December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!

New Year
MySpace Graphics & Free Myspace Layouts

Cheers to a New Year! I'll be glad when 2008 is history....and that will be at precisely midnight (der). I decided to ring in the new year at home. Every year I go out and every year it's the same thing....crowds, no cabs, drunk annoying people & my arse hungover and feeling like crap. LOL So I'm making some food and plan on playing games with my family and having a few coctails. Note, I said few. Aren't I a party animal? Growl!

What has 2008 taught me? It's taught me that I don't take good care of every way. I don't make resolutions, because I never stick to them, but I do treat myself better this year. I just want to overall be a better person in general. I will eat a little healthier, even if it's only one of the meals of the day, maybe I'll even start to have breakfast too! I'll also get rid of some clutter, clean out my closet and emotional baggage, so to speak. I have too many external things in my life that's just a distraction, so it's adios to that! I also want to take better care of myself spiritually as well. I need a good cleansing, or..... exorcist. Anyone know of any I can borrow? I'll let ya know how it goes, that is if I can keep my head on straight enough to blog.

So what are your "resolutions" for the new year? I wish everyone a healthy, prosperous and very happy new year for 2009. Be safe and remember...don't drink and drive for the love of God, k?

Peace & Love to all my blog friends.


Robert said...

Come on 2009. I resolve to hug my kids more. Argue less with my wife. Eat less, drink less, laugh more. Worry less about me, care more about others.

Mostly I'd just settle for safe passage to 2010...