winthrop, Mass.
John Ogonowski, 52, Dracut, Massachusetts
Betty Ong, 45, Andover, Massachusetts
Jean Roger, 24, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Dianne Snyder, 42, Westport, Massachusetts
Madeline Sweeney, 35, Acton, Massachusetts


Anna Williams Allison, 48, Stoneham, Massachusetts
David Angell, 54, Pasadena, California
Lynn Angell, 45, Pasadena, California
Seima Aoyama, 48, Culver City, Calif.
Myra Aronson, 52, Charlestown, Massachusetts
Christine Barbuto, 32, Brookline, Massachusetts
Carolyn Beug, 48, Los Angeles, California
Kelly Ann Booms, 24, Brookline, Mass.
Carol Bouchard, 43, Warwick, Rhode Island
Neilie Anne Heffernan Casey, 32, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Jeffrey Coombs, 42, Abington, Massachusetts
Tara Creamer, 30, Worcester, Massachusetts
Thelma Cuccinello, 71, Wilmot, New Hampshire
Patrick Currivan, 52, Winchester, Mass.
Brian Dale, 43, Warren, New Jersey
David DiMeglio, 22, Wakefield, Mass.
Donald Americo DiTullio, 49, Peabody, Mass.
Albert Dominguez, 66, Sydney, Australia
Paige Farley-Hackel, 46, Newton, Mass.
Alex Filipov, 70, Concord, Massachusetts
Carol Flyzik, 40, Plaistow, N.H.
Paul Friedman, 45, Belmont, Massachusetts
Karleton D.B. Fyfe, 31, Brookline, Massachusetts
Peter Gay, 54, Tewksbury, Massachusetts
Linda George, 27, Westboro, Massachusetts
Edmund Glazer, 41, Los Angeles, California
Lisa Fenn Gordenstein, 41, Needham, Massachusetts
Andrew Peter Charles Curry Green, 34, Santa Monica, Calif.
Peter Hashem, 40, Tewksbury, Massachusetts
Robert Hayes, 37, from Amesbury, Massachusetts
Edward (Ted) R. Hennessy, 35, Belmont, Mass.
John A. Hofer, 45, Los Angeles, Calif.
Cora Hidalgo Holland, 52, of Sudbury, Massachusetts
Nicholas Humber, 60, of Newton, Massachusetts,
Waleed Iskandar, 34, London, England
John Charles Jenkins, 45, Cambridge, Mass.
Charles Edward Jones, 48, Bedford, Mass.
Robin Kaplan, 33, Westboro, Massachusetts
Barbara Keating, 72, Palm Springs, Calif.
David P. Kovalcin, 42, Hudson, New Hampshire
Judy Larocque, 50, Framingham, Mass.
Natalie Janis Lasden, 46, Peabody, Mass.
Daniel John Lee, 34, Van Nuys, Calif.
Daniel C. Lewin, 31, Charlestown, Mass.
Susan A. MacKay, 44, Westford, Massachusetts
Christopher D. Mello, 25, Boston, Mass.
Jeff Mladenik, 43, Hinsdale, Illinois
Antonio Jesus Montoya Valdes, 46, East Boston, Mass.
Carlos Alberto Montoya, 36, Bellmont, Mass.
Laura Lee Morabito, 34, Framingham, Massachusetts
Mildred Rose Naiman, 81, Andover, Mass.
Laurie Ann Neira, 48, Los Angeles, Calif.
Renee Newell, 37, of Cranston, Rhode Island
Jacqueline J. Norton, 61, Lubec, Maine
Robert Grant Norton, 85, Lubec, Maine
Jane M. Orth, 49, Haverhill, Mass.
Thomas Pecorelli, 31, of Los Angeles, California
Berinthia Berenson Perkins, 53, Los Angeles, Calif.
Sonia Morales Puopolo, 58, of Dover, Massachusetts
David E. Retik, 33, Needham, Mass.
Philip M. Rosenzweig, 47, Acton, Mass.
Richard Ross, 58, Newton, Massachusetts
Jessica Sachs, 22, Billerica, Massachusetts
Rahma Salie, 28, Boston, Mass.
Heather Lee Smith, 30, Boston, Mass.
Douglas J. Stone, 54, Dover, N.H
Xavier Suarez, 41, Chino Hills, Calif.
Michael Theodoridis, 32, Boston, Mass.
James Trentini, 65, Everett, Massachusetts
Mary Trentini, 67, Everett, Massachusetts
Pendyala Vamsikrishna, 30, Los Angeles, Calif.
Mary Wahlstrom, 78, Kaysville, Utah
Kenneth Waldie, 46, Methuen, Massachusetts
John Wenckus, 46, Torrance, Calif.
Candace Lee Williams, 20, Danbury, Conn.
Christopher Zarba, 47, Hopkinton, Massachusetts


American Airlines Flight 77, from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon with 64 people aboard.


Charles Burlingame, 51, Herndon, Va.
David M. Charlebois, 39, Washington, D.C
Michele Heidenberger, 57, Chevy Chase, Md.
Jennifer Lewis, 38, Culpeper, Virginia
Kenneth Lewis, 49, Culpeper, Virginia
Renee A. May, 39, Baltimore, Md


Paul Ambrose, 32, Washington, D.C.
Yeneneh Betru, 35, Burbank, Calif
Mary Jane (MJ) Booth, 64, Falls Church, Va.
Bernard Curtis Brown, 11, Washington, D.C.
Suzanne Calley, 42, San Martin, Calif.
William Caswell, 54, Silver Spring, Md.
Sarah Clark, 65, Columbia, Md.
Zandra Cooper, Annandale, Va.
Asia Cottom, 11, Washington, D.C.
James Debeuneure, 58, Upper Marlboro, Md.
Rodney Dickens, 11, Washington, D.C.
Eddie Dillard, Alexandria, Va.
Charles Droz, 52, Springfield, Va.
Barbara G. Edwards, 58, Las Vegas, Nev.
Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, University Park, Md.
Zoe Falkenberg, 8, University Park, Md.
Dana Falkenberg, 3, of University Park, Md.
James Joe Ferguson, 39, Washington, D.C.
Wilson "Bud" Flagg, 63, Millwood, Va.
Darlene Flagg, 63, Millwood, Va.
Richard Gabriel, 54, Great Falls, Va.
Ian J. Gray, 55, Columbia, Md.
Stanley Hall, 68, Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
Bryan Jack, 48, Alexandria, Va.
Steven D. Jacoby, 43, Alexandria, Va.
Ann Judge, 49, Great Falls, Va.
Chandler Keller, 29, El Segundo, Calif.
Yvonne Kennedy, 62, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Norma Khan, 45, Reston, Va.
Karen A. Kincaid, 40, Washington, D.C.
Dong Lee, 48, Leesburg, Va.
Dora Menchaca, 45, of Santa Monica, Calif.
Christopher Newton, 38, Anaheim, Calif.
Barbara Olson, 45, Great Falls, Va
Ruben Ornedo, 39, Los Angeles, Calif.
Robert Penniger, 63, of Poway, Calif.
Robert R. Ploger, 59, Annandale, Va.
Lisa J. Raines, 42, Great Falls, Va.
Todd Reuben, 40, Potomac, Maryland
John Sammartino, 37, Annandale, Va.
Diane Simmons, Great Falls, Va.
George Simmons, Great Falls, Va.
Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Robert Speisman, 47, Irvington, N.Y
Norma Lang Steuerle, 54, Alexandria, Va.
Hilda E. Taylor, 62, Forestville, Md
Leonard Taylor, 44, Reston, Va.
Sandra Teague, 31, Fairfax, Va.
Leslie A. Whittington, 45, University Park, Maryland.
John D. Yamnicky, 71, Waldorf, Md.
Vicki Yancey, 43, Springfield, Va.
Shuyin Yang, 61, Beijing, China
Yuguag Zheng, 65, Beijing, China


United Airlines Flight 175, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, was the second hijacked plane to strike the World Trade Center, plowing into the south tower. Two pilots, seven flight attendants and 56 passengers were on board.


Robert Fangman, 33, Claymont, Del.
Michael R. Horrocks, 38, Glen Mills, Pa.
Amy N. Jarret, 28, North Smithfield, R.I.
Amy R. King, 29, Stafford Springs, Conn.
Kathryn L. LaBorie, 44, Providence, R.I.
Alfred Gilles Padre Joseph Marchand, 44, Alamogordo, N.M.
Capt. Victor Saracini, 51, Lower Makefield Township, Pa.
Michael C. Tarrou, 38, Stafford Springs, Conn.
Alicia Nicole Titus, 28, San Francisco, Calif.


Alona Avraham, 30, Asdod, Israel.
Garnet Edward (Ace) Bailey, 54, Lynnfield, Mass.
Mark Bavis, 31, West Newton, Mass.
Graham Andrew Berkeley, 37, Boston, Mass.
Touri Bolourchi, 69, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Klaus Bothe, 31, Linkenheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Daniel R. Brandhorst, 41, Los Angeles, Calif
David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst, 3, Los Angeles, Calif.
John Brett Cahill, 56, Wellesley, Mass.
Christoffer Carstanjen, 33, Turner Falls, Mass.
John (Jay) J. Corcoran, 43, Norwell, Mass
Dorothy Alma DeAraujo, 80, Long Beach, Calif.
Ana Gloria Pocasangre de Barrera, 49, San Salvador, El Salvador
Lisa Frost, 22, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.
Ronald Gamboa, 33, Los Angeles, Calif.
Lynn Catherine Goodchild, 25, Attleboro, Mass.
Peter Morgan Goodrich, 33, Sudbury, Mass.
Douglas A. Gowell, 52, Methuen, Mass.
The Rev. Francis E. Grogan, 76, of Easton, Mass.
Carl Max Hammond, 37, Derry, N.H.
Peter Hanson, 32, Groton, Mass.
Sue Kim Hanson, 35, Groton, Mass.
Christine Lee Hanson, 2, Groton, Mass.
Gerald F. Hardacre, 61, Carlsbad, Calif.
Eric Samadikan Hartono, 20, Boston, Mass.
James E. Hayden, 47, Westford, Mass.
Herbert W. Homer, 48, Milford, Mass.
Robert Adrien Jalbert, 61, Swampscott, Mass.
Ralph Francis Kershaw, 52, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass.
Heinrich Kimmig, 43, Willstaett, Germany
Brian Kinney, 29, Lowell, Mass.
Robert George LeBlanc, 70, Lee, N.H.
Maclovio Lopez, Jr., 41, Norwalk, Calif.
Marianne MacFarlane, MacFarlane, 34, Revere, Mass.
Louis Neil Mariani, 59, Derry, N.H.
Juliana Valentine McCourt, 4, New London, Conn.
Ruth Magdaline McCourt, 45, New London, Conn.
Wolfgang Peter Menzel, 59, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Shawn M. Nassaney, 25, Pawtucket, R.I.
Marie Pappalardo, 53, Paramount, Calif.
Patrick Quigley, 40, of Wellesley, Mass.
Frederick Charles Rimmele, 32, Marblehead, Mass.
James M. Roux, 43, Portland, Maine
Jesus Sanchez, 45, Hudson, Mass.
Mary Kathleen Shearer, 61, Dover, N.H.
Robert Michael Shearer, 63, Dover, N.H.
Jane Louise Simpkin, 36, Wayland, Mass.
Brian D. Sweeney, 38, Barnstable, Mass.
Timothy Ward, 38, San Diego, Calif.
William M. Weems, 46, Marblehead, Mass.


United Airlines Flight 93, from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania, with 45 people on board.

Lorraine G. Bay, 58, East Windsor, N.J.
Sandra W. Bradshaw, 38, Greensboro, N.C.
Jason Dahl, 43, Denver, Colo.
Wanda Anita Green, 49, Linden, N.J.
Leroy Homer, 36, Marlton, N.J.
CeeCee Lyles, 33, Fort Myers, Fla.
Deborah Welsh, 49, New York, N.Y.


Christian Adams, 37, Biebelsheim, Germany
Todd Beamer, 32, Cranbury, N.J.
Alan Beaven, 48, Oakland, CA
Mark K. Bingham, 31, San Francisco, Calif.
Deora Frances Bodley, 20, San Diego, Calif.
Marion Britton, 53, New York, N.Y.
Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, San Ramon, Calif.
William Cashman, 57, North Bergen, N.J.
Georgine Rose Corrigan, 56, Honolulu, Hawaii
Patricia Cushing, 69, Bayonne, N.J.
Joseph Deluca, 52, Ledgewood, N.J.
Patrick Joseph Driscoll, 70, Manalapan, N.J.
Edward P. Felt, 41, Matawan, N.J.
Jane C. Folger, 73, Bayonne, N.J.
Colleen Laura Fraser, 51, Elizabeth, N.J.
Andrew Garcia, 62, Portola Valley, Calif.
Jeremy Glick, 31, Hewlett, N.J.
Lauren Grandcolas, 38, San Rafael, Calif.
Donald F. Greene, 52, Greenwich, Conn.
Linda Gronlund, 46, Warwick, N.Y.
Richard Guadagno, 38, of Eureka, Calif.
Toshiya Kuge, 20, Nishimidoriguoska, Japan
Hilda Marcin, 79, Budd Lake, N.J.
Nicole Miller, 21, San Jose, Calif.
Louis J. Nacke, 42, New Hope, Pa.
Donald Arthur Peterson, 66, Spring Lake, N.J.
Jean Hoadley Peterson, 55, Spring Lake, N.J.
Waleska Martinez Rivera, 37, Jersey City, N.J.
Mark Rothenberg, 52, Scotch Plains, N.J.
Christine Snyder, 32, Kailua, Hawaii
John Talignani, 72, New York, N.Y.
Honor Elizabeth Wainio, 27, Watchung, N.J.
Olga Kristin Gould White, 65, New York, N.Y.

Pentagon attack

The Department of Defense reports a total of 125 service members, employees and contract workers died in the September 11 attack on the Pentagon building. An additional 64 people died aboard the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the west side of the building.

Spc. Craig Amundson, 28, Fort Belvoir, Va.
Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Redlands, Calif.
(Retired) Master Sgt. Max Beilke, 69, Laurel, Md.
Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, Md.
Carrie Blagburn, 48, Temple Hills, Md.
Lt. Col. Canfield D. Boone, 54, Clifton, Va.
Donna Bowen, 42, Waldorf, Md.
Allen Boyle, 30, Fredericksburg, Va.
Christopher Lee Burford, 23, Hubert, N.C.
Daniel Martin Caballero, 21, Houston, Texas
Sgt. 1st Class Jose Orlando Calderon-Olmedo, 44, Annandale, Va.
Angelene C. Carter, 51, Forrestville, Md.
Sharon Carver, 38, Waldorf, Md.
John J. Chada, 55, Manassas, Va.
Rosa Maria (Rosemary) Chapa, 64, Springfield, Va.
Julian Cooper, 39, Springdale, Md.
Lt. Cmdr. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, N.C.
Ada M. Davis, 57, Camp Springs, Md.
Capt. Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, Mass.
Lt. Col. Jerry Don Dickerson, 41, Durant, Miss.
Johnnie Doctor, 32, Jacksonville, Fla.
Capt. Robert Edward Dolan, 43, Alexandria, Va.
Cmdr. William Howard Donovan, 37, Nunda, N.Y.
Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn, 39, Springfield, Va.
Edward Thomas Earhart, 26, Salt Lick, Ky.
Lt. Cmdr. Robert Randolph Elseth, 37, Vestal, N.Y.
Jamie Lynn Fallon, 23, Woodbridge, Va.
Amelia V. Fields, 36, Dumfries, Va.
Gerald P. Fisher, 57, Potomac, Md.
Matthew Michael Flocco, 21, Newark, Del.
Sandra N. Foster, 41, Clinton, Md.
Capt. Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, 57, Elgin, Neb.
Cortz Ghee, 54, Reisterstown, Md.
Brenda C. Gibson, 59, Falls Church, Va.
Ron Golinski, 60, Columbia, Md.
Diane M. Hale-McKinzy, 38, Alexandria, Va.
Carolyn B. Halmon, 49, Washington, D.C.
Sheila Hein, 51, University Park, Md.
Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Shawnee, Kan.
Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan, 40, Fla.
Jimmie Ira Holley, 54, Lanham, Md.
Angela Houtz, 27, La Plata, Md.
Brady K. Howell, 26, Arlington, Va.
Peggie Hurt, 36, Crewe, Va.
Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland, 45, Burke, Va.
Robert J. Hymel, 55, Woodbridge, Va.
Sgt. Maj. Lacey B. Ivory, 43, Woodbridge, Va.
Lt. Col. Dennis M. Johnson, 48, Port Edwards, Wis.
Judith Jones, 53, Woodbridge, Va.
Brenda Kegler, 49, Washington, D.C.
Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, 31, Baton Rouge, La.
David W. Laychak, 40, Manassas, Va.
Samantha Lightbourn-Allen, 36, Hillside, Md.
Maj. Steve Long, 39, Ga.
James Lynch, 55, Manassas, Va.
Terence M. Lynch, 49, Alexandria, Va.
Nehamon Lyons, 30, Mobile, Ala.
Shelley A. Marshall, 37, Marbury, Md.
Teresa Martin, 45, Stafford, Va.
Ada L. Mason, 50, Springfield, Va.
Lt. Col. Dean E. Mattson, 57, Calif.
Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude, 53, Fort Myer, Va.
Robert J. Maxwell, 53, Manassas, Va.
Molly McKenzie, 38, Dale City, Va.
Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, 41, Springfield, Va.
Maj. Ronald D. Milam, 33, Washington, D.C.
Gerard (Jerry) P. Moran, 39, Upper Marlboro, Md.
Odessa V. Morris, 54, Upper Marlboro, Md.
Brian Anthony Moss, 34, Sperry, Okla.
Ted Moy, 48, Silver Spring, Md.
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy, 38, Flossmoor, Ill.
Khang Nguyen, 41, Fairfax, Va.
Michael Allen Noeth, 30, New York, N.Y.
Diana Borrero de Padro, 55, Woodbridge, Va.
Spc. Chin Sun Pak, 25, Lawton, Okla.
Lt. Jonas Martin Panik, 26, Mingoville, Pa.
Maj. Clifford L. Patterson, 33, Alexandria, Va.
Lt. J.G. Darin Howard Pontell, 26, Columbia, Md.
Scott Powell, 35, Silver Spring, Md.
(Retired) Capt. Jack Punches, 51, Clifton, Va.
Joseph John Pycior, 39, Carlstadt, N.J.
Deborah Ramsaur, 45, Annandale, Va.
Rhonda Rasmussen, 44, Woodbridge, Va.
Marsha Dianah Ratchford, 34, Prichard, Ala.
Martha Reszke, 36, Stafford, Va.
Cecelia E. Richard, 41, Fort Washington, Md.
Edward V. Rowenhorst, 32, Lake Ridge, Va.
Judy Rowlett, 44, Woodbridge, Va.
Robert E. Russell, 52, Oxon Hill, Md.
William R. Ruth, 57, Mount Airy, Md.
Charles E. Sabin, 54, Burke, Va.
Marjorie C. Salamone, 53, Springfield, Va.
Lt. Col. David M. Scales, 44, Cleveland, Ohio
Cmdr. Robert Allan Schlegel, 38, Alexandria, Va.
Janice Scott, 46, Springfield, Va.
Michael L. Selves, 53, Fairfax, Va.
Marian Serva, 47, Stafford, Va.
Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower, 40, Naperville, Ill.
Antoinette Sherman, 35, Forest Heights, Md.
Don Simmons, 58, Dumfries, Va.
Cheryle D. Sincock, 53, Dale City, Va.
Gregg Harold Smallwood, 44, Overland Park, Kan.
(Retired) Lt. Col. Gary F. Smith, 55, Alexandria, Va.
Patricia J. Statz, 41, Takoma Park, Md.
Edna L. Stephens, 53, Washington, D.C.
Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland, 52, Woodbridge, Va.
Maj. Kip P. Taylor, 38, McLean, Va.
Sandra C. Taylor, 50, Alexandria, Va.
Karl W. Teepe, 57, Centreville, Va.
Sgt. Tamara Thurman, 25, Brewton, Ala.
Lt. Cmdr. Otis Vincent Tolbert, 38, Lemoore, Calif.
Willie Q. Troy, 51, Aberdeen, Md.
Lt. Cmdr. Ronald James Vauk, 37, Nampa, Idaho
Lt. Col. Karen Wagner, 40, Houston, Texas
Meta L. Waller, 60, Alexandria, Va.
Staff Sgt. Maudlyn A. White, 38, St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Sandra L. White, 44, Dumfries, Va.
Ernest M. Willcher, 62, North Potomac, Md.
Lt. Cmdr. David Lucian Williams, 32, Newport, Ore.
Maj. Dwayne Williams, 40, Jacksonville, Ala.
Marvin R. Woods, 57, Great Mills, Md.
Kevin Wayne Yokum, 27, Lake Charles, La.
Donald McArthur Young, 41, Roanoke, Va.
Lisa L. Young, 36, Germantown, Md.
Edmond Young, 22, Owings, Md.


TOTAL: 2996